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zaterdag 21 september 2024


September 21, 2024
Here are this week's most popular positive stories. Like this newsletter? Share it with a friend. Everyone could use a little good news.

It's the last day of summer, but there's still plenty of bright spots to look forward to if you have a sunny outlook!

Autumn, back to school, and election season all offer the hope of positive change, a chance to reconnect with friends, and opportunities to explore your passions and values. It's a great time of year to remind ourselves of our own power, creativity, and resilience.

So whether you're looking forward to pumpkin spice, volunteering in the community, or just nestling in a warm home, we're here to help keep each week bright with a loving helping of good news — so let's enjoy some, shall we?

Joe Biden: Gay people tend to have more courage than most people

Joe Biden: Gay people tend to have more courage than most people

Biden made history this week by becoming the first sitting president to give an interview to an LGBTQ+ news publication. He mentioned Stonewall, his work for equality, and a heartwarming memory of his dad — check it out!

Of course, it's not the first time that Biden has worked with our community. Remember when he helped restore honor to unfairly discharged LGBTQ+ soldiers?

And talking about leaders who advocate for us, don't forget about the times that vice presidential nominee Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz helped defend queer students and Pope Francis showed compassion to a group of transgender Catholics.

Just goes to show that a true leader stands up for those who need it most.

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School board defies state law & lets trans girl play soccer. Her teammates are “very excited.”

A school board helped a trans girl play soccer despite the rules. Her teammates felt so excited!

The school board stood up for equality and gave her a chance to play sports with her friends, just like any sports-loving kiddo wants.
Religious leaders push back against conservative Christians who “misuse religion… for hatred”

Religious leaders are clapping back for queer rights

Nearly 40 religious leaders signed a letter supporting LGBTQ+ rights in the upcoming election. They're changing the narrative on what it means to be a believer.
Joe Biden makes history by confirming 12th LGBTQ+ judge, the most of any presidency

Joe Biden makes history by confirming 12th LGBTQ+ judge, the most of any presidency

He just broke a presidential record! Come meet the new lesbian judge who helped him achieve this historic first.
Conversion therapist sued to be able to convert LGBTQ+ kids. A federal court just said “no.”

A court just stood up for the rights of LGBTQ+ kids to thrive

When a shady group tried challenging a law to protect kids, the judge wasn't having it. Here's how it all went down...
What are the most common trans people’s names? See if your name is on the list.

What are the most common trans people’s names? See if your name is on the list.

Ever wonder how some trans people choose their names? A new study provides some insights and a list of the most popular names — is yours one of them?
Boston finally gets its own lesbian bar

Boston finally gets its own lesbian bar

They're hard to find in some towns, but Dani's Queer Bar is welcoming queer, sapphic women, trans and nonbinary community members — bottoms up!
Thousands of trans protestors hold a dance party outside the Heritage Foundation

Thousands of trans protestors hold a dance party outside the Heritage Foundation

Marchers held signs that said "Gender liberation for all," "our bodies, our futures," and "why are you so obsessed with our bodies?!"
School district will return 36 books removed under anti-LGBTQ+ book ban law

School kids in this district will now get to read inspiring queer stories

The famous authors behind "And Tango Makes Three" wanted to make sure young LGBTQ+ people could see themselves reflected in books.

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