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vrijdag 20 januari 2017

Anarchic update news all over the world - 20 January 2017

Today's Topics:


1.  wsm.ie: Hundreds form protection ring around Apollo house as
      High Court demands evictions by Andrew N Flood 


2.  ainfos.ca/gr: Freedom for anarchist communist Tasos
      Theophilus (gr) [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

3.  US, black rose Federation, Miami: HAITI: STILL IN NEED OF


4.  Greece, On the imprisoned anarchist HÜSEYIN CIVAN --

      ORGANISATION A.P.O. (gr)
      [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

5.  colectivo libertario evora: (SATURDAY) CONCENTRATION IN
      Neither Trump, nor cheating: No more presidents, 

      (pt) [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

6.  class warpar: A rapper-turned-activist is flipping the music
      scene on its head, "Estate of War" by Potent Whisper


Message: 1

Hundreds of people responded to the High Court demanding the eviction of Apollo House by 
linking arms to form a protective ring around it.  The judge  refused the residents an 
extra week to find accommodation despite the housing minister failing to deliver what had 
been promised. ---- As the protest continued one resident told the Irish Times livefeed 
that "We are not knocking on NAMA doors, we are kicking them in" People chanted 'Homes not 
Hostels', 'Homes for All' and 'House the Homeless' while a banner delared 'Homeless people 
are not the problem, they are the result of the problem.'  Traveller activist Eileen Flynn 
who has volunteered at Apollohouse told the crowd "We need to stand together ... this is 
the best movement since 1916" ---- Speaking for Apollo House Rosie told the crowd about 
the betrayal of the minister and the treatment of residents who trusted his word but found 
conditions in the places they were brought to  were "worse than prison".  She continued 
"They are treating us like dogs, they are treating us like fools, we are not taking it 
anymore, this housing crisis is going to end"

In our compilation of video we shot during the protest we argue that the housing crisis is 
no accident - there are plenty of empty houses and apartments.  The crisis in conditions 
for homeless people exists because as a deliberate discipline to scare the rest of the 
population into continuing to pay morgages they can no longer afford and rents that eat 
most of their income.  Huge numbers of politicans are landlords, property specuators or 
the people who take bribes from that wing of capitalism.  That's why they have no interest 
in a solution.



Message: 2

"The class war chose side with the wronged and oppressed of banned and persecuted by the 
guilty and the damned" T. Theophilos --- In August 2012 carried robbery at Alpha Bank in 
Paros during which he was the fatal injuries when a taxi driver tried to prevent the 
escape of robbers. --- A few days later, after an anonymous phone call on Terror, arrested 
the anarchist-communist Tasos Theophilus. --- At that time it had broken with delirious 
way the good cooperation of the police and the media in an impression manufacturing game 
on the existence of revolutionary and anarchist Fund Association - discounting criminal 
guilt. --- Comrade he faced charges of armed robbery, murder and of membership of the 
National Road Conspiracy Nuclei of Fire with unique "incriminating" element being dna 
sample in hat allegedly found at the scene of the robbery.

Despite the collapse of the expanded indictment, which the partner refused in its 
entirety, received 25 years in prison for armed robbery and acquitted on charges of murder 
and membership in CCF

It seems that the state was not satisfied with the predatory sentence imposed. The Dragon 
prosecutor appealed to the law, canceling practically the first instance judgment 
resulting in a retrial of the case from scratch. Anti-appeal serves its fixed political 
goal of power to aponoimatodotisei anarchist struggle. In an effort to raise the 
conservative society, presents the anarchists as ruthless killers of innocent civilians, 
attempting simultaneously to depoliticize the action of armed organizations, which is why 
for many years maintained its theories aligning anarchists - criminal, being revolutionary 
fund etc. .

In times of crisis the state is shielded by means of mechanisms (legal-repressive forces), 
suppressing the enemy within, by imposing predatory penalties and this is reflected in the 
convictions of a series of trials involving anarchist comrades cases.

For our part we believe that the political trials is not only a field relating to 
prisoners and the state, where the only issue at stake in this is the level of penalties, 
but as a field intensification and promotion of the event.

UP demolishing EVERY PRISON


Gathering Solidarity Tuesday, January 10 at 9 am Court of Appeal (Loukareos Street) on the 
6th floor

Solidarity Meeting for political prisoners, imprisoned and persecuted fighters.



Message: 3

Hurricane Matthew made landfall on the island of Haiti on October 4th, 2016 as a Category 
5 hurricane packing 160 mph winds that killed hundreds of people and caused significant 
damage. In the occurring aftermath of this and other disasters, the international 
community reaches out with charitable aid. ---- While immediate relief provides quick 
support, we feel there are limitations to this type of aid. For example, the bulk of this 
aid comes from NGOs that exploit countries ravaged by natural disasters as well as the 
forces of imperialism. They do this by fostering dependency instead of self-determination 
and represent the interests of the dominant classes, the State, and imperialism with the 
facade of being financial missionaries through the "first world". In turn, after the the 
world's attention moves onto new concerns the underlying conditions and structural 
oppression remain and are often further reinforced.

We should instead look to provide meaningful aid for victims of natural or human-made 
disasters by supporting the on the ground work of popular movements and self-sufficient 
organizations. One autonomous movement that is committed to building a new Haiti is Batay 
Ouvriye which is an independent workers organization organizing in the free trade zone and 
among textile and other workers and fights for the economic, political and democratic 
rights of the Haitian people.

Supporting organizations like Batay Ouvriye helps to build solidarity instead of charity 
with workers and communities that share our vision of a world built from the bottom up.

If you are interested in supporting Batay Ouvriye through a donation, you can:

Send a wire transfer donation directly to Batay Ouvriye.
Account No.:45-1100-989-8
Bank's name: SOGEBANK S.A.
Route de Delmas, Port-au-Prince, Haiti (509) 2815 5595
Swift Code for Sogebank: SOGHHTPP

Corresponding banks in the US:
Swift Code: BOFAUS3NOrBank of New York Mellon, New York, USA
Swift Code: IRVTUS3N

Or you can mail checks to the following address:

Frantz Wainwright*
35 NW 195 ST
Miami, FL 33169
* Please write your check out to Frantz Wainwright and note "Donation to BO."

To lend support you can also follow The Rapid Response Network (RRN)
The Rapid Response Network offers prompt solidarity to the struggles of workers against 
exploitation and repression, and alerts groups and individuals of situations that could 
benefit from immediate attention. Be sure to like them on Facebook and follow them on 
Twitter  for updates on this and other solidarity campaigns.



Message: 4

On December 23, 2016, the Istanbul court sentenced Hüseyin Civan, editor of the anarchist 
newspaper Meydan, to imprisonment of one year and three months for "propaganda of 
terrorism" and in particular "for terrorist methods which constitute intimidation, 
violence and threats by means money, the approbation or encouragement of these methods. " 
The chief prosecutor had ordered an investigation against the newspaper from December 2015 
to mark articles that were published in the thirtieth edition, themed "prohibiting 
everything." ---- The imprisonment of Hüseyin Civan part of the repressive campaign of the 
Turkish state, which in recent years manifested in military operations in the Kurdish 
areas, mass persecution and murderous attacks on opposition movements and revolutionary 
organizations. A campaign peaked today, after the failed coup last July and the extension 
of emergency rule. The Erdogan regime, accusing his political opponents of trying to 
overthrow uses the attempted coup on the one hand for clearances in all state apparatuses 
(army, judiciary, public sector) and the other impose totalitarian war on enemy within, 
for the dissolution of class and social elements. At the same time it triggers the fans 
together with the gray wolves to attack the neighborhoods and places of leftist and 
anarchist activists and organizations.

In this direction, anarchists, communists, unionists, teachers, journalists, artists and 
those who deny in any way the omnipotence of the regime they face persecution, torture and 
imprisonment. Still, the same climate, catalyzed elementary rights, prohibits gatherings 
and demonstrations, the newspaper halts, radio and television stations, apply censorship 
and Internet access blocking, parties and organizations designated as terrorist groups, 
incursions made into fighters homes and made attacks on political and social spaces.

The form of state aggression in Turkey is shaped so based on the country's position in the 
arena of geopolitical alliances and rivalries as well as its long-term orientation of 
state and paramilitary terror against revolutionary movements and racing inside.

The iron control and suppression grid that spreads in every field of social life in the 
interior is complemented by its policy in the greater Middle East region which, according 
to the chauvinism of the Turkish state, includes extermination companies Kurdish 
communities, military operations of the Turkish army in northern Syria and elsewhere, 
haphazard cooperation within NATO and the European Union, but even with the ISIS itself.

H EU-Turkey agreement on refugees, which characterizes Turkey as a safe place at the same 
time imprisons thousands of refugees in camps in southeast and west borders and unfolds 
planning to establish an absolutely totalitarian system internally, is declarative for 
what is in store for us the states and the bosses in the coming period, especially at a 
time of sharpening endokyriarchikon rivalries in the region, but also globally.

As Anarchist Political Organisation express our solidarity with anarchist comrades of DAF 
(Anarchist Revolutionary Action) and Meydan newspaper, as well as those fighting in Turkey 
against state totalitarianism, the persecution and imprisonment of militants, keeping 
alive the vision of a world of equality , solidarity and freedom.

Against state and capitalist barbarism and the modern totalitarianism, only hope of the 
oppressed is to connect them so that coping with the joint attack they receive. Only 
through the flame of the games and international resistances it is possible to vindicate 
the real social needs of a free and just society. From neighboring Turkey and 
revolutionary Rozava, the slums of France, to the struggles in Mexico, the resistance of 
the indigenous people in North America and the massive protests against the regime in the 
United States, no one is oppressed not only as there is struggle for freedom.

To take life in our hand, to build a new emancipated society based on dignity, justice, 
freedom and solidarity on the ruins of the power world of the state and capital, making 
reality generalized social self-management.

member of DAF and editor of the anarchist newspaper Meydan




Anarchist Political Organisation - Federation collectivity


Message: 5

(Lisbon) Saturday, January 21, 3 pm, a meeting with the United States Embassy (Av. Das 
Armed Forces) ---- On Saturday, January 21, the Women's March is held in various cities of 
the World, for equality, diversity, justice, the intersectionality of struggles in the 
struggle against various oppressions, the convergence of our communities of resistance, 
under the mote #naosejastrump . But it's not enough that "Do not be Trump." ---- Do not be 
cheating: Do not be President, do not be System, do not be Party, do not be Representative 
Democracy - it was She who chose the rascal - do not be dust-in-eyes! We must confront the 
agents of the cisheteropatriarchy and neoliberal capitalism in all their mutations. ---- 
The mandate of Trump is presented as a threat to women, queers, transgender people, 
immigrants, people of color and non-human animals. In addition to increasing 
discrimination and the risk of hate crimes (as these practices now find legitimacy and 
encouragement in official political discourse), these groups run the risk of seeing 
setbacks in favor of favorable reforms in the last years of neoliberal governance .

The moment makes evident the incipience of the rights achieved by reformism; Rights that 
some say acquired and others conquered, but which are no more than "rights granted". 
Because the truth is that, between coming presidents and coming presidents, women, 
non-white people, immigrants, LBTQIA + communities and nonhuman animals always find 
themselves having to negotiate with others what they can or They can not do with your 
body. What "freedom" is this if we are dependent on the approval of a group of 
politicians, or even a majority, to decide on our own body and how to perform / experience 
/ live in it? The state is an institution whose essence is authoritarian, oppressive and 
cisheteropatriarcal. Its existence is based, and its purpose is to guarantee, the control 
and exploitation of the bodies of some in favor of the accumulation of wealth of the minority.

We must build and make visible the alternatives, which there are! It is necessary that we 
cease to be concerned only with the isolated materializations of oppression and dismantle 
the hierarchical status quo that serves as the cornerstone for the cisheteropatriarcal 
system, but without falling into the error of speaking from the nonexistent place of a 
neutral universal subject. The resistance is made by the visibility and liberation of all 
- women, gypsies, queers, immigrants, with functional diversity, trans, blacks, whores, 
cows, nuts, goats, rats and other animals.

Thus, from our multiple places of enunciation, we - feminists, anti-speculators, antifa, 
fufas, bisexuals, queers, heteras, nonmonogamists, tarts - But self-determination. We want 
and are capable of self-organization, horizontality and cooperation!

Fascism No!
State feminism is no solution!

MAM-Portugal and Libertarian Agenda Lx

here:  https://www.facebook.com/events/1809150286006313/


Message: 6

13 JAN THE CANARY: With 2017 looking set to be a year of more political upheaval, music is 
perhaps the one thing that can cross into all walks of life. And a rapper from south-west 
London is doing just that. With some of the rawest and sharpest politically-motivated 
hip-hop around. The Canary caught up with the man, ‘Potent Whisper', for a chat. About 
class, council estates, and Harrods... ---- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGcuNBxkN1Y 
---- As The Canary previously reported, on Saturday 7 January United Voices of the World 
union (UVW) and Class War held a major protest at Harrods, over staff pay. Campaigners 
believed the police presence was over the top. And Whisper, who was at the demo, agrees: 
---- "It seems to me that the police are always more interested in protecting private 
assets than facilitating people's right to protest peacefully. The eight arrests that day 
were undoubtedly political policing. And it's something that we're increasingly seeing."

At Saturday's demo, he took the opportunity to record a video for his upcoming EP. Called 
New Radical, it features four tracks. And he has given The Canary a sneak preview... full 
article here 



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