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zaterdag 7 september 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE SOUTH-AMERICA ARGENTINA - (en) Argentina, FORA, Organizacion Obrera #103: SOLIDARITY WITH THE COMRADES OF LA SUIZA (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 From the Argentine Region, the comrades of the F.O.R.A. affiliated to

the C.I.T. express our total solidarity and support to the comrades of
CNT Gijón and especially to the six comrades of "la suiza" in the face
of the employer-judicial injustice that seeks to condemn those who only
wanted to defend their labor rights against the abuses of an abusive and
exploitative employer who, by victimizing itself, reverses roles to
appear as the victim. We understand this Supreme Court ruling as an
intimidating threat against all workers who in the future want to
organize, demand or fight for their rights and dignity, leaving a
reckless precedent at a time when global capitalism is approaching
another of its periodic crises, the product of its ambitious essence of
wars and inequality, and the old conservative and retrograde right is
rising up in new clothes of rancid neoliberalism to defend business
privilege and whitewash exploitation in the 21st century.

We fully support our comrades so that they do not suffer the sentence
that class justice intends to impose on them for defending historically
won rights. The employers, through their governments and their justice
system, will try to put a stop to workers' organization by all means at
their disposal. Class solidarity is the tool that workers around the
world have against union repression or any abuse that the ruling classes
exert on us



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