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donderdag 7 november 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE ITALY - news journal UPDATE - (en) Italy, Annarres: OCTOBER 26. LET'S THROW SAND INTO THE ENGINE OF WAR! (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Saturday October 26 Antimilitarist info point at Balon From 10:30 ----

We are at war. Italian troops are engaged in 43 military missions abroad
to defend the interests of the energy and armaments giants made in Italy
and to attack people while traveling. ---- Two and a half years after
the start of the war in Ukraine, hundreds of thousands of people have
died and six million four hundred thousand Ukrainians have had to
abandon their homes. ---- Both in Russia and Ukraine, tens of thousands
of people have deserted, refused to take up arms, fled or are hiding. In
Russia, opposition to the war has cost many people prison, torture and
beatings. Yet it shows no signs of abating.
In Ukraine, professional recruiters are raiding public transport,
markets and shopping centers in search of men of the right age to
capture and drag by force to the front. But in many places they do not
have an easy life: many people get involved to prevent forced enlistments.

The war, once again devastating, unleashed after the ferocious attack by
Hamas on the Israeli civilian population, with killings, rapes and
kidnappings, has reduced most of the homes, hospitals and
infrastructures of Gaza to a pile of rubble. The Gazan population is
locked in a death trap with no possibility of escape. The dead, over
forty thousand, grow day by day among a population gutted by bombs,
without water, food, shelter.
Even in Israel there are those who refuse to enlist, those who do not
accept the occupation and apartheid and oppose them, paying a heavy
price. In Gaza a document by young Gazans tells us that, even in those
conditions, there are those who reject nationalism and the religious war
wanted by the governments of both sides.

In the two years preceding the outbreak of the civil war that reduced
Sudan to rubble, killing or forcing hundreds of thousands of people to
leave their homes, Italy supplied weapons to the RSF, Dagalo's Rapid
Support Force, to block the departures of migrants from that area. For
almost two years Dagalo and his men have returned to their favorite
sport: burning villages, raping women, killing men and enlisting children.

Over a year has passed since the attack on Artsakh by Azerbaijani troops
supplied with weapons by Leonardo and trained in Italy. The ethnic
cleansing of 120,000 Armenians, who fled extermination, has fallen into

Everywhere there are governments that demand that we kill to move a
border, to annihilate the "enemies", other human beings massacred in the
name of their homeland, religion, or the interests of a few powerful people.

Everywhere there are those who oppose, those who desert, those who spit
on the flags of every nation, because they know that only an
international humanity can lay the foundations of that world of free and
equal people that each of us carries in our hearts.

A stone's throw from our homes there are factories that build the
weapons used in the wars that bloody the planet.

In schools, children, girls and boys are subjected to a relentless
campaign of enlistment, to an increasingly marked nationalist propaganda.
In the streets of our city, soldiers armed with machine guns and
truncheons stand alongside the police and carabinieri in the ethnically
targeted control of the poorest suburbs.

They want us to believe that wars are too far away, that we can do
nothing to fight them.
Those who promote, support and fuel wars would like us to be impotent,
passive, defenseless. We are not.
Everywhere there are those who desert, those who fight against the wars
of states.
Supporting deserters is one of the keys to stopping wars.

Every time a soldier enters a school we can get involved, when he is
about to open a weapons factory we can get involved, when they decide to
do exercises near our homes we can get involved.

In our city they intend to build the aerospace city, a war hub, where
the weapons of the future will be designed. It is a project that
features Leonardo, the largest Italian war industry, and the Polytechnic
of Turin. They have the support of everyone: from the municipality, to
the region to the government.
Stopping them is possible. It depends on each of us.

Antimilitarist Assembly
Federazione Anarchica Torinese
Corso Palermo 46
Meetings: every Tuesday at 8:00 PM

Upcoming events:

Saturday, October 26
10:30 AM - 1:30 PM
Antimilitarist rally at Balon

Friday, November 1
Procession against the reopening of the CPR in Turin
4:00 PM Piazza Robilant

Deserters' Days
Saturday, November 2 and Monday, November 4
Against war and militarism

Against war, war production, military occupation of the suburbs,
Against all homelands for a world without borders!
With deserters and objectors to all wars!

Saturday, November 2
No to the city of aerospace! No to the city of weapons
Antimilitarist demonstration
In via Roma in front of the entrance to Galleria San Federico, where the
DAP - Distretto Aerospaziale Piemontese is based

Monday 4 November
Antimilitarist initiatives around Turin
Let's demilitarize the city!

Every Tuesday
from 6pm to 8pm
in corso Palermo 46
(A)distro - books, newspapers, documents and... much more
SeriRiot - self-produced silkscreen printing benefit struggles
Come and browse through the books and magazines, t-shirts and flyers!
Support self-production and information free from the state and the market!
Find out about struggles and events!


Federazione Anarchica Torinese
corso Palermo 46
Meetings - open to interested parties - every Tuesday from 8pm
for info write to fai_torino@autistici.org

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