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zondag 27 juli 2014

Palestine : Federazione dei Comunisti Anarchici - Luglio - PALESTINE, THE HOSTAGE PERENNIAL (it)

[machine translation]

Continues the war in the Gaza Strip ruled by Hamas, even if worldwide continue 
demonstrations against Israel's guerrafondaie choices. The disappearance of the three 
settlers from Gush Etzion, (Cologne only for Jews under the total control of the State of 
Israel in the West Bank), Israel has laid siege to four million Palestinians, bombing 
hospitals, schools, all sorts of civilian targets, destroying and looting homes, stealing, 
doing kidnapping, wounding and killing both in a targeted way that indiscriminate outside 
of any international law. ---- Over five hundred Gazans were killed, among them many women 
and children, and the killing doesn't stop; There are no more casualties and terror does 
everything else on a people in jail who cannot escape or hide in bunkers.

This ordinary brutality is the official policy of the State of Israel carried out by its 
military, without forgetting the violence committed by Israeli settlers, whose 
paramilitaries continue aggressions against Palestinian civilians have increased in recent 
weeks, the latest episode is the kidnapping and then killing (burnt alive) by Mohammad abu 

But the goal of the Government of Israel is twofold, prevent the acceleration of the peace 
accords and breaking the unity of the Palestinian Government.

Since the election of Obama has continued to increase the international pressure exerted 
on Israel since it withdrew from the occupied territories in the 1967 war. Most Israeli 
efforts goes in the direction of loosen this pressure and blow up the recent agreement 
between the Palestinian elite to the Government in the West Bank and the Hamas government 
elites of the Gaza Strip. The surrender of Hamas, brought to its knees by the economic 
crisis, the Palestinian Authority, complicated by the choices of the Egyptian Government, 
seriously threatens that project of permanent division of Palestinians that Israel has 
devoted much effort, and the total collapse of the Hamas Government in the Gaza Strip 
Israel frightens more than anything else.

When in Israel, 2005 to dodge the Palestinian request to quit the occupied territories in 
the 1967 war, made some sort of retreat, doing his settlers evacuated from the Gaza Strip, 
moving the army and putting an end to his direct control on the Strip, made a giant ghetto 
in continual hostage, that checks everything that enters and exitsas well as all the 
movements of the residents. This Israeli strategy aimed to "liberate" in the Gaza Strip, 
aimed to prevent the jurisdiction and the Government on the Strip to go to the Palestinian 
Authority, to make it possible instead that the control was taken by separatist 
fundamentalists of Hamas, which Israel had sponsored himself years earlier as a competitor 
of Palestinian ruling elite that had signed the Oslo agreements 20 years ago.

Check for residents and the Government in the Gaza Strip, but not involving made entirely 
free from Israeli hegemony, was the means to protect the efforts Israelis into the West Bank.

When the change of regime in Egypt led to the defeat of the Muslim Brotherhood, of which 
Hamas is an ally, the siege on Gaza was tightened even more with almost total closure of 
supply routes means and funds for the Hamas regime. In desperation, the elite in power of 
Hamas had reached a truce agreement with the elite to the Government of the Palestinian 
Authority in the West Bank. This agreement is presented as a threat to the Israeli 
strategy of divide-and-conquer that had worked for so many years and partly justifying the 
Israeli rejection to a peace agreement with the Palestinian Authority and for the 
withdrawal from the occupied West Bank in the 1967 war.

To blow up the truce agreement and unity that DOE of overcome internal divisions to the 
Palestinian elite Israel launched an attack against Hamas ? both in the West Bank and the 
Gaza Strip-hoping to provoke and stir up a tough clash whose outcome would have been the 
restoration to power of independent but weakened Hamas and submissive to .... But the 
Egyptian Government headed by General Sisi, who was primarily responsible for the cutting 
of supplies to the Gaza Strip ruled by Hamas, he refused to do his part because of his 
hostility to the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas and accordingly did fail this time around. 
Necessary at this point to Israel find a reason, or disproportionate to be plausible for a 
diversionary and another military and media offensive. Hence the slaughter endless, finta 
& retaliation in terrible name of three innocent young victims.

Not just a cease-fire and an end to the infinite moment hitting the Palestinians: in 
conjunction with social forces around the world, including Israel, are these days, we call 
for the end of the siege of Gaza, the restoration of civil rights, Chief among them that 
peace and life, land and water, for everyone those who inhabit the territories, the 
cessation of illegal occupations and double legislation.

We support all social and political forces in Israel and the West Bank fighting unit from 
below against the Israeli occupation, against the militarization and apartheid. Even in 
these tough weeks there have been demonstrations in Palestinian popular committees unit, 
international activists and Anarchists against the wall, as the forms of protest, even 
severely challenged by the Israeli right, the anti-militarists, women and men who are 
opposed to this infamous policy of oppression and hatred and who know that building 
justice, together, is the first step in building peace. We are with everyone of them.
Beyond borders, beyond ethnic and religious affiliations, as well as each State.


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