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zondag 10 maart 2013

France, Alternative Libertaire #224 - Read: Matthew Rigouste, police domination (fr)

Domination police , new album Mathieu Rigouste, specialist security issue and 
post-colonialism, just released by Editions La Fabrique. In line with the Enemy Within, he 
is interested by the operation of the police and its methods of domination. For him, they
are closer, ? intrinsically old colonial methods of supervision. The police will treat 
them differently depending on whether the population lives or not within zones 
"endo-colonial." These parties focus most exploited the proletariat, often non-white. 
These populations are subject to special treatment from the state forces - primarily the 
police - similar to a low-intensity war. ---- For Rigouste, there is a clear kinship 
between the register and safe methods of colonial warfare, theorized by the 
cons-insurgency doctrines which involve surveillance, grid establishment of a 
quasi-permanent state of exception and systematized violence from the forces of "order."

Already described in The Enemy Within , it is the detail of policing that interests the 
author first recalls the origins of the BAC (Brigade Anti Crime). Plainclothes police 
brigade responsible for carrying out the missions of harassment of the population, the 
tray is in direct relation to the old colonial policies assigned to North Africans living
in France (the BNA - Brigade of North Africans - become BAV - Brigade assaults and violence).

The author then examines how the safe management of neighborhoods "endocoloniaux" benefits 
to an entire market sector of the security market that consumes huge. He takes the example 
of arms "non-lethal" as Flashball and Taser. These, while tightening the repression in 
neighborhoods, form juicy profits for multinational control. This dominance police 
involved in the creation of what he calls a "social apartheid" in and out of these 
segregated areas, implies a submission to control the mass registration and the police 
harassment. This book is interesting and innovative as it provides a summary of various 
aspects of police treatment of the working classes perceived - as always - as dangerous. 
For cons, the style is sometimes a little difficult, alternating passages rather simple 
and personal with others more complex sociological jargon. However, all is understandable. 
A good read.

Matthijs (AL Montpellier)

? Matthew Rigouste, Domination police , La Fabrique, 240 pages, 15 euros

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