Today's Topics:
1. Britain, afed: London AF Discussion Meeting -- The Police
and State Violence by Nick (London) (
2. af rhein-ruhr: Dortmund: Presentation by Women in Exile (de)
3. Sydney march against Australia / invasion day
4. - Thailand: anarchists visit home of the Australian
Ambassador (
5. France, Alternative Libertaire AL #268 - Memory of
struggles: Free women against libertarian machism (fr, it, pt)
[machine translation] (
6. Solidarity from Greece to BAUEN workers by
Dmitri - MACG (personal capacity) (
Message: 1
We look at the role of the police and revolutionary alternatives to them in the context of
police behaviour in Britain ( infiltration of political groups and social movements with
accompanying sexual abuse)the USA (police murders and the response of Black Lives Matter)F
rance and elsewhere. We argue for alternatives to the police in the context of a
developing grass roots movement.
7pm Wednesday February 16th, Common House 5e Pundersons Gardens, London E2 (nearest tube
Bethnal Green)
Message: 2
We are very glad that two activists of Women in Exile will come to Dortmund to give a
presentation about their current activities. ---- "Women in Exile is an initiative of
refugee women founded in Brandenburg in 2002 by refugee women to fight for their rights.
We decided to organize as a refugee women's group because we have made the experience that
refugee women are doubly discriminated against not only by racist laws and discriminative
refugee laws in general but also as women. The struggle against these laws is usually
supported by mixed-sex refugee self-organizations and in our experience, these are often
dominated by men who look at other issues as more important." ---- The presentation will
be held in english with a german translation. ---- All gender welcome. ---- 09.02.2017, 7
pm @Black Pigeon Dortmund (Scharnhorststraße 50, 44147 Dortmund)
Link to facebook event:
Information about Women in Exile:
Message: 3
Irish anarchist living in Sydney reports from recent march against ‘Australia Day'- On the
26 January tens of thousands of people took to the streets across Australia to protest
against ‘Australia Day' representing 227 years of resistance against the British crown
colonial invasion, dispossession and genocide. ---- In Sydney, thousands also marched
representing the biggest Invasion day march since the 1988 bicentennial. The march
organized by FIRE Fighting in Resistance Equally represented an amalgamation of groups
across the political spectrum. Irish migrants living the in Sydney took part in the march
including people from the James Connolly Society. ---- Protestors gathered in Redfern that
historically has represented the symbol of Aboriginal resistance in Sydney. Speaker after
speaker denounced the continuing the oppression of Aboriginal people and their struggle
for self-determination and freedom. There was also an emphasis on the importance of
building solidarity between all struggles on an intersectional basis.
During the colourful and a vibrant march made its way through the streets of the Sydney
CBD, there was an attempt to burn the Australian flag or the butchers apron as us Irish
like to refer to it as a symbol act of defiance. Before this occurred the riot police
viciously intervened using fire extinguisher and pepper spray attacking the young and old.
As the march organisers highlighted,
"As the demonstration was nearing a conclusion, it was viciously attacked by police. This
was a premeditated attack designed to try and divide, intimidate and demonize rally
participants. Many police were not wearing their badge numbers to avoid identification.
They charged into the crowd without warning and began assaulting people and spraying fire
extinguishers into people's faces.
Police told media they launched the attack after some people in the rally "burned the
Australian flag". Many flags have been burned at invasion day rallies over many years
without similar police assaults. Indeed, at the invasion day protest last year a flag was
burned in almost identical circumstances without incident. This year, a similar attempt by
some of those marching was attacked before it began. Footage clearly shows the flame was
not even lit.
The disgraceful attack led to multiple assaults by police and fire extinguishers were used
to spray gas into faces. We are sorry that people attending the rally, particularly our
elders and children, were exposed to this. Protection of elders and children is core to
our beliefs. These police actions were both unlawful and unpredictable. The police can not
claim to have been trying to protect public safety - they brutally injured the public."
One Irish girl was left injured from police violence and is now recovering in hospital.
For many Australia may represent the ‘land of opportunity' but for its original
inhabitants, they continue to be subjected to a colonial regime that is built on racism
and dispossession. What is clear is that from the streets of Belfast to Dublin and Sydney,
the police main priority is to uphold the status quo and our resistance has no borders.
Message: 4
On Sunday, January 29, 2017, anarchists in the city Chiang Mai in northern Thailand
visited the familiar residence of the new honorary ambassador of Australia, Ronald
Elliott, to share with him our views on immigration policy and the treatment of refugees
in Australia, as well and the annual celebrations held in the country for colonization,
displacement and genocide of indigenous peoples. ---- We recognize Mr. Elliott, who was
appointed Honorary Ambassador of Australia in northern Thailand on January 17, 2017, as a
representative of vulgar policy pursued by apoikimeni country known as "Australia". That
is welcomed to his new role as ambassador of a government that does not apologize for his
racist policies and is the shameless treatment of refugees, decorating the walls that
protect the exact property with a request for "Freedom for Refugees".
In solidarity with the " 7 Days of Resistance to Invasion Day " called by the Aboriginal
Indigenous Warriors, we added the request for de-apoikiokratisi of "Australia".
We are confident that Mr. Elliott will take our message to his superiors in the Australian
embassy, which in turn will submit an obligatory reference to the Department of Foreign
Affairs and Trade and their pals in government.
Realizing the strategy that chrisimmopoiisame shows how many walls and boundaries you lift
the rich and by extension the state, our visit to the relevant Mr Elliot in hyper-guarded
and gated community Mod Chic in Moo Ban Sansaran, to keep from out undesirables, those who
have the will to gain access will always find a way; this is a lesson that will do well to
take into account the "Australian" when government imposes immigration policies and spends
billions of dollars on "defense border ".
translated the BlackCat from
Message: 5
A feminist organization founded just before the Spanish Civil War, the Free Mujeres
contributed to the libertarian struggle, but also put forward the struggle for the place
of women in society and in the militant world. A fight still current. ---- Of the Free
Mujeres, we often know certain things. That this organization which claimed in its name
the freedom of women existed in a revolutionary context and civil war, in Spain, between
1936 and 1939. That it was self-managing and federalist. That its militants were numerous
(20 000 in July 1937). That they were addressed to the working class and often came from
them. They spoke on topics as diverse as working conditions and wages, pregnancy, female
pleasure, family structure. They refused to ally themselves with Communist feminists, but
found little support even among libertarians. They considered the education of women as an
indispensable tool for their emancipation. They provided technical, general and militant
training for women. Above all, they had the will to articulate class and genre to counter
the bourgeois feminists of the time.
We also sometimes know, but not always, that it was in the first place facing their
libertarian organization, the CNT, that they stood up. In particular, it was because of
the practices of certain militants that they wanted to create this militant space reserved
for women (one would say today non-mixed).
The CNT advocated gender equality and many women unionized. Some even had
responsibilities. The ideas of Proudhon, who wanted to leave the women in the kitchen,
were rejected. But the gap between the theory and the practices of the militants was too
Companion left to its traditional role
Thus, an activist, Pepita Carpena, reports: "There were a lot of machismo among men in
general. The friends of the CNT, they, willingly accepted a woman coming to the union.
(...) The problem of the feminists of the CNT was posed by contact with militancy: they
realized that these men who were libertarians were a little less when they were in their
home. They did not do it on purpose. They had been raised like that and were not aware of
it. " Based on this evidence, it was less of a problem of integration amid militant as the
report that the militants had with the women around them.
The difference between the exercised willingly accepted activist and companion left to its
traditional role is illustrated in this testimony: "The boys were very happy to have a
partner who understands them, them, as activists, but it is not Activist. They always
thought that women were not capable, except a few. (...) Men thought they did not
understand economic and social problems. Most, moreover, had no militant companions. Those
who had women activists ... well, they were there to receive all the buddies who came, to
eat, to make the hostesses. "
This gap denies the existence of a cause common to all women workers, militant or not: the
need for a double emancipation. The resistance of many militants to feminist practices,
despite a progressive discourse (especially in relation to context), can be explained in
two ways. Some activists remained locked in a traditional view of the family in which the
man worked and the woman looked after the home, while others focused on the idea that what
is now called patriarchy[1]disappear with capitalism.
Lucia Sanchez-Saornil[2], future co-founder of Mujeres Libres, fought these two
conceptions. CNT activist since the early 1920s, she published several articles in 1935
called "The issue of women in our communities" in the newspaper Solidaridad Obrera, it
must reread today. In response to his comrade Mariano Vazquez who wrote about "women's
issues", she noted: "The anarchist (...) who asks his wife to collaborate for social
subversion task must begin by recognizing in it his equal, with All the prerogatives of
individuality. "
There is no question of waiting for the end of capitalism to grant women the same rights:
it must be able to take them right now. In fact, while some activists wanted women to
rejoin their struggle in order to increase the strength of the organization, Lucia
Sanchez-Saornil asked for the education of women. She continues: "I proposed myself to
open for the woman prospects of our revolution by offering elements for it to form a free
mentality, able to discern for itself the false from the true, the policy Of the social.
For I believe that before organizing it in the unions - without disdaining this work - it
is more urgent to put it in a condition to understand the necessity of this organization."
An exclusively female group
This debate was difficult because resistance was present, but it should not be overlooked
that many activists simply considered these issues to be secondary. This may finally be
the reason why Sanchez-Saornil concludes his series of articles by the announcement of the
creation of an "independent body". The Mujeres Libres thus formed an exclusively feminine
group not only to be able to construct a specific reflection on what was called "feminine
condition" and to carry out a real work of educating women, but also because feminist
questions do not " Had no space of expression sufficient to allow them to pose them
urgently in the libertarian milieu.
The Mujeres Libres had thus exposed the fundamental idea that, since one can not build a
libertarian society within an authoritarian organization, one can not build a society in
which gender equality is the norm within a Macho organization.
Lucia Sanchez expressed Saornil 1935 responsibility activists face sexism: "Out of our
communities (...) it is very understandable, very excusable, even if one very human wants,
like the bourgeois defends its position and Privilege of command, man desires to retain
his hegemony and feels satisfied to have a slave. But I (...), I spoke for the anarchists
exclusively, for the conscious man, for him who, enemy of all tyrannies, is obliged, if he
wishes to be consistent, to extirpate from him, Every remnant of despotism. "
Adele (AL Montreuil)
[1]Patriarchy is the women operating system.
[2]The quotes from Lucia Sanchez-Saornil were collected through the work of William Drop,
Lucia Sanchez-Saornil - Poet, anarchist and feminist.
Message: 6
Date: Mon, 13 Feb 2017 10:20:24 +0200
To: en <>
Subject: (en) Solidarity from Greece to BAUEN workers
by Dmitri - MACG (personal capacity)
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252"; Format="flowed"
The Libertarian Union of Athens (ESE) invites every workers' collective, every base union,
every trade union, labor collectives and every individual worker or employee, both women
and men, to support the self-organized BAUEN hotel, and to join their voice to the
international pressure of the working class and social movement, so that the workers in
BAUEN emerge victorious. ---- ?he BAUEN Hotel in Argentina is about to close down, after
14 years of operation by workers self-management. Through a law passed by the Congress of
Argentina on November 30 of 2016, the property was expropriated for the benefit of the
worker's cooperative. Nevertheless, the President of Argentina Mauricio Macri decided to
exercise his veto right against expropriation law.
Apart from the fact that the workers and their families will find themselves in a
difficult financial situation, it is important that the Argentine state decided to hit one
of the most emblematic companies recuperated by workers. Through the blow to the BAUEN
cooperative, the state attempts to hit all of the recuperated businesses and the
horizontal-management movement that was developed in the country.
This very minute, inside and outside Argentina a pressure movement has being developed , a
movement that invites members of the House of Representatives and Senate to reject the
presidential veto and ratify the law expropriates the BAUEN Hotel for the benefit of its
employees, therefore to prevent eviction them from the hotel.
The Libertarian Union of Athens (ESE) invites every workers' collective, every base union,
every trade union, labor collectives and every individual worker or employee, both women
and men, to support the self-organized BAUEN hotel, and to join their voice to the
international pressure of the working class and social movement, so that the workers in
BAUEN emerge victorious. We claim self-management and workers' control in all means of
production. Wealth belongs to those who produce it and not to all sorts of bosses , or the
state. We demand all factories, every business and means of production to be handed to the
hands of the workers. We fight to get back the lives they stole us, by solidarity and
Hands off BAUEN Hotel!
Send solidarity e-mails and support to workers / s of BAUEN hotel at:
Libertarian Syndicalist Union of ATHENS (ESE)
Related Link:
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