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maandag 23 september 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE POLAND POZNAN - news journal UPDATE - (en) Poland, Poznan, FA: Discussion on the theory and practice of social struggles - Trojka (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

30 years of Rozbrat, 50 years of workers' autonomy - what next? ---- Can
social struggles be carried out without the working class and occupied
social centres? Can the working class organize freely without occupied
social centres? Why squats for the working class and vice versa? ---- On
the occasion of 30 years of the occupation of Rozbrat in Poznan, we
invite you to a discussion on the theory and practice of social
struggles from workplaces to the city area and more broadly, and on the
role of autonomous, occupied social centres in shaping these struggles.
The discussion will be attended by representatives of the Italian trade
union ADL Cobas, whose roots go back to the workers' autonomy movement
(autonomia operaia), and representatives of the Django social centre in
Treviso, which cooperates with this union.
 From the first years of its activity, people gathered around Rozbrat
have supported the anti-war, workers', tenants', feminist and ecological
movements. The bond with social organisations has ensured the durability
of this occupation. Over 20 years ago, the Inicjatywa Pracownicza trade
union was established in Rozbrat, together with the workers of the
Cegielski factory. It currently has thousands of employees all over
Poland. After a joint fight in 2012 with the tenants of a tenement house
harassed by cleaners, the Wielkopolska Tenants' Association was
established in Rozbrat, which focuses on defending Poznan residents
against evictions and the city authorities' policy favoring rentiers.
Today, Rozbrat is one of the most important centers of the fight against
developers against the privatization of municipal green areas.

ADL Cobas is a grassroots, militant trade union that was established in
1992 and operates in northern Italy, primarily associating employees of
the logistics industry. At the same time, the union maintains close
cooperation with occupied social centers in several cities, engaging in
joint social struggles in various fields.
Starting from the experience of Italian autonomy, the discussion will
consider the reasons why workers in both Italy and Poland sought new
forms of organization outside the traditional structures of parties and
bureaucratic unions. We will compare and evaluate these experiences in
order to try to outline together the future of the bond between social
struggles, the working class and autonomous forms of organization.


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