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maandag 9 september 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE SPAIN - news journal UPDATE - (en) Spain, Aragon - Apoyo Mutuo: Colectividad #13: Editorial By Apoyo Mutuo Aragón (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Greetings Collectivists! ---- A new issue of the newsletter Colectividad

is back, which follows the II Apoyo Mutuo Aragón Congress. ---- On April
13 and 14 we held our Confederal Congress in Galve (Teruel), the highest
collective decision-making body of Apoyo Mutuo Aragón. ---- With the
motto "Sowing organization to build a strong people", the militancy and
pre-militancy of Apoyo Mutuo Aragón, together with sister organizations,
as observers (Embat, La Saó, Liza, Union Communiste Libertaire, Academia
de la Modernidad Democrática), debate, reach consensus, disagree,
argue, making criticism and self-criticism, with the
intention of continuing to develop and deepen
our Political Line, adjust our organic functioning
to our territorial and militant reality, advance
in the development of the Women's Council and approve
our strategic objectives for this new stage.
During the first two years of Apoyo Mutuo Aragón's
history we have strived to deepen our
analysis of the current political and social situation, giving
special importance to self-criticism, and focusing
on our journey so far. With this we have
aimed to detect the causes that have led us to this
political defeat, to try to solve them, and thus
begin to build a strong and long-lasting revolutionary
organization in Aragon. We have
equipped ourselves with new political tools to
integrate in the future, such as the Analysis of the Situation
or Permanent Training. And of course we have
begun to function as a well-structured political
organization, fulfilling important obligations and
responsibilities on the part of the militancy.
We can say that we have managed to have the
necessary conditions to consolidate the organization and
that we have managed, not without great effort, to have
a revolutionary tool ready to act.

Now we have the challenge as an organization to
present, argue and define to the Aragonese
population why we defend Democratic Confederalism
as a revolutionary proposal emancipating from Capitalism.
 From the most essential values and foundations that
our libertarian comrades
developed during the social revolution here in
our territory, as well as in other places. A
society of free and equal people, who
live together and in solidarity under a democratic
autonomy that stops and excludes exploitation and
A society with a moral and political dimension in
harmony with its existence and development, where people and
groups become subjects.
We know that the stronger the politics in a
society, the weaker the State and the governing powers,
reestablishing the dialectic of the development of the
individual towards society and the development of society towards the
individual, under our pillars of Radical Democracy, Feminism and
Women's Liberation, Cultural Pluralism,
Eco-social Defense of the Territory and Economic
 From the responsibility and conviction of the path
we chose long ago, we continue to move forward.

A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
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