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zondag 27 juli 2014

(en) Anarkismo.net: The BRICs and the new axis of capitalist expansion (pt)

[machine translation]

by BrunoL

The 6th Summit of the leaders of the bloc of countries comprising Brazil, Russia, India, 
China and South Africa (BRICS) pointed to a realization and two certainties. ---- The 
actual fact is the order of the geographical redistribution of world capitalism. Founding 
pillars of a new Development Bank and Contingency Fund is an important step to overcome 
the moribund order born in Bretton Woods. ---- More important than compete decision space 
within the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is composed another multilateral organization 
in order to strengthen the position of emerging ahead of the G-20. ---- More important 
than compete decision space within the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is composed 
another multilateral organization in order to strengthen the position of emerging ahead of 
the G-20. Specifically, the financial institution can strengthen Brazil's position to 
consolidate both as MERCOSUR, in the medium term, Unasur.

Unfortunately, this view is not shared by all national political elites and even members 
of the Brazilian state customers, as larger contractors or agribusiness. If it was, this 
realization - to create a development bank not subject to superpower nor the EU (read 
Germany and its satellites) - would be consensus here.

Here's the first certainty. The average of the countries need to create their own 
mechanisms, because the absolute development through transnational capitalism integration 
is simply unfeasible.

When Latin Americans lived under such a consensus, our societies almost disintegrated. The 
subcontinent exceeded 50% of informal activity, with the dismantling of the public sector 
and the pillars of social support (which were already weak) dissolved. To avoid returning 
to this corporate catastrophe, is positive that the leading country in Latin America to be 
a member of Brics.

The second certainty is reversed. As winners of the Cold War did not offer anything more 
than conditional integration, the losers (Russia and China) have either decent societies 

There relativism that can tolerate the lack of political freedom or gross violation of 
fundamental rights. India, despite being the largest formal democracy in the world, is an 
archaic caste society. Therefore, the axis of the Brics form at most an economical 
alternative and not the recreation of transformative political possibilities.

The new geography of global capitalism is unwanted fruit of victorious globalization. 
Involves the incorporation of nearly 1 billion new consumers and the abusive use of 
labor-intensive. On the table, the other enables spatial axis of capitalist expansion.

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