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donderdag 17 oktober 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE GERMANY - news journal UPDATE - (en) Germany, Die Platform: Report: The platform at the System Change Camp in Erfurt (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 The System Change Camp took place in Erfurt just over a month ago.

Hundreds of people from all over Germany and beyond came together for
seven days on a meadow in the Thuringian capital to learn from each
other, discuss and make plans. One of the main focuses of the camp this
year was the fight against the rise of the extreme right, the need for
which has become even more acute with the recent electoral successes of
the AfD.

Another focus was the ongoing acute capitalist destruction of the
environment. After all, the System Change Camp was originally launched
by the climate justice movement. In addition to anti-fascism and
ecology, other topics and overlaps with other questions were also
addressed during the camp days.

This year, we were represented at the camp as a platform for the first
time in an organized form. Members from three local groups traveled
there to contribute to the content of the camp with a total of three of
their own lectures and to attend the discussions at the camp. Our first
lecture dealt with the question of how we analyze fascism historically
and currently and what path we as revolutionary anarchists propose in
the fight against it.

With the second event, we followed on from our ongoing solidarity
campaign with Sudanese anarchists. We gave an insight into the history
of Sudan, the revolution that swept away the old regime in 2019 and the
war that has been drowning the successes of this revolution in blood
since 2023.

In view of the rise of the extreme right, in view of wars and crises all
over the world, we are convinced that a revolutionary alternative to the
status quo is essential. But in order to fight for it, we must organize
ourselves. The last lecture that we brought to the camp therefore
introduced two anarchist organizational approaches - platformism and
especifismo - which are of great importance to us as a platform. We held
it together with our comrades from Perspektive Selbstverwaltung.

All three lectures were well to very well attended. We would like to
thank everyone who attended for their interest, especially for the
lively discussions and questions afterwards. We would also like to thank
the entire System Change Camp for allowing us to be there and to put our
ideas forward for discussion. A special thank you goes to the many
people who made the camp possible in this form by taking on cooking,
awareness and protection shifts. We look forward to hopefully being able
to be there again next year.

A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
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