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zondag 3 november 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE CZECH OSTRAVSKA - news journal UPDATE - (en) Czech, Ostravska, OAFed: Pirates - the end of an illusion (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

The Czech Pirate Party, which until recently had the hopes of some
reform anarchists, ended up in the dustbin of history. What lessons can
we learn from this? ---- As a collective of the Ostrava Anarchist
Federation, we have long opposed the tendencies of some leftists and
anti-capitalists who saw potential in cooperation with the state and
capitalism. The words of the pirate vice-president about "infiltration
of the system" already sounded laughable, and when the Czech Pirates
succeeded in the parliamentary elections, it was clear to us how it
would turn out.

The pirates could still have some sense and remain as a protest party in
the opposition. This would perhaps keep the seats for another two or
three election periods. However, the intoxication of power was too
strong, so the former fighters against the establishment entered into a
coalition with the biggest creatures of poly-football politics. The fact
that a mobster, known in criminal circles as Don Pablo, became the
Minister of Justice was not the least reason for them to overthrow the
government. Progressive and anti-capitalist party factions gradually
began to be liquidated, let's remember the case of Tozicek and
Michaillid. And in the end, their most prominent face was Foreign
Minister Jan Lipavský, who did not even find enough decency to
unequivocally condemn the genocide in Gaza and label Israel a terrorist
state. Thanks to his sycophancy, he also stayed at the trough, and in
the next election period he may already be sailing in the colors of TOP 09.

The pirates thus showed that change through representative democracy is
not possible. Any other side would have done the same. Power corrupts
and spineless Lipavians always take the reins in the representative
system. We will enforce systemic change only from below, through
revolutionary direct action.

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