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zondag 3 maart 2013

(en) France, Coordination of Anarchist Groups CGA Infos and Libertairian Analyses - IAL #94 - Content + Editorial (fr)

Until the abolition of marriage ... marriage for all! ---- Summary: ---- Editorial ---- 
With or without marriage, our desires are a mess! ---- Housing policy: when the state 
creates misery ---- The fight against rape and violence against women is a necessity! ---- 
The Conquest of Bread, a current issue! ---- Prison? : Rehabilitation, suicide or slow 
death ... ---- The conspiracy theories: danger and impasse of social criticism ---- What 
international strategy for CGA ---- Crises of capitalism, build an alternative social ---- 
Editorial ---- The 5th Congress of the Coordination of Anarchist Groups was held from 1 to 
3 November 2012 Toulouges (66), with the aim to enable our organization to continue its 
deliberations and refine its proposals when social situations grossly unfair, and 
participate in - or even suggest - strategies of struggle against the arrogance of 
bankers, bosses and rulers.

Nearly sixty delegate ? e ? s were so moved ? e ? s to address current societal issues.

? " Given the crisis of capitalism, build a social alternative "is the slogan of the CGA 
face a capitalist system that can only produce inequality and make it inaccessible 
satisfaction of basic needs for the vast majority populations. " More than ever, the need
arises for the social revolution to end capitalist barbarity. "Rupture revolutionary 
necessary, which" can only result in the development of struggles and popular 
self-organization, and not be the work of any "supreme saviors" or angels and other 
tribunes "vanguard parties". "For militant ? e ? s of the CGA," the State can not be the 
instrument of transformation of society from the perspective of individual and social 
emancipation . '

? The session on antipatriarcat helped us remember that the motion of the organization 
after long and intense debate in December 2011 is in good condition, a true reflection of
our collective thoughts. We insisted on the denunciation of "rape" and "violence against 
women" and said that it is " the system of male domination [that] organizes the 
oppression of women through domestic labor and free education children, ownership of body
oit freely dispose of their bodies, violence against them (harassment to murder), 
inequality in the workplace, and education differs between girls and boys. "Again, it is 
the struggle that collective CGA wants to use to destroy patriarchy and end rape and violence!

? On international issues, the conference participants agreed on the need to federate the
network "Anarkismo." An internal committee is responsible for drafting a text 
formulantnosproprespropositions. Other perspectives in International led us ? e ? s hoped
the development of relations existing, paying particular attention to our contacts at 
European level.

? The congress produced a motion antifascist who timely deliver a message of mobilization
and unity around libertarian ideas and aspirations that are ours: " ... make every effort
to bar the way to the fascist vermin and all authoritarian tendencies ... "and" ... 
mobilize the broadest possible to create favorable conditions for the eradication of 
fascist ideas and actions and their installation in our society ... ". This is the sense 
of thinking that we conducted and we have translated the necessary immersion in the social 
struggles that we provide " privileged terrain of confrontation necessary to "fascism" 
when committed at the same time The fight against capitalist barbarism, state authority 
and the struggle for the emancipation of the individual ? s ? e. "

In conclusion, this 5th Congress has allowed militant ? e ? s the CGA another step to 
reaffirm their commitment and their integration in the field of social protest.

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