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maandag 23 januari 2017
Anarchic update news all over the world - Part 2- 23 January 2017
Today's Topics:
1. libertäre gruppe karlsruhe: THE GERMAN AND INTERNATIONAL
25.01.2017 | 19 UHR | P8 (KARLSRUHE) (de) (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
2. Czech, afed.cz: AF 2016 -- Annual overview of activities
anarchist cooperating in the Anarchist Federation. [machine
translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
Message: 1
The Lukov-march in February in Sofia - Info- and Mobilisation Tour of Bulgarian Antifa
---- February 2017 the European nazi-scene will meet in Sofia, Bulgaria, where every year
the so called Lukov-march takes place. It's the biggest frequent nazi-demonstration in
Europe with a few thousand participants. The march remembers the Bulgarian general and
Nazi-leader Hristo Lukov (1887-1943), and is important for the nationalist mobilization in
Bulgaria and the networking of European Nazis. ---- The Bulgarian antifascists need
international support. After the year 2000 the right movement gained the upper hand
because of a right climate in society and more material support by the right-wing European
network. The beginning of the Lukov-marches in 2003 was part of this till now unbroken
A para-military development is strongly visible, as well as their support from abroad. For
example, a public meeting of Tatjana Festerling (Pegida, AfD) with the right-wing militia
"Military Union Vasil Levski" took place in July 2016. Militias like them patrol at the
borders of Bulgaria and get supported by the state. They help to turn Bulgaria into hell
for Roma and passing refugees. Also they put anti-fascist and the resistance of civil
society to silence by violence and terror.
The fascistization of the Bulgarian society is a part of the European border-policy. It is
supposed to block the land-route to Europe and is supported by whole Europe. Refugees are
pushed to the dangerous sea-route and smuggling trails. It is also used as exercise ground
and crystallization-point by fascist groups.
On their Info-Tour through Germany, the Bulgarian Antifa will be in Karlsruhe in January,
25th at 7 o'clock, Pennsylvaniastr. 8.
The dynamic of fascist ideas and movements in Europe cannot be broken without breaking
these dynamics in south and eastern Europe. Antifascist action and solidarity at the
Balkan-route are dependent on each other.
The talk of the event will be in english.
Message: 2
We are anarchists. We live in a world free from all forms of oppression and exploitation
of power, economic and religious violence. We reject the capitalist ethic ruthless market
on one hand and docile wage labor on the other side. We prefer equality and solidarity,
and we believe that another world is possible. So we can create between themselves "here
and now", as well as to turn it into a global revolutionary perspective is a necessity to
organize. Therefore, in 1995 we founded the Anarchist Federation (AF), which allows the
anarchist groups and individuals together to coordinate their activities effectively
communicate, undertake joint actions and develop various projects across regions. ----
Organization ---- AF subscribes to the widely pojatému direction of social anarchism,
whose main aim is the promotion of anarchist ideas, anarchist theory development, build
anti-authoritarian movement and support projects and initiatives.
That is why many members, and members are active outside the circle of AF, such as
collectives Food Not Bombs (FNB). The status of all of members of the federation are
equal, there is no form of hierarchy, all decisions are made from the bottom with an
effort of mutual consensus. The various local groups then decide on their activities
independently and communicate them to the rest of the federation on its congresses. In
2016 there were two scheduled runs, and in April and October. It is a meeting where
various local and working groups informed about their activities and plans to take joint
decisions and declarations are determined delegates specific task and lead to the
practical and ideological debates decisive policy AF.
We emphasize the organization of the anarchist, and therefore we support the development
of the anarchist movement, even outside of our federation. More organizational approaches
and related platforms within the movement can be beneficial. It was among other
communications , which have interpreted our delegates at an anarchist conference in Most,
which was held under the auspices of the SAF in mid-December. Prague AF Group again
organized a discussion meeting a few sympathizers.
1st May anarchist
Fixed point "anarchist calendar" is not a new year, but certainly the first of May. Every
year we commemorate Labor Day and its roots, which lie in the 80s of the 19th century in
the struggle for the eight hour day, jejž accompanied by several judicial murder of the
Chicago anarchists. Convened So we traditional anarchist meeting on an island, which in
1890 held its first May Day workers' rally in Prague. On the island in the morning met in
a friendly atmosphere, eight dozen people listened to several songs and speech
commemorating the roots of the holiday, and each received a special bulletin AF Mayday .
Next we Strelecký of the island moved to Republic Square, where they held "Demonstrations
against tax havens", which culminated in a march of about 250 people chanting
anti-capitalist and anti-fascist slogans. The event was concluded with speeches on Jan
Palach Square, including one from AF. Overall, it was a noisy and trouble free " walk
through Prague ".
Subsequently, we have not failed to inform the other anarchist May Day events at home and
in abroad .
To support prosecutions
Part of our agenda was necessitated police repression, which crystallized in late April
2015 a spectacular police raids in Operation Phoenix. That would Although she likened the
situation where a police dog and kitty cook the cake from the water. Yet so they boil a
few terrorism charges and some anarchists have found themselves in custody. In 2016, the
detention center basically unreasonably found only our friend Martin. He was finally on
the recommendation of the Constitutional Court in late September from custody after an
incredible 17 months released .
It is therefore obvious that we put emphasis on activities to support custody prosecuted
Martin, which partly umbrella platform Antifénix. We supported the project collections
vegan food , which was lacking Martin in prison. For this purpose, it used a special
collection point in Žižkov infoshop Salé. Likewise, we participated in demonstrations
outside noise remand prison in Pankrác, which took place on February 28 , May 26 , June 5
, June 13 , June 20 and July 16 . Additionally, exactly one year after the raid, that
April 28 is the prison held a concert HC-punk bands, which spoke of a prisoner and sister
Martina. Stredoceská AF Group was organized on April 16 in Podebrady a discussion about
police activities against antiautoritárum, which was associated with the collection and
prosecuted to the concert. Given that Martin was cleared for release from detention, we
have added on May 31 to a hastily organized demonstration in his support. About a hundred
people have listened to several speeches and went to see a performance, which drew
attention to the absurdity of the police campaign against anarchists. In the evening, most
of the participants in the demonstration met again, before the Remand Prison, where noise
gave Martin know he has our support. October 10, we commemorated his 30th birthday , which
he could not spend in the ring next.
The trial in the case began on August 2 Phoenix. Trial Chamber Chairwoman Han Hrncírová
all the time behaving like a nervous teacher just before the holidays, which have earned
us a very ironic story of the trial. October's standing after the Constitutional Court
questioned the role of police provocateurs and gave impetus to the release from custody of
Martin, already done without masked submachine gunners. To support all prosecuted
anarchist We and Error Records released a benefit compilation CD called Sounds of Anti-Fenix .
Another staged affair and the subsequent process involving our friend Igor Ševcova. He
stood in late April before the court , where it was withdrawn absurd accusation of an
attack on the house of the Minister of Defense that was eventually sentenced to
deportation for two years for another absurdity - helping during spraying, which had
allegedly committed another shooting anarchists on camera during a public protest. Shortly
thereafter, on May 3, we joined the demonstration to support Igor, at which over 150
participants from the Ministry of Interior pointed out the absurdity of the judgment, the
reasoning among others. Claimed that Igor does not live a proper life and not in the Czech
Republic no social ties. In July, Igor at the Appeal Court sentence was commuted.
Absurdities but not be stopped, according to a new judgment, not for three years attend
events organized anarchist movement.
In addition, we forget even anarchists persecuted abroad. At the beginning of July, we
joined the international challenge of the Anarchist Black Cross in support of imprisoned
Russian anarchists and antifascists. Besides the fact that we are informed of some cases
like, we also participated in organizing demonstrations in front of the Russian Embassy in
Prague, which was 7 July attended by several dozen people and which continued picnic in
Stromovka. We also brought news about other events that took place on that occasion in the
world. We also have added to the challenge of supporting anarchists prosecuted in Croatia,
who were eventually sentenced to probation, and we sent them a photo of collective solidarity.
We informed a prison strike in the US and brought a challenge to its support. Furthermore,
we have our web readers familiar with causes persecuted activists in Ukraine , in France ,
Russia , Serbia , Poland and Azerbaijan .
Xenophobia and support for refugees
Although Europe is heading people fleeing wars and poverty, the Czech Republic it is not
there. Despite this, the number of xenophobic parties and associations almost the same as
the number of refugees who are applying for asylum. And against the danger of these
fascist forces, we have also built in 2016. One of the biggest confrontations in this
direction was a day of action against Fortress Europe , where we are alongside other
anti-racist groups and individuals faced one of the biggest events xenophobes. February 6,
we joined a demonstration initiatives No Racism! (INR), which eventually turned into quite
a successful blockade of nationalists march.
By participating in the streets, we supported several other projects for refugees and
against xenophobic hatred, for example, March 12, Tabor and Prague , April 23 in Ostrava,
Prague demonstrations April 25 and May 8 and in Bratislava on June 25 .
As in previous years, it has become one of the flagship events of the 17 November. We have
added to the challenge INR to participate in the demonstration for a free and solidary
society entitled "Nationalism is not an alternative." About 500 people passed through
Prague in the morning, chanting anti-fascist and anti-capitalist slogans that are already
fully met informally in the evening to prevent the nationalists march in Prague Jewish
Town. It was accomplished and xenophobes action was on several places significantly impaired.
Some of us in January participated in the action platform HateFree, which brought together
people who find themselves blacklisted Czech neo-Nazis. We helped spread calls , opposed
by the rise in fascist tendencies, such as "Clubs against fašizaci" and "Culture against
fašizaci". As to the second, then governed Pilsen concert against racism, in which we
participated in a partial manner.
Activities in support of the refugees did not like not only fascists but also the police.
In Hradec Kralove was in April held a benefit concert to support initiatives Hlavák. After
the police intervention was its move to Pardubice. However, this time the police took care
to be canceled .
We do not just against new forms of fascism that bypass Europe. In our media also point to
similar expressions based on religious obscurantism, whose most striking image of the
Islamic State (IS). Therefore, we, among others. Anarchists paid tribute to Jordan
MacTaggartovi and Michael Israel , who fell on the side of the Kurdish militias in the
fight against IS.
Podpora squatingu
Other activities in which briskly anarchists involved were associated with the struggle
for the preservation of autonomous social centers Clinic in Prague's Zizkov. AF clinic is
considered a very important space that serves the free money and unloaded the development
of different cultural, political and public awareness activities. Therefore, we regularly
informed about events organized by the Clinic and neo-Nazi attack on the building, we
issued a solidarity statement and participated in events to support it. We spread the call
to organize events during the " Day for the Department II. "And also with him at several
locations actively involved. February 27, we then added, among other things. And speech,
to demonstrate "The clinic needs to breathe!", Which was attended by nearly 2,000 people.
Those under the slogan "Autonomy - solidarity - government" through Zizkov.
Collective Clinics are held in spite delivered testimony building not to leave, to
continue the program and to take steps to complete legalization of the city. In subsequent
critical days we were involved in preparing the program, participated in the plenums and
some of us at the Clinic spent most of their free time. Events at the Clinic escalated
again in May due to a series of alleged telephone threats bomb, although police have
become a pretext for persecution, destruction of equipment and attempted eviction. We
joined immediately into action in support of the clinic, which was surrounded by hordes of
police officers.
Last supportive actions by the Clinic was Dec. 14 public breakfast prior to visiting
officials of the new owner, the RIA.
In July in Prague we supported a smaller demonstration in support of squats in Berlin.
Other activities
In January, we participated in commemorative events for the murdered Honza Kucera. On our
site, we commemorated the seven years since the death of Stanislav Markelov . During the
International week of solidarity with anarchist prisoners we approached the fate of
executed anarchists Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti and police killed Giuseppe
Pinelli . In March, we have not forgotten the 145th anniversary of the Paris Commune in
May at the Haymarket martyrs . During the year, we are repeatedly reminded of the 80th
anniversary of the Spanish social revolution, partly texts anarchist revue, Existence ,
and then a separate booklet Spanish idea of freedom .
In October, elections to regional councils and of the Senate. AF on this occasion
nevyhlašovala any anti-elections campaign , but some of us are not idle, and gave the
example. Alteration advertisements of political parties.
We added to several public events, for example, in March to demonstrate against the visit
of Chinese president in August to march Prague Pride within pink-black Alt * Pride block
in September to protest in solidarity with the struggle of Polish women against the total
ban on abortion in October a demonstration against unscrupulous speculators housing in
Ostrava , and in December for a similar event in Brno .
Long-term support the struggle for animal rights, so it was obvious example. Participation
in November's Prague demonstration for a legislative ban on fur farms or libertarian stand
on August vegan feast.
We did not shun even the sport and created a team that was involved in the traditional
antirasistického tournament in Vežnicce near Jihlava.
Some groups AF participated in organizing the screening evenings.
In the long term, we place great emphasis on publishing activities, the survey please
visit (after a long pause, the aforementioned repression), re-commissioned Web Publishing AF .
Each month, we published one issue of wall newspapers A3 , which are intended mainly to
spread through the streets pasting or posting in the workplace and in schools.
We released at regular intervals four numbers anarchist revue, Existence , which was
devoted to topics of help from the bottom , fašizace , opposition to the agreement TTIP
and " anarchistic boulevard ". After each edition of existence , so in January , April ,
July and October , we held a meeting, called. Existential parties, where we are after a
dinner together authors and readers, discussed the issue released, and topics that could
follow .
We joined the Anarchist Book Festival , which took place in mid-May at the clinic. Here we
introduce a couple of books on which we worked together, and one that we released on own
account. It was a history of anarcho-syndicalism from the anarchist historian Vadim
Damier. In addition, in 2016 we published several handheld brochures aimed particularly at
moments of the history of the anarchist movement, in addition to the said memories of
Spain were translations, which were published under the names of Jewish anarchists in New
York City and Notebooks of anti-globalization , and the original work Footsteps Adamit .
internationalist activities
AF is part of the International of Anarchist Federations (IFA). At the IFA, we have added
several joint declaration, which have also translated into Czech, for example.
Manifestations of solidarity with refugees and migrants or Turkish anarchists . In August,
a delegation AF participated in the congress of the International in Frankfurt.
In late August, we invited anarchists from Latin America, specifically from Chile and
Cuba, in order to lectures in Prague and Brno talk about the situation in their countries.
In the days 12 to 21 August in the north of Austria held a meeting Anarchistische
Sommercamp 2016 , which aimed to unite individuals and groups across borders and
strengthen cooperation within the anarchist movement. Our expedition contributed its bit
to the rich and varied program also actively helped out with practical tasks associated
with running the camp. To familiarize potential applicants with the intentions of the camp
we organized during April informative tournament, whose stops were in Brno, Jihlava and
We joined the international beneficio on anti-authoritarian digital project connected with
the site riseup.net.
On our website we have brought about happenings in the Slovak Republic, Ukraine, Cuba,
Mexico, Spain, Norway, Brazil, Greece, France, USA, Tunisia, Russia, Turkey, Hungary,
Great Britain, Chile, Serbia, Poland, Netherlands, Kurdistan , Colombia, South Africa and
Leaflet "Action Anarchist Federation in 2016" for download HERE .
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