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vrijdag 18 oktober 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE ITALY - news journal UPDATE - (en) Italy, UCADI #189 - The flop of the Made in Italy high school (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Since its inception and the government in office, it has made cultural

hegemony an important and qualifying feature of its political action.
The declared objective is to put an end to the hegemony of a supposed
hegemony of left-wing culture that would have dominated the country, to
replace it with the cultural vision that the right has and that
constitutes one of its distinctive characteristics. To quote Gramsci,
who coined the expression, the aim is: «...to establish more intimate
and secure relationships between the ruling groups and the
popular-national mass, that is, to reorganize cultural hegemony». For
him, the bourgeoisie was the hegemonic class, since it was the holder of
culture, while the proletarians who were deprived of it, represented the
subaltern class and therefore it was necessary to reverse this
relationship. We limit ourselves to highlighting a consideration that,
in our opinion, is above all the material conditions, namely the fact
that the boss knows 20,000 words more than the worker that contribute to
determining this hegemony. From this consideration it follows that only
the assumption in first person in political action determines, through
the experience gained in the struggles, the growth of that mass culture
made of collective experiences of solidarity, of material relationships,
that acquisition of knowledge that lays the foundations of the
proletarian counterculture.
However, the fact remains that since the right has become the electoral
majority in this country, an attempt has been underway to decline a
"new" cultural hegemony, following two different and parallel
directions. On the one hand, it has proceeded to occupy all the places
of cultural power, making the new hegemony coincide with a systematic
physical occupation of the positions of power in the cultural field,
making full use of the criteria of the spoils system.
On the other hand, every opportunity has been used to demonstrate a form
of cultural domination, drawing on right-wing thinkers such as Giuseppe
Prezzolini, Gabriele D'Annunzio, fishing out Giovanni Gentile and Ezra
Pound, or grotesquely rediscovering and valorizing J. K. Rowling and the
"philosophy" that inspired her saga. The person in charge of the task
should have been the pro tempore minister of culture Gennaro
Sangiuliano, who has demonstrated his total inadequacy both from a
cultural point of view, making a series of gaffes that have made him
famous, flaunting his lack of culture on every occasion, proving himself
to be "uominu 'e gniente", as they would say in Sicily, in personal and
human relationships, characterizing his ministry with repeated
appointments of clients, family members and associates of all kinds. His
successor Alessandro Giuli, although lacking academic qualifications,
will have to prove that he is up to the task entrusted to him, which
however appears decidedly arduous, given the modus operandi used up to now.

 From culture to education: two ministries of "demerit"

The head of the ministry, Giuseppe Valditara, a member of the Northern
League and a historian of questionable value - who however has had the
merit, unlike his colleague of Culture, in these two years of activity
of offering himself on fewer occasions to the attention of the press
with dubious performances - working in concert with the Ministry of
Business and Made in Italy, has taken on the task of giving substance to
the objectives of the business world towards that of training and school
by inventing a new school, the Made in Italy High School. registering a
resounding flop: last year, when the deadline for enrollment had already
almost expired, the two invented a new school to be born from the bosom
of the high schools. Law 206 2023 was approved, which establishes for
the 2024/2025 school year that only schools that have an Economic and
Social High School (LES) within them can activate Made in Italy High
School (MiI) classes, provided that the total number of classes in the
two high schools does not exceed the current number of LES classes. The
media campaign aimed at convincing school staff and families to create
the new school launched with a great deal of advertising was met with
servile and submissive school principals, appropriately urged to
actively propose themselves. The roll call was answered by 93 petty and
servile school principals, ready to earn the minister's recognition for
their adherence to a non-existent and prospective cultural and
professional proposal, given that the new school aimed to train a ruling
class that "knows how to identify, enhance and protect Italian
excellence in the world from an economic point of view and our cultural
identity" through the acquisition of the "tools necessary for research
and analysis of historical-geographical and artistic-cultural scenarios,
as well as the industrial and economic development of the Made in Italy
production sectors." These themes, defined as "wide-ranging, have a very
ambitious and useful objective for our economy and our culture and are
destined to train "the new ambassadors of Italian beauty, product
quality and Italian inventiveness in the world."
375 students, who fell victim with their families to the bogus "cultural
and professional proposal", which promised to "deepen the study of
economics and law, also paying attention to the mathematical, physical
and natural sciences and to the analysis of the historical,
geographical, artistic and cultural scenarios that are the basis of the
productive fabric of our country" and the knowledge of the "historical
and industrial evolution of the productive sectors of Made in Italy and
acquire skills and knowledge related to business management, market
strategies, development of productive and organizational processes of
Made in Italy companies." (sic!)
The Consultative Section for Regulatory Acts of the Council of State was
aware of this mess and in July of this year expressed doubts and
suspended the opinion on the regulation that defines the timetable of
teaching and specific learning outcomes, in the absence of the
consultative opinion of the State-Regions Conference.
Soon done, the government majority, strong in the control of most of the
Regions at the beginning of this month of September sent the positive
opinion. And this even though the magistrates expressed doubts in
relation to the introduction of the new regulation relating to the
organizational, didactic and organizational structure of the high school
and asked to review the wording relating to the relationship between
deepening and development of knowledge and skills. Further doubts were
expressed in relation to the Foundation "Imprese e giustizia per il Made
in Italy", responsible for supporting the strengthening and expansion of
the educational offer, asking for greater clarity on the meanings of
"strengthening" and "expansion" of the educational offer. The Council of
State was concerned about the costs of this high school, noting that on
this point the accompanying technical report does not specifically
specify that "this provision does not entail new or greater burdens on
public finances". In light of these doubts, the Section had suspended
the issuance of the opinion.

The role of the "Imprese e giustizia" Foundation in the business

But to grasp the importance and the true role of the initiative, we must
refer to the provisions of article 19 of law 206 2023, establishing the
new school. which provides for the establishment of the "Fondazione
imprese e giustizia per il made in Italy" and to this end allocates 1.5
million euros for the year 2024 and 500,000 euros per year starting from
the year 2025. The founding members are the Ministry of Business and
Made in Italy and the Ministry of Education, which jointly define the
strategic objectives and Made in Italy companies are invited to be part
of it, to "create synergies and coordinate skills and resources with the
aim of establishing a system, starting from the main industrial
districts, in which Made in Italy high schools can develop training
projects in line with the guidelines of sustainable economic development
of the country".
Even though its main task seems to be to award "every year the «Maestro
del Made in Italy» prize to entrepreneurs who have particularly
distinguished themselves for their ability to transmit knowledge and
skills to the new generations in the sectors of excellence of Made in
Italy, also through training and awareness-raising initiatives for young
people", the Foundation, as such, can obtain "on free loan real estate
belonging to the state and the available and unavailable assets of the
State", and this seems to constitute one of its main objectives,
together with that of distributing well-paid positions and clientelist
roles to the friends of the moment.
The other is undoubtedly the failed one of satisfying the appetites of
industry for the school, proof of which is that the President of the
Agnelli Foundation has judged the initiative to be decidedly a failure,
given the results of the enrollments and the configuration and
superficiality with which the new school was established.

The flop sacrifices the interests of students and families

But the value of the initiative for the government majority is strategic
and image-related and therefore, even taking into account the small
number of students throughout the national territory, 17 school classes
were authorized in Sicily, 12 in Lombardy and Lazio, 9 in Puglia, 8 in
Marche and Calabria, 6 in Abruzzo, 5 in Tuscany, 3 in Liguria, Piedmont
and Veneto, 2 in Molise and 1 in Basilicata, Emilia-Romagna, Sardinia
and Umbria. And this is also because by authorizing all the requests
each school would have had four to 5 students! Furthermore, the regional
distribution of the classes, placed in relation to the presence of the
Made in Italy industry in the country, says a lot about the relationship
between businesses and schools and about the clientelistic nature of the
initiative given that among the institutional subjects there are also
private schools. Achieving this result was not easy, because it was
necessary to circumvent the rule passed by the same ministry that
establishes the minimum number for the formation of a class of 27. Here
then appears the complacent proposal, later withdrawn, of the Northern
League deputy Giorgia Latini, a friend of the minister, which provided
for the extension of the exemption to the number of students per class
provided for by the so-called "Caivano Decree" that allows exemptions
from the minimum number of students per class in certain geographical
areas and particular situations also for the new Made in Italy high
schools. Such a remedy must have seemed excessive even to this
government and therefore we are waiting for a provision from the
ministry to circumvent the current legislation and this without
realizing that the problems created by the establishment of a new school
with such a small number of students creates other and greater problems.
Being born inside pre-existing school buildings, the new school must
carve out spaces by taking them away from those of the already existing
classes, although the structures are under stress due to the fact that
with the didactic reorganization due to the effects of the PNRR, new
school furniture is being introduced and the classes are being
restructured in ways that require the use of more space, with desks
arranged in a radial pattern, laboratories and so on. In this situation,
it becomes difficult to find spaces for a new structure born without any
type of financing, but as a bud of the already existing ones. And all
this not to mention the problems that emerge regarding the teachers
destined to carry out their activities within the new structures. In
other words, a mess that demonstrates the superficiality with which
inept governments face the problem of a necessary reorganization of
teaching that must do everything to maintain adequate standards of
efficiency and this also because cultural hegemony cannot ignore the
good functioning of the school and the educational system as a whole,
from nursery schools to university, a concern that escapes the
intellectual, technical, managerial, creative, cultural capabilities of
the heads of the ministry of education, as it turned out to be totally
foreign to the head of that of culture.

The Editorial Staff

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