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maandag 9 september 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE SOUTH AMERICA ARGENTINA - news journal UPDATE - (en) Argentina, FORA, Organizacion Obrera #103: NO AGREEMENT ON LAYOFFS (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Hope for improvement will not come from a government in power or from a

boss. A semester has passed, we have dragged on for more than a century,
current data and official surveys have calculated that in the Argentine
region, around two hundred thousand layoffs were registered in the
private sector, a focus where we will consider key discomfort for a
current situation that is the result of decades of surrender, of
surrender by both state and union bureaucracies, in the face of the
logical abuse of a capitalism that is formed and transformed according
to its needs.

The union most affected by the wave of layoffs, in this semester, was
the Construction union, largely due to the paralysis of public works.

When we take a general look at the region, it becomes clear who
continues to pay the price for capitalist logic and its crises: the
workers, factory closures, layoffs and suspensions are the variables to
harass and deepen their policies of precarization and weakening of the
organized labor movement.

In the automotive industry, the complicity of SMATA is nothing new to
us; just by searching in the archives of this newspaper we will find its
"family tradition" of the bureaucracies of Pignarelli and company,
betrayers of colleagues. In the newspapers such as Ford (Pacheco),
Volkswagen (Pacheco), Toyota (Zarate), General Motors (Alvear), Renault
and Fiat (Cordoba), they have used suspensions (with different excuses
each), voluntary retirements and the dismissal of precarious workers
with temporary contracts as "adjustment" measures. From this focus of
the large multinationals, the outsourced and precarious industry
emerges, which in the same way repeats the measures against those who
work and in favor of the large multinationals that do not want to lose a
penny of their own, and empty our pockets to take less or nothing home.

Dismissals in the ceramics industry, such as the cases of Ferrum and FV
factories located in Villa Rosa, Buenos Aires, where they left out the
cleaning staff and contractors, and where the same will stop its
production, leaving only a minimum guard to cover the production,
suspending almost all of it.

The metalworkers also carry the adjustment measures on their shoulders,
Acindar (Santa Fe) In this semester it stopped its production twice, and
there were around one thousand seven hundred who were suspended on these
occasions on a rotating basis, which obviously implies a great reduction
in salary in these months and without a doubt prepares the ground for
the dismissals. In the case of Tenaris Siderca (Zarate) the employers
are denying the wage increases, making the workers poorer month after
month. One of the fattest in Argentina, Paolo Roca, always allied with
the Government in power, has become richer than ever despite the crisis,
where his adjustment factor is always the known variable, the worker and
his impoverished salary.

In the transport sector, the railway workers are marked by the
government's announcements and the idea of privatization, the emptying
of the lines was the beginning of the plowing of the land. The workers
throughout the country have been denouncing it for some time, the poor
service, the irregularities in security, precisely the lack of
investment, hand in hand with the accidents that are the responsibility
of the state-business, and where Trenes Argentinos is preparing the
dismissal of three thousand more workers in the short term, in order to
definitively move towards privatization. As regards bus drivers, there
have been reports of dismissals in different lines in various provinces,
where even dismissals with unjustified causes are involved. To mention
in Santiago del Estero, local and intercity companies dismissed drivers
who had joined a strike in May, and for the mere fact of exercising
their rights they were fired. Also in Corrientes it was learned, through
an event, where a worker tried to commit suicide by getting under a bus
after learning of his suspension without pay for two months, and that of
60 other colleagues.

Evidently the measures against the caste of the current Government were
nothing more than a deception, for the sweet ears of those who wanted,
through the vote, to end the reign of Peronism, something also
fictitious for now, unfortunately for those who feel identified, as we
have already said from this Federation, whoever wins, the workers lose.
Neither the previous Government nor the current one look after,
according to their logic, the working class. Our task for them is to
sweat and sweat to enrich the national or international bourgeoisie,
giving us the faithful bone of each day so as not to die of hunger,
although today it is almost there. Maybe they need less labor? It does
not matter, let them share what they have.

We cannot allow them to corner us every time their system enters into
crisis. How many times are we going to put up with their Capitalism
going into "short" mode? Let's say enough once and for all, comrades.
That a small part of humanity keeps us at bay by playing with hunger is
not exactly something that has to do with humanity. Let's twist the
exploitative and oppressive arm of the Bourgeoisie and its States. The
union and horizontal organization as a means to achieve an end, the
emancipation of this system of exploitation.

For our Freedom!

Enough of layoffs, suspensions and factory closures!

No more adjustments to the working people!

For free union organization!

A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
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