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zaterdag 21 september 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE SOUTH-AMERICA BRAZIL - news journal UPDATE - (en) Brazil, UNIPA: Communiqué 80 - The municipal elections and the reproduction of the bourgeois order. (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 To the workers of Brazil ---- To the poor youth of the outskirts ---- To

the indigenous and peasant peoples ---- To the black people of the
favelas and outskirts ---- To the women fighters and LGBTT groups ----
To the workers, the unemployed, informal workers, students and teachers
---- The 2024 municipal elections are taking place in the context of the
so-called political polarization between PT and Bolsonarism. However,
when analyzing the electoral alliances, the reality seems to be quite
different, since PT and PL are in the same coalition in 85 municipalities.

The political differences between the "left" and the "far right" seem to
have little meaning in the municipal disputes; more than that, the fight
against fascism seems to be far from the electoral agenda.

In fact, the alliances between Bolsonaro supporters and PT supporters
are just one of the factors that expose the electoral farce, the rigged
game created to legitimize the power of the bourgeois, racist and
patriarchal State.

Upon taking over the management of the State again, the PT rushed to
meet the wishes of the ruling classes by approving the new spending cap
in 2023, renamed the "new fiscal framework". This new framework
generally maintains the spending cap policies of Temer/MDB,
privatizations and "concessions", maintaining revenue based on the
consumption tax that takes money from workers while the bosses, big
businessmen and landowners evade taxes and always wait for a new debt
refinancing, the REFIS, to keep "their business profitable".

The new fiscal framework maintains the financial bourgeoisie's control
over the Brazilian State, which operates the "contingencies", the budget
cuts in social areas. In July, the Lula/PT government cut 15 billion
from the public budget to maintain the spending cap. Of these, 4.4
billion will be cut from health and 1.5 billion from education,
affecting social areas that directly impact the lives of poor people.

We can therefore see that, regardless of the government in power, the
management of the budget and state policies serve the various factions
of the Brazilian and international bourgeoisie.

But it is not enough to simply maintain regressive ultra-liberal
policies; it is necessary to show total subservience to the interests of
the capitalist, racist and patriarchal order.

We are not interested in state management!

The municipal elections are the predecessors of the presidential
elections. Thus, the party that grows the most in the municipal
elections gains more "robustness" to present itself as the majority
ticket in the dispute for the bourgeois state. It is in this coefficient
that the parties of the bourgeois order are interested.

In these elections, the PT, PCdoB and PV are allied with the PL
(Bolsonaro's party) in 85 cities in Brazil. The PT's alliance with
conservative or even reactionary parties is nothing new. Let us remember
that the PT has already allied itself with Crivella, at the time in the
PRB, bishop of the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God and former
mayor of Rio de Janeiro. These alliances only demonstrate that the
election dispute has nothing to do with the party's ideology, but with
the dispute for positions in the bourgeois State. Part of the militants
of the left-wing parties are grassroots militants, sincere and honest,
but they are manipulated by their leaderships that are only concerned
with moving the pieces in the chess game of parliament.

The task of the poor, oppressed and working people should not be to
dispute the elections, to manage the bourgeois State, but to build a
power from below that can pressure, force the State and the bourgeois
factions to meet our immediate demands, what we call a program of
demands. But for us revolutionaries, these demands and popular
mobilization cannot be lost in the simple fulfillment of these demands.
We must use these mobilizations as an instrument to build popular power
that can change the correlation of forces in favor of the people! We
must move from the tactical defensive stance that was imposed on us
after 2017 to a tactical offensive!

Our task as revolutionaries is also to expose reformism and its various
expressions, including the reformism that hides behind struggles that
are so dear to the people, such as those that have been conventionally
called "identity-based." The right to exist with land and dignity of
indigenous peoples has been instrumentalized by reformists. The right to
exist and express oneself of the population that escapes gender roles
and binarism (also called the LGBTTQIA+ population) has been
instrumentalized by reformism. The right to exist of the black
population has been instrumentalized by reformism. Thus, reformism
attracts subjects of this struggle, guiding them towards the dispute of
the State as the only viable alternative, while thousands of these
subjects continue without rights and are victims of countless
oppressions and violence.

The program of demands for this period!

The program of demands depends on the degree of strength of each
category or branch of workers. Organization produces Struggle, and
Struggle drives Organization. The more workers organize to demand, the
more power they have. We can say that Organization is Power

II Conunipa

We understand that bourgeois elections are a time when the parties of
the bourgeois order gather and train militants for their campaigns and
for their groups with the sole purpose of increasing their electoral
coefficient to seek positions in the management of the bourgeois State.
Thus, they operate against our own class. It is the task of
revolutionaries, regardless of ideological orientation, to expose these
would-be parliamentarians and managers of the state machinery.

Therefore, we present as a proposal the creation of committees of the
Don't Vote, Fight! Campaign. This campaign is not intended to simply
present a position for the elections, but to bring together rural and
urban workers, students, residents of the outskirts, indigenous peoples
and traditional communities around a simple platform for defending
rights, which can mobilize our class and get us out of this imposed
defensive tactic, "to get out of this narrow hole".

We humbly propose to coordinate the initiatives of the Don't Vote, Fight
campaign in each municipality where it emerges. Contact us by email:
1. Land regularization, granting of the right to possession for families
living in occupations, slums and outskirts;

2. Reduction of the working day: social indexation of the working day.
That the working day of each category should be set based on the real
supply of labor, in order to cover all workers in the sector.

3. Real increase in the minimum wage; Indexation of wages to the IPCA.

4. Indexation of rents (maximum amount proportional to the income of
tenants); Expropriation of abandoned properties for family settlements;
Subsidies for the construction of affordable housing.

4. Zero fares on public transportation;

5. End to domestic violence; Equal wages, opportunities and rights for
black people, women and indigenous peoples.

6. End to police violence and municipal guards; Free right to work for
street vendors and street vendors.

7. Expropriation of large lands; Subsidies for rural workers!

A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E
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