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maandag 23 januari 2017

Anarchic update news all over the world - Part 1- 23 January 2017

Today's Topics:


1.  The Commission's Factory Workers Initiative at the
      University of Gdansk on the protest of students 01.25.2017 r.
      [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

2.  France, Alternative Libertaire AL Decembre - Essay:
      Non-elective affinities (fr, it, pt) [machine translation]

3.  France, Alternative Libertaire AL - January CLASH, 2017: our
      resolution? The revolution! (fr, it, pt) [machine translation]

4.  anarkismo.net: Body Of YPG Volunteer Michael Israel Returns
      To U.S. To Be Laid To Rest by IGD (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

5.  Greece, Libertarian Thessaloniki Initiative: march against
      Sunday work -- NEVER WORK ON SUNDAY (gr) 

      [machine translation]

6.  Britain, freedom news: Mexico: State steps up pressure on
      autonomous Oaxaca groups (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

7.  France, Alternative Libertaire AL Decembre - Children's
      Books: For Christmas, subvert children! (fr, it, pt) [machine
      translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

8.  France, Alternative Libertaire AL - Against racism, Appeal
      of solidarity offenders (fr, it, pt) [machine translation]

9.  US, ideas and action: American Labor Isn't Dead - But
      Definitely Needs to Wake Up By David Fernández-Barrial


Message: 1

The factory committee of the National Trade Union of the Workers' Initiative at the 
University of Gdansk expressed support for the nationwide protest students and female 
students. Persons associated in our relationship join the protest and doctoral student 
environments. ---- Guided by the Code of Ethics Teacher Gdansk University we oppose 
discrimination and with particular concern observe justification by the acts of aggression 
and intolerance towards people of different ethnic origin and nationality. We recognize 
opposition to nationalism and racism as an integral part of the participation of academic 
staff in public life. We appreciate and support the attitude of these students and 
students who are wanting to actively shape social life stand up for the dignity of women 
and reproductive rights, oppose authoritarianism, intolerance, and the attack on the 
democratic institutions of the rule of law.

As university teachers and employees of the University feel a special satisfaction from 
the fact that loyalty to the ideals of humanism and tolerance, there remained only a 
slogan wyglaszanym under oath male and female students, but with courage realized in 
action, in building resistance against breaking the law, against the escalation of 
aggression against dividing Poles into better and worse.

See you in the course of the protests.

The Commission factory OZZ Workers' Initiative at the University of Gdansk


Message: 2

Far from the agreed remarks, René Berthier invites himself in the debate anarchism vs 
Marxism and seeks to discern the true convergences of the companies of poaching. The whole 
set curiosity and often makes fly. ---- The book came out a year ago, time has gone, and 
we are talking about it late. Yet not Elective Affinities contains all kinds of relevant 
ideas on anarchism, Marxism, councilism, revolution or self-management. Originally, René 
Berthier, a former militant of the CGT-correctors and adherent to the FA, had considered a 
response to Olivier Besancenot and Michael Lowy, who co-authored revolutionary Affinities 
- Our red and black stars (criticized in Alternative Libertaire d October 2014). Finally, 
not knowing to what end to take this book which he considered too superficial to nourish a 
solid controversy, he preferred to use it as a springboard to defend the commonplaces of 
the debate Marxism vs. Anarchism. The result is erudite, a little dispersed and sarcastic 
sometimes in tone, but devoid of tongue of wood and pedantic gibberish.

Talismans brandished all the way

An obligatory passage of any study on the question, it begins with the genesis: the 
Marx-Bakunin duel within the First International. Its real stakes can escape us, a hundred 
and forty years away. To grasp them, one has to bear in mind that "revolutionary Marxism" 
is an invention well after the death of Karl Marx. From the years 1870 to the turn of 
1917, Marxism was synonymous with parliamentary legalism, its universal model was German 
Social-Democracy and the "conquest of public authorities" by electoral means its strategic 
horizon unsurpassable. This is why the revolutionaries have long turned away from it, 
whether they are anarchists, trade unionists or socialists of the left.

Iconoclast, René Berthier smiled hieratic formulas - "dialectical materialism", 
"historical materialism" or "dictatorship of the proletariat" - explaining that during the 
lifetime of Marx and Engels these concepts were more than vaporous. It is their successors 
who have turned them into terrible talismans, brandished all the time to become a 
pseudo-science. In reality, Bakunin has often shown himself to be a better dialectician 
than his rival, both in economic and social analysis and in practice (p.

Tactical Genius of Lenin

The episode of the Franco-German War of 1870 speaks volumes about the practical divergence 
between Bakunin and the Marx-Engels duo. All three wanted the defeat of the armies of 
Napoleon III in front of those of William I ... but not for the same reasons! For Marx and 
Engels, it is because the victory of the unified Germany "would shift the center of 
gravity of West European labor movement" and ensure "the supremacy of our theory over that 
of Proudhon." For Bakunin, it was because the fall of Bonaparte was to allow a popular 
uprising and to unleash the revolution in France, a revolution which, by contagion, could 
overthrow Prussian imperialism. Transform imperialist war into social war, in a way. 
Bakunin therefore went to Lyons to participate in the political ebullition and to foment - 
in vain - an insurrection.

On the other hand, Marx and Engels hoped that no labor insurrection would hamper the 
rising bourgeois republic. The outbreak of the Commune of Paris, from March to May, 1871, 
took them unprepared. Making U-turn under the pressure of events, Marx signed a 
procommunard little book, The Civil War in France, where he forced himself to keep an 
almost anti-state discourse, contrary to what he had advocated before, and all What he 
would write afterwards. Bakunin and his friends were as edified as they were amused by 
this big string (p.64).

Several historical episodes and dissected in the book, which draws extensively in a 
previous installment of Berthier, in October 1917 : the Thermidor of the Russian 
Revolution. More than any other, the Russian Revolution was marked by the duality between 
popular power (soviets and factory committees) and state power (the provisional 
government). Berthier emphasizes the tactical genius of Lenin who, perceiving this duality 
much faster than the other Bolshevik leaders, understands that it is necessary to adopt 
the anarchist slogans for the overthrow of the provisional government and the popular 
power under pain of being doubled on the left. But when it promises "all power to the 
soviets," "workers' control," or "land to peasants," it is only demagogy. After using 
popular power to seize state power, the new government will systematically destroy any 
trace of workers 'or peasants' self-organization. Berthier shows the stages of this 
counter-revolution, which begins in the spring of 1918 (p.

A bridge to future socialism

Among the other instructive passages, we must point out the critical shots that Berthier 
distributes here and there. As Rosa Luxemburg (p. 140), which denounced the "anarchist 
theory of the general strike," but defended by an edible version of social democracy, the 
"mass strike". To the councilists, whom he demythologizes (p.150). To the "libertarian 
Marxism" of Daniel Guerin, whose fortune he attributes solely to the ignorance of the 
methods of analysis produced by Proudhon or Bakunin (p. Relying on them, Berthier attacked 
certain facilities for "horizontalistic" thought in anarchist circles, and developed a 
well-structured reflection on the federalist conception of libertarian communism: 
political decentralization, Economic planning, subsidiarity, the necessary dose of 
representation in a direct democracy, etc.

One piece of bravery comes to the end (page 239), when the author compares Trotsky's 
"transition program", developed in 1938, to the CGT-SR's "Transitional Demands" program in 
1930. He points out The common points of these two texts published in similar contexts: 
while the revolutionary perspective was moving away, it was necessary to structure the 
workers' movement around demands that were not only "quantitative" but also "qualitative" 
Opening up breaches in property and capitalist power, maintaining the idea of their 
fundamental illegitimacy, and bridging the gap towards future socialism. Within AL - where 
we speak of "transitive claims" with, for example, the right of veto over redundancies - 
there is the same concern that there is an intermediate level between the basic 
quantitative claim and The call pure and simple to the revolution.

This idea and many others, it will be found in this book of irreverent history and rich of 
arguments of a perfect actuality.

Guillaume Davranche (AL Montreuil)

René Berthier, non Elective Affinities, Éditions anarchist / libertarian World, 2015, 276 
pages, 13 euros.



Message: 3

Politics is not just about elections. 2017 will not be limited to the presidential and so 
much the better. No matter which candidate comes out of the polls, it will serve the 
interests of the powerful, not ours. What is certain is that we will undergo a nauseating 
campaign between racism and lies. As in 2016 against the labor law, it is up to us to 
fight to defend our interests. ---- After 4 years to break social rights and to suppress 
any opposition in 2016 will remain the year of the first major mobilization against the PS 
government with the labor law. ---- For months, high school students, students, unemployed 
and salaried workers organized to fight against the destruction of the labor code. In 2017 
too, we will have to fight! ---- More or less reactive, all capitalists! ---- Valls, 
Macron, Fillon, Le Pen. From left to right, all the parties that aspire to the role of 
"good managers" of capitalism will always continue to make us pay for the crisis.

Democracy, it is not elect the least worst. Politicians are not the solution, they are 
part of the problem. And even if a Mélenchon, Artaud or Poutou came to power, he could not 
change this system. The break with this society, it will be done from below or it will not 
happen! The debacle of the radical left Syriza in Greece , has demonstrated new.

Only the struggle pays!

Whatever the candidate who comes out of the ballot boxes, we will have to defend ourselves 
to preserve our rights and to obtain new ones. Capitalism and the political system that 
accompanies it offers us no future other than precariousness, unemployment, repression.

We must build today an alternative to this company . And it is not with those who grow fat 
with this system that they will succeed. So good year to the filthy kids who refuse this 

CLASH - Student and Alternative Libertarian Newsletter - January 2017



Message: 4

This past week on January 11th, the body of Michael Israel, Sacramento organizer and late 
YPG volunteer, finally arrived in California from overseas. His journey back into the 
United States took over a month, and began in Syria with a ceremony and mourning 
procession to send him off. His California community has been awaiting his arrival, and 
organized a funeral procession of their own to welcome Michael home for the last time. 
Sacramento and Bay Area activists, individuals from the California Kurdish community, and 
Michael's friends and family all came together to accompanied him from the San Francisco 
Airport to Lodi, his hometown. Over fifty people took part in the long-distance 
procession, traveling in around 20 cars, vans, and buses festooned with YPG and 
anti-fascist flags, flowers, and pictures of Michael.

That afternoon, mourners gathered at a staging area to trade stories, share support, and 
decorate their vehicles while his parents went through the lengthy processes at the 
airport. As is tradition, small photos of Michael were passed around and pinned to lapels, 
and Kurdish music was played. A moment of silence was taken when the hearse arrived, and 
then the final leg of the journey was underway. The procession finally came to an end at a 
funeral home in Lodi, and was met by even more friends, family, and supporters who came 
for the visitation. The casket was carried in by Kurdish mourners and decorated with 
flowers, and three flag bearers stood by as a second moment of silence was observed. Many 
who were close with Michael stood up to say a few words, sharing their fondest memories of 
him, what they admired about him, and what his life meant to them. Stories were shared 
underlying Michael's humility, his quick wit, his selflessness, and his dedication. Above 
all, these stories reminded us of Michael's humanity, despite the hero status he has in 
some ways gained. Michael hated the idea of being seen as a hero- so if we see him that 
way, let it not be because our vision is clouded by the idea of him as a perfect person- 
let it be for how he changed those around him, and for how he chose to live his life.

After the speaking was over, those in attendance paid their respects to Michael and his 
parents, and everyone was invited to a nearby banquet room for pizza and refreshments to 
end the night. Though many tears were shed, people from many different communities were 
brought together that night. Mike would have liked that, his parents said. Whether it was 
kind words, bringing flowers, bearing his casket, getting the food, sharing a fond memory, 
giving a handmade flag or portrait to the family, or providing comfort and support, 
everyone found their own unique way to honor his memory.

Related Link: https://itsgoingdown.org/body-ypg-volunteer-michael-israel-returns-us-laid-rest/



Message: 5

In July 2013 voted as part of the second memorandum, the polynomoschedio -diakais desire 
of a large section of local afentikon- for the opening of shops on Sundays 7, becomes the 
starting point for the current cycle of struggles and solidarity of workers in trade. ---- 
For three years running to coordinate action against Sunday work in Thessaloniki and is 
present every time the shops open on Sunday. With operations in major shopping centers and 
Cosmos One Salonica, with consecutive Share texts to workers and inclusive Sunday to 
commercial shops of the city center, we try to concretely curb the appetites of every boss 
who considers the employee expendable. ---- The struggle against labor Sunday is not a 
simple defensive struggle, and neither should be treated only as such. This measure is 
applied in the context of the intensification of work in times of crisis. Continuous 
consumer flow creates more work not only to employees in the trade, and workers in other 
sectors such as for example in the food supply. The announcement of new jobs that will 
bring the measure is essentially false, since it is essentially a one-day contracts, which 
is already done routinely in supermarkets and department stores. Essentially trade is the 
starting point of this measure in the future they intend to apply to all sectors, to 
Sunday to be a full working day.

At the same time labor rights abolished one behind the other, the black uninsured work is 
slowly rule, timetables "elasticized" that suited the interests of the bosses, the 
"charitable" work and voucher extended and now we are forced working as the 67 to go on a 
hunger pension, the devaluation of our workforce with the parallel increase in the cost of 
living does not say stop. Winter who entered has already started with first home auctions 
and privatization of water, electricity, public spaces and services, while preparing for 
the coming months new bill that labor relations in which the EU, E. .K.T., the IMF, the 
ESM and the local capital (industry associations, traders, businessmen, shipowners) are 
asking, and we predict, without having special crystal ball that will be able to shorten 
and another the minimum wage be abolished Easter and Christmas gifts, to institutionalize 
and extend part-time work, to free the layoffs, to put a brake on the right to strike.

We can not continue to deceive ourselves, to postpone and to assign the struggles that we 
need to give ourselves and we know that both the cover material and our spiritual needs in 
a time of crisis and general transformation of society occurs through action. On this box 
to allow workers to erect stature should unite, to organize, to fight. What you need to 
know as employees and workers is that all matches won are those that existed unity, 
solidarity and organization. Unity and solidarity among employees and organize through 
unions in the workplace.

Everyone alone, is doomed to moan, to further ftochopoiisi in defeatism, and the only way 
we can fight effectively against the employer terrorism is through the collaborative tools 
of organization and struggle that create the the exploited in the field of class struggle 
themselves . On January 15, we invite all workers and employees in commerce to support the 
gathering of coordination and exclusions branches to break in practice, to crack on the 
way, the bill and the appetites of masters for work on Sundays, to fighters defend our 
need for leisure.





* Next Open Meeting Wednesday 25/01 at 17:00 to the Libertarian Sabot space (Gkarmpola 
4-Bit Pazar)

Coordination against Sunday work and 'liberated' schedules

sintonismoskiriakis @ espiv.net


Message: 6

Santiago Xanica. Pic: Darij & Ana/CC ---- It appears that Alejandro Avilés, secretary 
general of Oaxaca State, Mexico, is once again trying to undermine autonomous indigenous 
organising in the region, as he rushed in troops to back up the new bully-boy 
president-elect of Santiago Xanica, Ricardo Luría. ---- The latest crackdown, according to 
the Council of Autonomous Oaxacan Organizations (COOA), saw three convoys of the Mexican 
Army sent into the town on January 13th to "calm" the situation after hooded 
paramilitaries allegedly linked to Luría broke into the house of Cesar Luis Díaz, toting 
high calibre weaponry. ---- Díaz, the outgoing president, has challenged Luría saying the 
election was fraudulent, and another candidate, Sergio Ramirez Vazquez, has widespread 
support in the town. According to COOA the gangsters threatened Díaz's family and warned 
he would be killed if he continued campaigning against Luría. In a statement, COOA said:

On Wednesday January 11, representatives of COOA, made up of CODEDI, OIDHO, CINPA and 
UCIO-EZ1, carried out a dialogue with Alejandro Avilés.

We presented the issues surrounding the post-electoral conflict in the municipality of 
Santiago Xanica, Miahuatlán, Oaxaca. We explicitly asked that the presumed president-elect 
Ricardo Luría refrain from entering as the municipal head described the following act:

On January 4th, our compañero and ex-municipal president Cesar Luis Díaz had his house 
broken into. Luría and his town council committed these acts of violence accompanied by 
hooded men that carried high-caliber weapons exclusive to military use. They threatened 
the family of our compañero  and asked for his whereabouts. When they realised he wasn't 
home, these individuals pointed their guns at the family of Cesar Luis Díaz, leaving the 
message that he should be careful because they were going to murder him at any moment.

Instead of providing a legal solution to this conflict, on Friday the 13th three convoys 
of the Mexican Army rolled into the community, supposedly with the task of disarming the 
population and establishing peace. However, in reality they were providing support for the 
criminal group under the command of Luría.

The organisations of COOA strongly protest the militarisation of the municipality and we 
name responsible Avilés as responsible for this flagrant violation of the agreements 
reached. We consider that, far from being a solution to the conflict, these actions will 
worsen it and put the population in general and the lives of our of companñerxs in 
particular in danger .

We demand the immediate removal of the Mexican Army from the municipal territory of 
Santiago Xanica and the fulfillment of the agreements reached on Wednesday, January 11th.

No to the militarisation of the Zapoteca Indigenous community of Santiago Xanica!

Respect to municipal autonomy!

End the impunity of criminal groups!

For the defense of our rights and our territories, not one step back!

Translated from the original from Consejo de Organizaciones Oaxaqueñas Autonomas for It's 
Going Down

Government attempts to take control of local affairs have been ongoing for decades as 
Oaxaca State struggles to contain a tradition of both indigenous and left-wing resistance 
which surfaced in the late 1990s alongside the Zapatista uprising, in the 2006 Oaxaca 
commune and in numerous conflicts since, including last year's roadblock clashes.

Santiago Xanica and the surrounding area has been broadly autonomous since 1998, when the 
state government approved a law allowing indigenous communities a degree of self-rule 
under a system of "uses and customs," including the election of local authorities with 
control of their own justice system.

The measure was aimed at co-opting 16  indigenous nations that had been a backbone of 
resistance against the ruling centre-left PRI party when it tried to impose corporate 
interests on the region, and which the government was worried would start taking cues from 
the nearby Zapatista movement in Chiapas.

The PRI immediately attempted to gain control of the new body however by imposing its own 
candidates. Despite a subsequent militarisation and de facto imposition of martial law in 
2004 and tension in 2006 during the Zapoteca mobilisation, autonomy was re-established in 
2007. In 2010 PRI again attempted to impose its own candidate, Ciro Flores García, who 
used the party's extensive resources to try and buy off the public with gifts before being 
seen off. The election of Luría has been widely condemned as yet another attempt at 

Murder in Chihuahua
At the other end of the country meanwhile award-winning indigenous environmental activist 
Isidro Baldenegro Lopez was found dead last weekend outside a relative's house in the 
State capital.

Baldanegro who was 50 when he was assassinated, was famous for his courageous direct 
action tactics against logging firms in the north-western region and won the Goldman Prize 
in 2005.

Latin America had the highest murder rate of environmental activists in 2015.


Defence Committee of Indigenous Rights in Xanica, an organisation set up in 1999 in order 
to guarantee respect for the autonomy of indigenous towns.
Indian Organisations for Human Rights in Oaxaca. Set up in 1990, it uses peaceful protest 
and legal pressure to advocate for indigenous prisoners and fight for justice for people 
murdered by the State[FB page]
Indigenous Coordination of the Autonomous People
Indigenous Peasant Union of Oaxaca Emiliano Zapata



Message: 7

In our society of overconsumption, children, from a very young age, are targets privileged 
for the advertisers. The lists to Santa Claus extend indefinitely, without a single book. 
Even for parents of goodwill, the young albums are often reduced in the supermarkets to 
series published hastily, to the consequent profitability and often openly genres. Yet, 
there are many quality albums, and openness to reading from an early age - and even before 
speech learning - is a primary necessity: in addition to its benefits in terms of language 
and cognition, Stories confers meaning to the act of reading, as a tool for understanding 
the world and emancipation in a comforting affective setting. If it is brought early, this 
meaning can be integrated unconsciously by any child. A child who reads is an adult who 
thinks. Trying to select something other than the eternal tale based on the fear of the 
big bad wolf ...

Texts: Julie (AL Moselle)

Hush! We have a plan

"Peace can not be maintained by force; It can only be achieved by mutual understanding. " 
The album dedicated to indicatively 2-7 years opens an aside on this Einstein quote, which 
inevitably echoes we adults, who are operating in a society where hostilities are now more 
than latent. Then, the author spreads his brushes in the dark blue tones of a dark forest 
in the heart of which evolve four hunters wearing pompoms and armed with butterfly nets. 
One wonders what kind of bad luck they are simmering. Shush! They have a plan ... They are 
in pursuit of a beautiful bird whose bright colors contrast and testify to its superb ... 
On the tip, tiptoe ... On the attack! ... but they get miserably trapped while the bird 
flies wings. From failure to failure, they diversify the attempts, while the smallest of 
them, attracted by the bird of which he would like to become the friend, is constantly 
rebuffed like a militant allegedly naive and taxed of angelicism. Finally, in spite of the 
injunctions to be silent, he puts himself at the side of the birds who league against the 
three big bonnets, illustrating how strong the union is, echoing the recurrent image in 
the militant environment of small fish Swallowing the big ones, in much smaller numbers. 
This burlesque album, visual and delicious by dint of repetitions, very theatrical, is a 
treat to be shared aloud.

Chris Haughton, Hush! We have a plan, Thierry Magnier Albums Youth, 2014, 32 pages, 14.20 

My love

It is a book useful to partisans and advocates of educational non-violence. If the faces 
sketched by Astrid Desbordes recall the characters of albums of another decade, they 
associate with a subtle text, far from the autoritarist injunctions of the parents of the 
docile Brown Bear of the years 1970.

At bedtime, Archibald asks his mother if she will love him all his life. The latter then 
entrusts her with a secret and starts the inventory of all life situations where she loves 
him, unconditionally and consistently.

This point is fundamental for activists in favor of educational non-violence. It takes the 
opposite of a possible guilt of the children in traits of character negatively fixed with 
respect to the constant representation of situations negatively appreciated by the 
parents. By opposing opposing situations that affect the registers of everyday life and 
imagination, poetry and humor, the author invokes mutual respect and Error, overflowing on 
both sides - parent and child - the possibility for each person to lead his own life, and 
so on.

"I love you when you think of me and when you forget," "when you have succeeded, and when 
you are going to succeed," etc. Judging from the broad smile that this reading gives to 
the listener, there is no doubt that the opportunity to sigh this twenty "I love you" 
circumstantial to his child do a lot of good, from 0 to 10 years.

Astrid Desbordes, My love, Illustrations Pauline Martin, 2015, Albin Michel, 48 pages, 
9.90 euros.

Little Man

In the book-object category, here is the most sublime of this selection. The book is art, 
thanks to laser cutouts of fascinating minutiae of this prolific author and illustrator 
who has already proven itself in terms of shade and light, especially with Full Moon and 
Plein Soleil, where landscapes Are poetically declined and tinted with gold. In Little 
Man, we happé.es by observing this profusion of details - including whether architectural 
features of the city of New York - and the one little phrase that punctuates each spread 
is enough to tell us forcefully history Of Cassius, a little boy who has fled the war and 
has now taken refuge in this urban jungle. He blends in this setting, runs as far as the 
eye can see and has dreamed that he played hide and seek with adults. The lapidary 
character of the narrative allows each person to interpret what he or she sees, according 
to his / her comprehensible level of understanding from 3 to 99 years. Like this page, 
after he realized that it is now safe, Cassius silhouette escapes off with the firm 
conviction that "the eve statue on him", while two policemen Firmly posted in corner of 
page under a red light. Are police officers there to reinforce their sense of security or 
is they trying to escape them? All of these questions can be answered as much as 
lamination. An experience to share and reiterate again and again, both the object is 
spectacular and pretext for exchange, reflection and extrapolations.

Antoine Guilloppé, Little Man, 2014 Gautier-Languereau, 32 pages, 19.90 euros.
Ernest and Célestine

Ernest is a saltimbanque who lives on the margins of society, Celestine an orphan who 
loves to draw despite the reprimands due to her vocation traced as a future dentist, since 
it is so of all and all rodents and rodents. He's a big bear. She's a little mouse. From 
their earliest childhood, the latter are conditioned to the visceral fear of the former, 
and vice versa. Each of these societies live in autarky, carefully avoiding the other. Yet 
these two are tame and love each other. In a superb allegory of our polished societies, 
which questions the fear of the stranger, its weight of these conceptions in the judicial 
system, but also the right to difference.

This story is a reflection on the norm and its possible iniquity. An ode to the 
development of a clean personality and to the wealth provided by the exit of our comfort 
zones is poetically told to us. The story is divided into a series of books illustrated by 
the Belgian writer and illustrator Gabrielle Vincent between 1981 and 2000 by Duculot, 
masterfully reinterpreted in the belgian-franco-luxembourg film directed by Stéphane 
Aubier, Vincent Patar and Benjamin Renner in 2012.

Ernest and Célestine, Gabrielle Vincent series, Duculot editions between 1981 and 2000.



Message: 8

Trial of inhabitants of the Roya Valley "guilty" of having helped refugees, intimidation, 
similar prosecutions in Calais, Paris, Norrent-Fontes, Boulogne, Loos, Perpignan, 
Saint-Étienne , In Meaux ... A hundred organizations publish a manifesto denouncing these 
procedures. A national protest day is scheduled for 9 February. ---- SOLIDARITY, MORE THAN 
EVER TORT? ---- Of course, solidarity has never been included in any code as an offense. 
---- However, associative activists who are only helping people in very precarious 
situations, victims of dangerous, violent or even inhuman decisions, find themselves 
facing justice today. ---- With the establishment of the state of emergency, and in the 
context called "migration crisis", there is a resurgence of proceedings to prevent the 
expression of solidarity with migrants, refugees, Roma, undocumented .. "Beyond that, it 
is the support for all foreigners that tends to become suspect, the expression of the 
contestation of the policies carried out which is assimilated to rebellion and disturbance 
to public order.

Join the group and participate in its actions: see below .
The law makes it possible to prosecute those who help the "undocumented"[1], but all kinds 
of other counts now serve to hinder any citizen action that opposes the policies 
implemented. All these intimidations, prosecutions, and sometimes convictions, are in fact 
what really constitute new forms of the "offense of solidarity".

As early as 2009, associations for the defense of human rights and support for foreigners 
had denounced the fact that the offense of "assistance for the entry, movement and 
residence of foreigners in an irregular situation" Originating to combat those who trade 
in the trafficking and exploitation of foreigners, has allowed over time to sanction the 
"caregivers" of undocumented foreigners, even acting for a non-profit. If the penalties 
are not always applied, such a rule is of course a deterrent effect on those who refuse to 
submit to policies hostile to foreigners.

The mobilization of associations, at the time, resulted in several successive reforms, 
including that of 31 December 2012, which was presented as the "suppression" of the crime 
of solidarity. It is not so; The redrafting of the texts merely specifies and increases 
the cases of exemption from prosecution. In addition to assistance to parents, assistance 
is granted which has only been aimed at "ensuring decent and decent living conditions 
abroad" or "preserving the dignity or physical integrity of the child". Still, people have 
expressed their solidarity with foreigners without residence permits continue to be 
worried - the police summonses or gendarmerie custody, searches, wiretapping - or 
sometimes prosecuted and punished with fine and imprisonment .

At the same time, prosecutions have begun on the basis of texts not related to immigration.

The offenses of contempt, insult and libel, rebellion or violence to law enforcement agent 
are used to defend the administration and the police against those who criticize their 
The offense of "obstructing traffic aircraft"  contained in the Code of Civil Aviation, 
will suppress the passengers who saw the bound and gagged people in an airplane, 
protesting against the violent evictions;
Regulations sanctioning the employment of a foreign worker without a work permit was used 
to worry people who, harboring illegal aliens, accept that their guests help them to 
perform domestic tasks.
Today, the motives for prosecution are becoming ever more diverse. While prosecutions for 
helping entry and stay have resumed, new charges are used to condemn solidarity actions:

The town planning regulation has been invoked Norrent-Fontes (Pas-de-Calais) to request 
the destruction of shelters for migrants;
Texts on hygiene and safety applicable to premises  used to prevent solidarity 
accommodation in St-Etienne;
The lack of seat belt and a seat for a child on a truck led to the conviction of a helping 
The intrusion in particular areas, prohibited because of state of emergency was used in 
Calais also to punish the citizen look;
The offense of forgery and use of forgeries is used to intimidate people who wanted to 
attest to the presence for more than 48 people in a squat in Clichy;
Etc ...
And, more and more, the mere fact of having wanted to witness police operations, evictions 
of slums, raids, can lead to an arrest, under cover of rebellion or violence to agent.

These intimidation processes must stop. We affirm the legitimacy of citizens' right of 
scrutiny over the practices of administration, justice or the police. We want to encourage 
those who show solidarity with people in precarious situations without worrying about 
whether or not they are in a regular situation regarding their stay. We reject the support 
of populations targeted by xenophobic policies or practices. The future of the very 
principle of solidarity is at stake.

First Signatory Organizations:

National Associations

Acort (Citizens' Assembly of the natives of Turkey)
ADDE (Lawyers for the defense of the rights of foreigners)
ADMIE (Association for the Defense of Foreign Isolated Minors)
AFVS (Association of Families Victims of Lead Poisoning)
Lovers in the public (Les)
Attac France
Catred (Workers' Collective, Disabled and Retired for Equal Rights)
Cedetim / Ipam (Center for International Solidarity Studies and Initiatives)
Ceras (Center for Research and Social Action)
Cnafal (National Council of Lay Family Associations)
Collectif National Human Rights Romeurope
Collectif Ni Wars Ni Etat de Guerre
Comede (Committee for the Health of Exiles)
Comegas (Collective of General Practitioners for Access to Care)
Copaf (Collective for the Future of Homes)
Culture and Freedom
Emmaus France
Fasti (Federation of associations of solidarity with all immigrants)
Protestant Federation
Fnars (Federation of Solidarity Actors)
Abbé Pierre Foundation
FTCR (Federation of Tunisians for citizenship of both shores)
Gisti (Immigrant Information and Support Group)
Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) France
The Cimade
LDH (League for Human Rights)
Mrap (Movement against racism and for friendship among peoples)
RESF (Education Without Borders Network)
Revivre (a support association for asylum seekers, Syrian refugees and political prisoners 
in Syria)
Catholic Relief
UJFP (French Jewish Union for Peace)
Utopia 56
Local Associations


RESF 03 (Allier)
RESF 43 (Haute-Loire)
RESF 63 (Puy-de-Dôme)

Collective Creusot-Autun of Human Rights
The Friends of CADA (Digoin, Saône-et-Loire)

La Cimade - local Blois group
Top of page

ACC Visible Minorities (Dunkerque)
Adra Dunkerque
Arras Solidarité refugees
Attac Artois
Auberge des Migrants (The)
Support group for Jean Luc Munro
Dunkirk Legal Support Team
Flanders Terre solidaire
Fraternity Migrants Mining Basin 62
Legal Shelter
The Brotherhood (Bruay-la-Buissiere)
The Voyageur Alarm Clock
Mrap Dunkirk
Family planning Pas-de-Calais
Salam Nord / Pas-de-Calais
Land of Wandering
Land of Wandering Flanders coastline

ASEFRR (Association Solidarity Essonne Romanian and Roma Families)
Aset 93 (Association for Supporting the Schooling of Gypsy Children)
Citizens' Assembly of the 14th
Collectif de Vigilance Paris12 for the rights of foreigners-RESF
Collectif Romeurope of the Val Maubuée
Collective of support 5th-13th to the migrants of Austerlitz
Ecodrom 93
Off Street
Inter-Collectif Parisien de Support aux Migrant-es
The Standing Chapel
CRA Citizen Observatory of Palaiseau
Paris of Exile
Romeurope 94
Solidarity migrants Wilson
Turbulence Marne-La-Vallee

About Dieppe
Itinerary Cherbourg

Circle of the Neighbors of CRA de Cornebarrieu (Haute-Garonne)
Family planning 48 (Lozère)
Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur

Association for Democracy in Nice
Beautiful landmarks (Avignon)
Collective Acting in Aix-en-Provence for the reception of migrants in Aix
Alpes Vigilance Committee (COVIAM)
Habitat and Citizenship (Nice)
MRAP Vaucluse
Roya citizen (The)
All migrants (Marseille)
Trade union organizations

Emancipation intersyndical tendency
Student Solidarity Federation
FERC CGT (Federation of Education, Research and Culture)
SAF (Syndicat des avocats de France)
SGLCE-CGT (General Trade Union of Book and Communication Written CGT)
SNUipp-FSU (National Unitary Union of Teachers and School Teachers and PEGC)
SNPES-PJJ-FSU (National Union of Personnel of Education and Social)
Student Solidarity
SUD Local authorities
SOUTH Education
SUD Industry Francilien
SUD Social housing
SOUTH Health
Syndicat de la Magistrature
Solidaires Pas-de-Calais
Union Solidaires
With the support of political organizations:

Alternative Libertaire
EELV (Europe Ecology The Greens)
OCL (Libertarian Communist Organization)


Bring the signing of an organization (association, union, collective), to join the group 
(from January 13):

Participate in the Action Day on Thursday, February 9, 2017

Gatherings, speaking, forming human chains to proclaim that we are all "delinquents" and 
solidarity with foreigners ...
In Paris, a gathering will be organized at 10 am - the place, the type of action and the 
speakers will be specified later.
Tenu·e be aware of the activity of collective

Ask to be abonné·e to the mailing list sign in here
Contribute to the mobilization, dissemination of information, texts and pictures of 
protests: use the hashtag # DélinquantsSolidaires targeting messages (. Eg @Place_Beauvau 
or @justice_gouv ...) - "If solidarity with Foreigners is a crime, then I am a delinquent "
Inquire cases of past and current lawsuits See folder on the Gisti website .

Tell collective cases falling directly or indirectly, of the offense of solidarity: write 
to contact-delit-de-solidarite@gisti.org . Warning: It is necessary that the person 
concerned agrees to his case being put online, even anonymized (in fact anonymity does not 
prevent knowing who it is ...) The case has already been publicized. The essential facts 
must be presented (circumstances, custody, appearance, decisions ...) and proven. Attach 
any official documents if possible.

[1]Code of entry and residence of foreigners and asylum (Ceseda), L.622-1 et seq.



Message: 9

At the dawn of the Trump era, Labor is a sleeping giant with the ability to unite diverse 
swaths of American society and ultimately transform it. ---- For many years now, a 
widespread cry has been raised of the imminent death of American Labor; of the end of 
working people as a living force in the life of the United States. We hear that the 
workers' movement is currently is in its last painful death throes - irrelevant, dying, 
lonely and forgotten by a technologically rapacious consumerist society that has moved 
past Labor as a social force and relegated it to a long forgotten past. ---- This cry has 
come from many different quarters[1], including from parts of the labor movement itself, 
where there still lingers a strange nostalgia for a time of now- mythologized struggles. 
It also comes from many activist circles, who for many reasons, have fractionalized into 
specific issues and have removed themselves from the day-to-day concerns of regular 
working people, of what motivates people in our society. In adopting vanguardist 
positions, many have left the mass of people behind, looking at the plight of the 
oppressed  and the real desires of working people with a sneer - as a means to an end - in 
a similar vein to Evangelical Christians who embrace Jewish culture, not as worthy in 
itself, but as a means to initiating the "End of Days".

And it comes from within many unions themselves, where anti-democratic tendencies have 
taken root on one hand, and where members do not actively engage and work to solve 
problems on the other.

Most pervasively of all, this death cry comes from our so-called mainstream media, where 
working people are constantly bombarded with messages of the futility of any sort of 
identity or action that is not tied to their role as active consumers in a capitalist 
order. Working people are not encouraged to see the basic unity of their circumstances - 
whether they be in the workplace, unemployed, or even retired - and instead are drawn into 
any number of subcultures which ultimately drain energy and purpose, and which mask the 
nature of our social relationship.

And now with the improbable ascent of Donald Trump to the Presidency of the United States, 
the prediction of the death of Labor is being hammered in, to the delight of conservatives 
and anti-worker rights advocates - that his "Republican-on-Steroids" administration will 
deal the final death blow to organized labor. The signs are all there; from a new House 
labor committee chair who openly questions the need for unions[2]to the use of legislative 
maneuvering to erase rights of public sector workers[3]- further dividing working people 
with the expressed intention of establishing a (doublespeak) "Right-to-Work" regime across 
America, rolling back basic worker protections.[4]

Donald Trump - the cry continues today - is the death knell for unions and the rights of 
working people.

Unions are dead, they say; the American Labor Movement is dead.

And despite this now widespread sentiment, there ironically has never been a time that 
unions were more needed. And not just as some calculated method to keep the "Middle Class" 
afloat, as some Democrats tout it - but because of the intrinsic social and economic bonds 
and unity of purpose that unions contain and which transform not just labor relations, but 
our society a whole.

That American Labor - and the Labor Movement in the United States - has in various ways 
been lulled into an extended torpor of complacency and division is not in doubt. But as a 
force, it has never really ceased to exist; it can never really cease to exist as long as 
we live on the planet. In fact, it isn't terminally ill so much as dormant - asleep to its 
own strength as well as to its own necessity. Of the need for people to produce, create, 
develop, and evolve through endeavor;  as contrasted with mindlessly buying, consuming, 
ingesting, throwing away and buying some more that characterizes where we currently are.

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

Across our land, most people work; they have jobs and are meaningfully employed - and more 
importantly need jobs to earn a living and to survive. Working people - those that rely on 
an exchange of labor - that is, the vast majority of people in this country, need a way to 
have their real needs addressed and not be bullied, cajoled and threatened into unfair 
situations that hierarchical relationships engender. The very context that unions of 
workers provide - and will always provide.

Nevertheless, our unions have entered a deep sleep. To label this sleep a result of pure 
apathy on the part of working people is too simplistic and gives the lie to the people who 
would destroy unions and who benefit from that destruction. Many factors have led Labor to 
this crossroads, and it is not all rooted in the past, but in the very way unions are 

One factor is the pernicious illusion among people in a workplace that a union is somehow 
"The Union" - namely, that it is an organization outside of each member, an institution 
where people turn their troubles over to someone else and where they are solved. An 
external workplace office that deals with services and disputes in a workplace. In many 
places, this is self-fulfilling consciousness. In reality, unions are a direct expression 
of the concerns of the workforce because they are the workforce itself. The union is the 
collective voice of the workforce, which gains its strength through that combination. 
Whether it be health and safety concerns, grievances, creating a real communication among 
members, unions gain their power by the fact that people band together - that individuals 
unite - work together to find solutions and have a voice and a strength through 
participation. The most successful unions are those where each member understands and 
exercises their autonomous power, instead of a place where people "turn their problems 
over to Jesus." Salvation comes from each, not from on high.

A second factor which evolves from the first - and one which gets constant play from 
anti-union activists - is the petrification of many union structures. With less active 
participation in the union, there arises slowed responses to management threats and a lack 
of democratic and transparent processes by union leaders. With their own hierarchies, 
self-censorship takes hold, and the workers in an organization begin to the mirror the 
very approaches of management, which only builds distrust among the rank-and-file.

People in many workplaces notice and complain about these two facets of the union 
challenge; conspicuously, though, they do not get involved. Members and non-members alike 
complain, and very few actually, actively get involved to further the conversation in each 
workplace around the country. The work of the union is perceived as something other than 
the work of the members and of the organizations in which they exist, and few are willing 
to engage in what becomes thankless work.

With the lack of participation and through petrification, the union conversation in 
America quickly turns into one of abstractions and platitudes, instead of specific work 

In this crisis of engagement and action for organized unions, people - especially in the 
labor activist circles - talk of harnessing radical ideas and methods of Labor's past, of 
infusing new blood. But, in effect, this infusion doesn't end the torpor and raise the 
sleeping giant. It comes across as hollow and insincere. Like that of the Republicans in 
the United States, who starting, in 2008, who talked about reaching out to people of 
color, Gay and Lesbians, and Hispanic immigrants and who want to develop a strategy to 
make black people feel more comfortable in their political party[5]; but nowhere did they 
actually support policies or initiatives that people of color actually care about or 
believe in. Ideas are living actions, not medicines to be administered.

In fact, the very principles that American Labor needs right now - of federalism, of 
decentralization, of autogestion - that singularly beautiful Spanish word for workers' 
self-management - of truly horizontal communication and decision making, these are living 
ideas that matter in the workplace and in our society and whose time has come, ironically 
enough, when pundits are calling for the end of organized labor. They are also ideas born 
in our collective history of American Labor and international Labor struggles and are not 
new - but they were ideas that we once so futuristic that people died so that those in 
positions of authority could ensure that they never lost their positions of privilege and 

In the past, labor unions and federations once imported and exported ideas, the way we now 
export movies, computer software and soda and imports cheap manufactured goods created by 
exploited labor in China[6].  This is one thing that many disillusioned activists are 
right about: America used to export powerful ideals and examples of labor advocacy;  now 
it's pop music, militarism, fast food, and soda.

Anyone who seriously considers workplaces in our country can see that American Labor is 
quite alive - breathing, heart pumping, feeling - but in its deep sleep, a world of dreams 
and fantasies, from which it needs to emerge for the good not just of American society, 
but of the world.  In order to rouse itself - to rouse those parts of ourselves, that have 
been so long asleep all we need is engagement.

If each person in every workplace reached out to their peers and communicated about work, 
this would change. From the most micro level, a social consciousness needs to return; a 
consciousness of union in its broadest sense. The relegation of work to something 
superficial or painful ("it's just a job") ignores how much of our life-breath is expended 
in day-to-day work and hides the relations that make work necessary in the first place. 
The accompanying silence about work - and the vast dearth of local work histories - helps 
fuel the ignorance and apathy across America.

But this isn't limited to a workplace context alone.  Many of the critical societal issues 
that we are facing - inequality, racism, violence, hatred - have been somehow, somewhere 
carefully removed from the larger contexts where to comprehensively address them and 
resolve them. It's not to say that this understanding is not recognized, simply that it 
does not exist in as many places as it should, becoming a source of division and weakness.

The unity of purpose among working people, the union context as properly realized, is the 
one area that unites broad swaths of our American Society. Despite the oft-cited divisions 
that this past election laid bare for many, the one factor that can bring people together 
is work. Not "the work of" but simply, work.

In many ways, the context which is pro-immigrant, pro-LGBTQ rights, pro-inclusivity, and 
at the same time anti-racist, anti-bigotry - already exists, lying dormant because the so 
many ignore the organic linkages that Labor provides. All one needs to do is look around, 
and the links to groups and camaraderie and solidarity are there, already in existence. 
But the consciousness of American Labor it has been lulled into a dangerous complacency 
that ultimately facilitates statism, authoritarianism, and despotism which has now given 
rise to a celebrity "culture" and a "Make America Great Again" fascism.

People who work, within various trades and as a mass of people that share a basic 
circumstance - of having to earn a living and be meaningfully employed or even be engaged 
with the economic world in retirement - and that is a facet that helps the process of 
rousing the sleeping giant. Not to be awakened to be used to some political end by 
desperate politicians or manipulated into some American Ponzi scheme - but to shake off 
the sleep, cast aside the lethargy and the bad dreams, and to begin to construct again, to 
build again, and to take pride in action.

And, yes, there is also that exceedingly rich legacy of the past, of hard-won battles 
which is lost to the mass of people; where people banded together in solidarity as sisters 
and brothers. CNN, Fox News, MSNBC would have us believe that the distant past is the 
Civil Rights Movement or the "Greatest Generation" of World War II - the last times of 
unity that mattered. When the reality is, the American Labor journey goes back a lot 
longer than those and continues to this day.

Besides engagement at the local level - at the workplace level, another piece that is 
needed is an ongoing reporting of events around the working world - including in the U.S. 
-  to help create an awareness among working people - something which exists, but in 
precious few outlets.[7]This helps working people build a consciousness of their own 
strength, across artificial national and ethnic boundaries.

Branching out from local workplaces, broad-based labor coalitions and federations of 
worker assemblies of all orientations need to come together that put aside organizational 
differences, so that ideas can again be the common currency. Whether based around specific 
issues before us in the Trump era - protection of immigrant communities, respect for 
different belief - local unions and their members need to reach out to sisters and 
brothers in their communities, in other unions, too. This is not to put aside all 
historical and ideological concerns - merely to invest energy in the structures that work: 
horizontal, non-hierarchial, truly democratic structures and relationships. To set aside 
all exclusory models, and to return to creating alliances to achieve a popular mass 
movement to defeat the Trump agenda - or whatever form the immediate and systematic 
attacks against self-determination and autonomy assume.  Despite the superficial 
differences and varieties of responses - that is, apart from those that are not 
authoritarian, statist, or oppressive  - there is room for conversations, dialogue, and 
joint actions.

At crucial moments, the American Labor movement of our distant past was a popular mass 
movement, where a huge variety of labor unions with logical affinities banded together 
under common banners[8]. Those varied voices of the past still call out, trying to drown 
out the siren call that would lead working people to setbacks and disasters by not 
reaching out to each other.

It's a matter of shaking off the sleep, some cold water in the face, of moving the limbs, 
and stepping away from the bed into the world of activity. Unions can only be handed 
setbacks in sleep. But Labor - the concerns of working people as manifested in union 
activity and solidarity - will never really die. It may be handed some serious societal 
and global setbacks, but there has been a general march throughout human history that will 
not come to an end here or anywhere on the planet, as long as there are people determined 
to be free and who believe in equality and justice.  The names and terms will change 
perhaps, but the great constructive work of strengthening bonds, communicating, effecting 
positive change is ours to complete, We just need to wake up and see that we were already 
all right here, right next to each other all along,

David Fernández-Barrial is a federal librarian and union steward.

[1]Here are some notable examples: 

[2]http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-congress-unions-idUSKBN13U2NE "The incoming chair 
of the congressional panel that oversees labor issues on Monday questioned the need for 
unions and said she wants to repeal various Obama administration labor policies. Organized 
labor has "sort of lost its reason for being" because of the many laws in place to protect 
workers, said Representative Virginia Foxx, a 73-year-old Republican from North Carolina 
who will become chair of the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Education and the 
Workforce in January, in a telephone interview with Reuters."



[5]Ultimately, it has been interesting to watch the Republican party in the U.S. recently 
shed this inclusive approach, and unite behind a candidate who used the opposite tack. 
Through divisiveness ironically took the prize they wanted.

[6]One almost constant feature of authoritarian Socialist regimes across the globe is the 
noticeable absence of free trade unions.

[7]One thing that our publication  - Ideas and Action (http://ideasandaction.info/ )  - 
has done in the past, and will be focusing on in forthcoming issues - will be just that. 
To provide coverage on ongoing worker challenges that are being faced in the United 
States, as well as abroad, to show that links that already exist and which must be 
strengthened. A broad-based consciousness of unions and of the role of working people is 
necessary and ultimately results in the ripening of ideas into transformative action.

[8]The demand for Eight-Hour Day and for the end of child labor are notable examples.


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