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dinsdag 15 oktober 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE ITALY - news journal UPDATE - (en) Italy, UCADI #189 - The Melonization of the Zelensky Government (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 The petulant almoner Zelensky, like his colleague Meloni, is

increasingly under stress, afflicted by the syndrome of suspicions,
betrayals, conspiracies, and he indulges in purges, so much so that his
staff is increasingly composed under the banner of buddy-buddyism. After
all, the Government of Ukraine is not new to dismissals, as the
corruption of its ruling class is notoriously chronic, fattening itself
on the crest it makes on aid from the West, on the sale of part of the
weapons to the black market and the mafia, on the capital gains made on
the trade of grain and foodstuffs, on the sale of exemptions from
compulsory military service, on the trade of confiscated ecclesiastical
property, on the profits made by speculating on the buying and selling
of the assets of the population that has left the country and that sells
off the property to build a new life elsewhere; all causes that, as
reported by the Ukrainian newspapers themselves, have constituted the
reason for the dismissals and changes.
If it is true that the strategic expedient of Kursk was momentarily
worthwhile, to raise the morale of a part of public opinion, it is also
true that the uncertain outcome of the operation that led to the
weakening of the front in Donbass leaves many doubts open on the actual
usefulness of the operation that was possible thanks to a change of pace
in the strategy of the Ukrainian army and of NATO itself. At least some
Western military strategists have taken note that in terms of the number
of conscripts, training and availability of ammunition and volume of
fire, the Ukrainian army is becoming increasingly incapable of
withstanding the growing pressure of the Russian army in a trench and
positional war, such as that which is taking place in Donbass,
accompanied by continuous bombings and the systematic destruction of the
country's energy system and water infrastructure.
For these reasons, even using "volunteers" (read mercenaries), coming
from the most diverse countries, generously paid with Western funding,
Ukraine has put together about 30,000 men to be used for a war of
movement - once it would have been called guerrilla warfare - in a
hit-and-run operation, which is carried out by military forces of
variable size, depending on the need, who carry out incursions across
the border, into Russian territory, and this also with the declared aim
of forcing the Russians to divert at least part of the troops deployed
in the Donbass and to weaken their offensive capabilities. It is worth
noting that the choice of location of the attack takes place in an area
very well known and studied in the military academies of Eastern Europe,
because it was precisely in those territories that the great battles of
the USSR army against the Nazi troops took place, and this allowed the
Ukrainians to operate with full knowledge of the characteristics of the
terrain, thus facilitating the movement of the troops and logistics.
Also in light of the characteristics assumed by the military operation,
the Russians are facing the attack as a police operation, an
anti-terrorism action, bringing in troops from other areas of the
country, rather than diverting forces from Donbass.
For this set of reasons, as we write, the final results of the operation
are uncertain and will probably develop with the presence of a
continuous guerrilla action, which will expand with other Ukrainian
incursions across the border, with widespread, short and fast actions,
to keep the front active. The tactical expedient could work even if it
lacks specific strategic objectives, unless the Russians manage to
interrupt the flow of supplies to the Ukrainian expeditionary force,
especially in relation to the main lines of action, and gather
sufficient forces to open another front in the direction of Sunny, a
city very close to the border and certainly more vulnerable than Kharkov.
This is why, in light of all these unknowns, Ukraine is once again
insistently asking for authorization to use the missile system provided
by NATO for offensive actions in Russian territory, in depth, up to
hitting the bases from which air and missile attacks are launched, and
this cannot but seriously jeopardize the modalities of an inevitable
Russian response to this initiative.
The crisis that has developed in the Ukrainian government and the
intensification of Russian destructive infrastructural actions tell us
that also in view of the outcome of the elections in the United States,
people are starting to think that we need to act quickly to create the
conditions to continue to manage power in the future, even after the war
is over or frozen: for this reason, we need to complete the liquidation
of the canonical Orthodox Church, taking away as many assets and
resources as possible, we need to take possession of as many assets as
possible, taking advantage of the state of war and before the return of
the refugees, we need to lay the foundations to grant control of the
central and essential assets of political power to a well-tested and
homogeneous group of power that, strong in its commitment to the war, is
characterized by a fierce nationalism and is able to guarantee for the
future a government direction consistent with that which characterized
the conduct of war operations. We must not forget that it will be this
ruling class that will manage the business of reconstruction which,
given the catastrophic extent of the damage, will be enormous, and all
at the expense of the European Union; it must be taken into account that
in the new climate of peace or at least of truce, the economic assets of
the country will be rebuilt, while the distribution of landed properties
and building land in the cities and villages, destroyed and to be
rebuilt, will undergo a definitive adjustment. It will still be up to
the ruling class, emerging from the war, to manage relations with the
Union, moving within the community budget to profit for Ukraine from the
majority of the common resources that the Union has, because it is from
these sources that the future wealth of the Ukrainian oligarchs will
derive, who will divide the spoils of war, feasting on the dead.

G. C.

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