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zondag 8 september 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE SPAIN - news journal UPDATE - (en) Spain, Aragon - Apoyo Mutuo: Colectividad #13: Revolutionary syndicalist reflection - Alexis (Union Communiste Libertaire) (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Founded in 2019, the Union Communiste Libertaire campaigns for a break

with capitalism, the socialisation of the means of production and a
classless and stateless society, based on socialist self-management,
real equality between men and women, freedom and direct democracy. ----
trade unionism that returns to the roots of the dynamic of proletarian
self-organisation that the trade union movement represents, integrating
the historical conquests of the emancipatory struggles waged since its
For this reason, we promote the entire repertoire of actions of
revolutionary trade unionism - strikes, boycotts, workers' sabotage,
blockades -, including its new and reinvented forms,
as long as they are based on the direct action of workers.
We defend the perspective of the general strike, as a weapon of the
proletariat to defend its interests, and as a possible
lever for a revolutionary takeover of production. This does
not mean that we should make more and more incantatory
calls, out of context, for a mythical general strike,
but that we should raise it as a strategic objective,
structuring our action.
This means participating in trade union debates and ensuring
that trade union democracy is alive, and sometimes simply
We defend the independence of the unions from
any external grouping that seeks to exploit them, internal
democracy and federalism, the sharing, control and
revocability of mandates. We want to return to interprofessional
practice by developing tools that allow solidarity and class
consciousness to emerge: local unions, departmental unions, industrial
unions and federations, confederations.
The union split is the result of several factors: bureaucratization,
challenges to union independence,
anti-democratic practices, to which competition and partisanship have
since been added. In the face of this logic, and
beyond "organizational patriotisms", we affirm the
need for workers' unity and we propose to work to create the conditions
for a reunification of the
class and fighting union movement, without denying the
difficulties that this implies. We support other forms of organisation
that workers in struggle can adopt (general assembly,
strike committee, coordination, etc.), especially when they can
complement or even compensate for the current limitations of trade union
We defend international solidarity in the trade union sphere. Finally,
we support a trade union practice that
incorporates the diversity of the proletariat: workers in the
public and private sectors, employed or unemployed, active or retired,
whatever their
origin, nationality, sex or sexual orientation.
The reality on the ground can lead us to integrate
our revolutionary trade unionism into different
organisations. For us, the essential thing is the real
possibility that a given structure offers of developing militant
collectives and deploying a demanding activity. Our trade unionism
therefore thinks in terms of the grassroots, and is first and foremost
part of the grassroots structures, but refuses to see the fragmentation
of the trade union movement as something positive or inevitable.
It is in the service of this activity of grassroots collectives, and
scrupulously respecting trade union democracy, that
comrades can be mandated, in all positions and at all levels, by members
of their
As revolutionary trade unionists, we reject the
social democratic division of labour between the party, which
deals with politics, i.e. also with societal issues, and the trade
union, which is limited to
immediate demands.
We believe that the trade union organisation must be the bearer
of its own strategy for the transformation of society,
developed in complete independence. It is an essential space
for the construction of a counter-power. It must
allow us to sharpen the self-management capacities of
our class. Although it seems obvious that trade unions, like all
important social issues, are debated everywhere, including in political
circles, we reject the practice of "factionalism", which leads their
members, whatever their opinion, to act in common agreement to transmit
to the trade union the guidelines of their political organization,
challenging the independence and ability of the latter to develop its
own ideas.

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