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zondag 3 maart 2013

(en) France, France, Alternatif Curant OCL #225 - Toulouse AZF LOVE YOU, do not miss SNPE-SAFRAN (fr)

Friday, September 21, 2001 at 10:17 in Toulouse, 300 tons of ammonium nitrate exploded in
chemical factory Nitrogen Fertilizers (AZF, a company involved also in the manufacture of
explosives for civil and military). The official few months later, reported 31 dead, (but
forgets to mention dozens of deaths following the day of the explosion), thousands of 
wounded-es (maimed for life, trauma, burn, blind, deaf. ..), more than 50,000 people 
suffering from psychological disorders, 27,000 houses, a hospital, schools, colleges, 
schools, businesses damaged or devastated thousands of employee-'re in trouble, etc.. The
09/24/12, the Court of Appeal of Toulouse condemned the former plant manager, Serge 
Biechlin to 3 years in prison (two suspended and one semi freedom) for manslaughter and 
fined 45,000 ?. The company must pay Great Parish on it a fine of ? 225,000.

AZF LOVE YOU, do not miss SNPE-SAFRAN Double convicted by the Court of Appeal of Toulouse
against the company Great Parish and director of the AZF factory is a satisfaction for 
civil parties (lawyers and advocacy groups victims). For some it is a great victory for us 
it is a defeat.

A defeat, because the symbolic condemnation of Great parish and director AZF is a sad joke 
that is meant only to reassure the public. Defeat, because even if these underlings were 
more heavily sentenced, shareholders and governments themselves (the institutions of the 
State to local authorities that provide operating permits to industrial and urban develop
around the plants ) would be in any way out always. The real culprits disasters are sure 
of their impunity because they are never directly challenged by justice and not directly 

Defeat, because this court orders address here again a signal of convenience to all the 
officials who favor the profits to the safety of employees and residents of the plants. A
two-tiered justice that gives a zealous servant, director, year in semi-freedom for tens 
of thousands of dead and wounded, while daily for facts incomparable these judges to lock
up the poor classes many years. But the prison has never solved anything, it destroys 
individuals and it is not here to demand a little more difficult.

Defeat, because this judgment is insurance for all plant managers: you do not risk 
anything. A judgment that gives them carte blanche to continue to meet the board reluctant 
to invest in security institutions. While everyone agrees that safety techno / industrial
total is impossible. Defeat, because this judgment is maintained for employees believe in
their operating condition that their safety and their working conditions are taken into 
account, they can improve their lives and those of their loved ones by using the law.

Defeat because this judgment is based solely on the official thesis that meets chemical 
governments, while the disorder and the reason d?tat still reigns over the causes of the 
explosion, eg nothing explains the power outage that s is produced on site and in the 
neighborhood a few seconds.

Defeat, because at the end of the pole chemical Toulouse Sud is still there in the city, 
with its production of death. With new businesses bio and nano-technologies and civil war, 
as the company Pylote. With the old SNPE, National Society of Powder and Explosives is now 
called the company HERACLES the group Safran (French only company to make strategic fuel 
for rockets and missiles of the nuclear strike force). Companies subject to secret defense 
handle tons of toxic and explosive. Defeat, because with such productions, a new 
catastrophe is still possible and predictable.

We do not cry victory, because the fight against the military-industrial complex does not
end today with this judgment. There is a world to be destroyed, thousands of industrial 
sites producing death, thousands of AZF power out of our lives. There is a future to 
build, without a state, without shareholders, not employees, not bosses ...

No legislative reform, revision of the law on industrial risks Bachelot, negotiation with
the Ministry of Ecology and other crap will not reduce security risks necro-industrial 
world's population as a whole. Only a global social revolution has a chance to stop the 
process of planetary destruction committed by the war industry, military and civilian.

Still less that, here and everywhere -

The residents of the chemical Toulouse Sud - 09/28/12

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