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zondag 27 juli 2014

(en) Australia, Anarchist Affinity - The Platform #2 - Labour and Direct Action in America ? The Seattle Solidarity Network

Posted on 26 July 2014 by Tom

In 2007 a group of activists from Seattle decided they needed to try a new approach to 
help working people stand up to their bosses and landlords directly and personally. The 
result was a network called ?Seattle Solidarity?; a directly democratic, mutual-aid 
network of working people. ?SeaSol? is an inspiring new strategy of networking that is 
neither a union or a party; they exist to support individuals to overcome hierarchical 
barriers, encouraging and backing them up in direct actions against their employees or 
landlords. The model has been largely successful, winning most campaigns, and inspiring 
similar networks around the globe. ---- Antonio became a member of SeaSol who joined after 
learning about some of their past victories. His issues regarded his employer: ?Working 
regular 6-day, 72-hour weeks, Antonio received no breaks, no overtime pay, and was paid 
less than $7 per hour (far below Washington State?s minimum wage)?. Together, Antonio and 
SeaSol voted and agreed to ?fight for 30 weeks of back wages, or $6,710.? In an example of 
group direct-action, SeaSol (consisting of roughly 50-100 members) and Antonio walked into 
the store he worked at and delivered their letter straight into the hands of his boss- 
requesting that he meet their demands. The boss contacted a lawyer and made some attempt 
at bargaining for less than their demands, but after only one more direct action from 
Seasol and Antonio, the boss caved and paid on the spot!

Not all actions are as straight forward, however, and many campaigns have had to escalate 
and continue for a long time. The democratic approach means that when someone approaches 
SeaSol with an issue, the group votes on whether they deem the issue reasonable and 
worthwhile undertaking. If so, the approaching person decides on what actions SeaSol are 
allowed to undertake around their issue. For example, if an action might result in 
unreasonable retaliation from a persons employer, and the worker is unwilling to face 
that, then SeaSol will not proceed with that action. However, there is a ?level? based 
system of actions in order to avoid such conflicts. The first action sees the group 
delivery of a letter of demands to the landlord/boss, giving them two weeks to meet their 
demands. If these are not satisfied, the second action involves a more public approach. 
Seasol will distribute leaflets and letters to the neighbours/ investors, and organise 
pickets outside the establishment/housing block. In these actions they try to use as 
little political language as possible in their interaction with the public, sticking to 
plain and simple language to highlight the essence of the matter. A typical leaflet might 
read ?Did you know that this restaurant pays its employees less than minimum wage??

A frustration with traditional unions and NGOs, especially in the case of small-scale 
issues in the workplace or with landlords, led to the idea of building a network that 
could take on such issues in a more personal and straightforward way. According to one 
member the drive behind SealSol ?originated from frustration with symbolic and ineffectual 
anti-war and anti- globalisation protests and anarchist propaganda groups that had limited 
relevance to most people?s lives.? The organisation does not have an explicit political 
mission? they do not exist to overthrow capitalism, there is no clearly defined political 
project, and the organisation has had to learn-as-they-go regarding issues around the 
various ism?s of discrimination. As a consequence, the organisation is changing, learning 
and adopting processes to help better themselves, and in the meantime, is doing an amazing 
job improving the lives of many people. SeaSol helps to educate workers and tenants, 
teaching people that demanding dignity and fairness from an employer or landlord is not 
?causing trouble?, but is instead standing up for basic rights. Actions undertaken help 
put the working class back on the offensive, rather than scrambling to defend the few 
rights they have through
traditional institutions.

SeaSol has proven to be an inspiring example of direct democracy, direct action and 
class-organisation outside traditional organisations, entirely capable of engaging in 
battles and winning. There may be limits to the organisation?s political capabilities, but 
it certainly does what it sets out to do ? inspire, and win victories for working-class.

You can find more information at:



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