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maandag 14 oktober 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE ITALY - news journal UPDATE - (en) Italy, FAI - Umanita Nova: From Crispi to Meloni (passing through Mussolini): the Piantedosi bill. (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Exactly one hundred years ago, Italy experienced one of the darkest

phases of its history: bloody repression of the agitations of the
Sicilian Fasci and those in Lunigiana, promulgation of the
"anti-anarchist laws" (July 1894) by the Crispi government. If that
repressive crackdown was "justified" at the time with the large-scale
workers' mobilizations and the anarchist attacks by Sante Caserio and
Paolo Lega, no plausible pretext seems to exist today, in a phase
(unfortunately) of little social effervescence, for the continuous
adoption of repressive measures by the Meloni government.

A very serious danger is today represented by the Piantedosi bill (see
UN n. 24) which, in the total disinterest of the press, is being
discussed in Parliament. If this security package were to be approved,
it would cause the system of public liberties in our country to take a
leap back a hundred years. All that is missing is the return of forced
residence (but they are probably working on it), for this reason the
widest mobilization and the most complete counter-information on the new
measures being adopted are essential.

Summarizing such a broad and organically repressive provision is not
easy but let's try to briefly retrace (and without claiming to be
complete) some of the salient points.

"VERBAL" TERRORISM (art. 1) the simple "knowing" (?) possession of
documents containing instructions on how to prepare bombs, etc. becomes
a crime and entails imprisonment from 2 to 6 years.

REVOCATION OF CITIZENSHIP (art. 9) was already provided for serious
crimes by a 2018 law, in the case of acquired citizenship. Now the
deadline for adopting it after the final conviction is extended from 3
to 10 years (thank goodness it is excluded if the convicted person does
not have another citizenship). It is not provided for (for the moment?)
for citizens from birth.

OCCUPATION OF BUILDINGS (art. 10) increases the penalties (already
aggravated several times in the past years by Renzi, Salvini and then
with the Rave party decree). If the property (and its appurtenances) is
intended "for someone else's domicile" occupying it entails imprisonment
from 2 to 7 years. Proceedings are ex officio if the property is public.
The police can proceed directly with the eviction without waiting for
the magistrate's order.

DAMAGE DURING DEMONSTRATIONS (art. 12) provides for further types of
crime with increased penalties.

URBAN DASPO AND DEFERRED ARREST (art. 13) it is sufficient to have been
reported (not even convicted!) in the previous 5 years for crimes
"against the person or against property" to be excluded, from 12 months
to 2 years, from access to a location (including various
infrastructures: read stations, TAV construction sites and Messina
bridge) furthermore the "deferred" arrest in flagrante delicto is also
extended to crimes committed during public demonstrations.

ROAD AND RAILWAY BLOCK (art. 14) returns to being a criminal offense
(and no longer an administrative offense) if committed using only "one's
own body" by more than one person can lead to imprisonment from 6 months
to 2 years.

can freely and without a license carry weapons even when off duty (art.
28); if reported for acts committed on duty, police officers, military
personnel and firefighters are entitled to a contribution towards legal
expenses (art. 22-23); officers can wear video cameras on duty
especially in prison, CPR and during demonstrations (art. 21); a new
crime has been introduced for injuries to officers during a
demonstration (art. 20); penalties for violence, threats or even simple
resistance to a public official have been increased (art. 19);
defacement of buildings used for "public functions" (courts, barracks
etc.) entails increased penalties (art. 24); failure to comply with
orders given by the traffic police (e.g. Order to stop) entails higher
administrative sanctions regarding fines, deduction of points and
suspension of the driving licence (art. 25). Penalties are introduced
for those who do not comply with orders or oppose the Guardia di
Finanza, Coast Guard and Navy (art. 29).

committed by the army during international missions are declared
non-punishable, including the use of weapons (art. 30). Anti-terrorism
espionage activities are significantly strengthened (art. 31); secret
agents in anti-terrorism functions are authorized to carry out terrorist
acts themselves (!) which cannot be prosecuted (art. 31). This extends
an impunity already partially and temporarily introduced by the Renzi
government with DL 7/2015

SAFETY IN PRISONS AND CPRs (art 26-27, 34) The new crime of "riot inside
a penitentiary institution" is introduced with sentences of 2 to 8 years
for the promoters and 1 to 5 years for simple participation (but
numerous possible aggravating circumstances are also foreseen), the
incitement to disobey the laws entails an aggravating circumstance if
committed inside prisons. In the case of immigration centers (where, let
us remember, people who have not committed any crime are
administratively detained) a prison sentence of 1 to 6 years is foreseen
for those who promote a riot and 1 to 4 years for simple participation
(here too numerous possible aggravating circumstances are foreseen).
Here the State throws away the mask by explicitly declaring the prison
condition of the "guests" of the CPRs. The procedures for the
establishment of new CPRs are simplified.

"ANTI ROMA" RULES (as they have been defined) the suspension of
sentences for pregnant prisoners or mothers of young children is no
longer mandatory but optional (art. 15), new rules are introduced
against those who organize or encourage child begging (art. 16).

In the security frenzy, the cultivation and sale of light hemp is even
prohibited (art. 18). This is one of the few articles to have attracted
the attention of the press.

In the face of such a serious legislative attack, the broadest and most
resolute mobilization is needed. It is likely that in parliament some of
the most scabrous points will be "refined" to give a sop to public
opinion but it is the provision as a whole that must be rejected.
History teaches us that a liberticidal provision is almost never
repealed by successive governments, so we still find ourselves today
with a repressive arsenal dating back largely to Crispi and fascism. It
is necessary to block any further reactionary drift!

Mauro De Agostini

SOURCES: this article is based on the official dossier of September 4,
2024 produced by the research services of the Chamber and Senate and on
previous analyses by the No CPR network and the Documentation Center
against War, both in Milan.

bill 1660, Piantedosi bill, rights, fascism, Meloni government, freedom,
neo-fascism, repression, security

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