Today's Topics:
1. anarsist faaliyet: Resistance Grows at Cargill Inc. (tr)
[machine translation] (
[machine translation] (
2. [Spain] Call for strike to clean up schools in Malaga By ANA
(pt) [machine translation] (
(pt) [machine translation] (
3. Polanand, ozzip Worker initiative: An Amazon employee wins
accident compensation in court [machine translation]
accident compensation in court [machine translation]
4. UK, anarchist communist group ACG: The Real Enemy
5. die plattform: declaration of solidarity with the current
mass protests against the right-wing, neoliberal
mass protests against the right-wing, neoliberal
government in Bolivia (de) [machine translation]
Message: 1
Cargill workers' -which were fired 2,5 years ago on the pretext that they joined to a union - struggle is ongoing for 874 days. Cargill
workers on the 874th day of their struggle, have made a protest in front of PepsiCo, one of the clients of the company. It is stated that
during the demonstration which our comrades from Youth Workers Association (GIDER) have attended too, struggle and resistance will last
until fired workers are back to work.
Dayanisma, Sokak
Message: 2
The contempt of the public company LIMPOSAM and the City of Malaga for cleaning service personnel is once again demonstrated in the midst of
the pandemic. ---- CGT legalized the call for a 24-hour strike for all LIMPOSAM, EMPRESA DE LIMPIEZAS MUNICIPALES Y PARQUE DEL OESTE, SAM,
on September 18. This first day of a strike to clean up schools and municipal facilities coincides with the educational strike called across
Andalusia for the same day. ---- The reasons for calling for a strike are as follows: ---- * Failure to perform PCR tests on all personnel
after they have been employed in schools. ---- * Outsourcing of reinforcement work by Covid-19 to private companies, leaving out the staff
of the exchange that corresponds to them.
* Exclusion of the Work Council from participation and necessary information, with regard to reinforcements for cleaning public schools due
to the pandemic.
* Lack of information and participation of delegates and prevention delegates in the development of protocols and methodology for the
complete cleaning of schools and municipal facilities.
Malaga, 2 September 2020
Translation> Liberto
anarchist news agency-ana
Message: 3
On September 2, 2020, in front of the District Court Poznan-Grunwald and Jezyce in Poznan, a winning judgment was passed in the case of a
member of our union against the Social Insurance Institution for a one-off compensation for an accident at work. ---- Before his injury, our
colleague was working at the Amazon facility for the fourth consecutive night, ten and a half hours each in a standing position. This work
requires a lot of physical and mental effort. On February 22, 2017, he collected products packed in containers from the conveyor and
introduced them to the system. An employee detected some non-compliance with one of the goods, so he put it down to the side of the stand on
the ground and called for help. After the problem was resolved, the worker had to lift the container (as it later turned out to be
excessively heavy), in the process of which he suffered a serious injury to the lower spine.
After the incident, an accident committee was appointed, which clearly stated that an accident at work occurred, which - in accordance with
the Act on social insurance against accidents at work and occupational diseases - is: "a sudden event caused by an external cause causing
injury or death that occurred in connection with work " . Analyzing the collected materials in terms of granting a one-off compensation, ZUS
came to the conclusion that the accident at work did not take place and issued a negative decision. The justification stated that there was
no external cause, i.e. the employee performed normal daily activities, and no extraordinary circumstance disturbing the work process
occurred that could be considered such an external cause.
Such an interpretation would mean that employees can count on the benefits in the event of accidents only in situations where, for example,
something has been hit or run over by someone. Therefore, the aggrieved party decided to appeal and fight for the compensation due to him
before the social insurance court. Especially that in the case law of the Supreme Court, there were theses that an external cause may be the
performance of ordinary, daily duties in conditions typical for the position (Supreme Court judgment of 24 November 2010, reference number I
UK 181/10). In assessing whether an accident has occurred, factors on the part of the employee, such as his spontaneous disease or
health-related predisposition related to physical exercise, in connection with which a given external cause, even if it is related to the
normal course of work, it causes an injury (Resolution of the panel of seven judges of the Supreme Court of February 11, 1963, reference
number III PO 15/62). As the first of these judgments states (reference number I UK 181/10):"With regard to physical exertion in particular,
it is assumed that performing normal, daily duties under conditions typical for a given position may - taking into account the individual
health predispositions of an employee - constitute an excessive burden for the employee and become an external cause of an accident at work"
. Therefore, when assessing such situations, one should look more broadly than at the moment of the incident, taking into account, for
example, the fact that the employee performed work requiring high concentration and physical effort for the fourth night in a row, ten and a
half hours each.
This case shows that the workplace, which is not known to what health and safety procedures will not be safe for the health of employees, if
the work is excessively strenuous, where you work more than eight hours a day at a fast pace and with heavy objects. - convinces the
representative of OZZ Employee Initiative, Michal Sobol, who led the case. The verdict is not final yet.
Message: 4
Regents Park in London contains probably the richest street in the city. Many of the mansions here are said to be ‘worth' £165 million. Many
of these large properties are empty, while just a mile away people are left to sleep in doorways. This is the situation created by
capitalism and perpetuated by conservatives and nationalists when they point their fingers at vulnerable refugees fleeing British made
bombs. These properties at Regents Park should be seized and put to practical use - but you will never find conservatives or nationalists
demanding or proposing that - because they are on the side of the ruling class parasites and their failing capitalist system.
The real enemy is not desperate refugees risking their lives to get to safety. The real enemy is people like the 7th Duke of Westminster,
Hugh Grosvenor, who the capitalist system is set up for. His Dad left him £10 billion! He managed, due to trickery, to avoid paying £4
billion of this money in inheritance tax. £4 billion is enough money to pay the entire unemployment budget for the year, or the wages of
120,000 fire fighters, nurses and police officers- not that we as anarchists think the money should go to the police, but it gives you an
idea of the sort of money we're talking about. What does Hugh Grosvenor like to spend this money on? He likes to spend it on parties. These
are the real parasites whose side all nationalists and fascists are on. There's a very good reason they want to distract you from the real
Don't believe the lies and propaganda of the bourgeois establishment media who scapegoat working class people - whether it's refugees,
immigrants, single mums, the unemployed, the disabled or whoever it is.
Message: 5
Message: 1
Cargill workers' -which were fired 2,5 years ago on the pretext that they joined to a union - struggle is ongoing for 874 days. Cargill
workers on the 874th day of their struggle, have made a protest in front of PepsiCo, one of the clients of the company. It is stated that
during the demonstration which our comrades from Youth Workers Association (GIDER) have attended too, struggle and resistance will last
until fired workers are back to work.
Dayanisma, Sokak
Message: 2
The contempt of the public company LIMPOSAM and the City of Malaga for cleaning service personnel is once again demonstrated in the midst of
the pandemic. ---- CGT legalized the call for a 24-hour strike for all LIMPOSAM, EMPRESA DE LIMPIEZAS MUNICIPALES Y PARQUE DEL OESTE, SAM,
on September 18. This first day of a strike to clean up schools and municipal facilities coincides with the educational strike called across
Andalusia for the same day. ---- The reasons for calling for a strike are as follows: ---- * Failure to perform PCR tests on all personnel
after they have been employed in schools. ---- * Outsourcing of reinforcement work by Covid-19 to private companies, leaving out the staff
of the exchange that corresponds to them.
* Exclusion of the Work Council from participation and necessary information, with regard to reinforcements for cleaning public schools due
to the pandemic.
* Lack of information and participation of delegates and prevention delegates in the development of protocols and methodology for the
complete cleaning of schools and municipal facilities.
Malaga, 2 September 2020
Translation> Liberto
anarchist news agency-ana
Message: 3
On September 2, 2020, in front of the District Court Poznan-Grunwald and Jezyce in Poznan, a winning judgment was passed in the case of a
member of our union against the Social Insurance Institution for a one-off compensation for an accident at work. ---- Before his injury, our
colleague was working at the Amazon facility for the fourth consecutive night, ten and a half hours each in a standing position. This work
requires a lot of physical and mental effort. On February 22, 2017, he collected products packed in containers from the conveyor and
introduced them to the system. An employee detected some non-compliance with one of the goods, so he put it down to the side of the stand on
the ground and called for help. After the problem was resolved, the worker had to lift the container (as it later turned out to be
excessively heavy), in the process of which he suffered a serious injury to the lower spine.
After the incident, an accident committee was appointed, which clearly stated that an accident at work occurred, which - in accordance with
the Act on social insurance against accidents at work and occupational diseases - is: "a sudden event caused by an external cause causing
injury or death that occurred in connection with work " . Analyzing the collected materials in terms of granting a one-off compensation, ZUS
came to the conclusion that the accident at work did not take place and issued a negative decision. The justification stated that there was
no external cause, i.e. the employee performed normal daily activities, and no extraordinary circumstance disturbing the work process
occurred that could be considered such an external cause.
Such an interpretation would mean that employees can count on the benefits in the event of accidents only in situations where, for example,
something has been hit or run over by someone. Therefore, the aggrieved party decided to appeal and fight for the compensation due to him
before the social insurance court. Especially that in the case law of the Supreme Court, there were theses that an external cause may be the
performance of ordinary, daily duties in conditions typical for the position (Supreme Court judgment of 24 November 2010, reference number I
UK 181/10). In assessing whether an accident has occurred, factors on the part of the employee, such as his spontaneous disease or
health-related predisposition related to physical exercise, in connection with which a given external cause, even if it is related to the
normal course of work, it causes an injury (Resolution of the panel of seven judges of the Supreme Court of February 11, 1963, reference
number III PO 15/62). As the first of these judgments states (reference number I UK 181/10):"With regard to physical exertion in particular,
it is assumed that performing normal, daily duties under conditions typical for a given position may - taking into account the individual
health predispositions of an employee - constitute an excessive burden for the employee and become an external cause of an accident at work"
. Therefore, when assessing such situations, one should look more broadly than at the moment of the incident, taking into account, for
example, the fact that the employee performed work requiring high concentration and physical effort for the fourth night in a row, ten and a
half hours each.
This case shows that the workplace, which is not known to what health and safety procedures will not be safe for the health of employees, if
the work is excessively strenuous, where you work more than eight hours a day at a fast pace and with heavy objects. - convinces the
representative of OZZ Employee Initiative, Michal Sobol, who led the case. The verdict is not final yet.
Message: 4
Regents Park in London contains probably the richest street in the city. Many of the mansions here are said to be ‘worth' £165 million. Many
of these large properties are empty, while just a mile away people are left to sleep in doorways. This is the situation created by
capitalism and perpetuated by conservatives and nationalists when they point their fingers at vulnerable refugees fleeing British made
bombs. These properties at Regents Park should be seized and put to practical use - but you will never find conservatives or nationalists
demanding or proposing that - because they are on the side of the ruling class parasites and their failing capitalist system.
The real enemy is not desperate refugees risking their lives to get to safety. The real enemy is people like the 7th Duke of Westminster,
Hugh Grosvenor, who the capitalist system is set up for. His Dad left him £10 billion! He managed, due to trickery, to avoid paying £4
billion of this money in inheritance tax. £4 billion is enough money to pay the entire unemployment budget for the year, or the wages of
120,000 fire fighters, nurses and police officers- not that we as anarchists think the money should go to the police, but it gives you an
idea of the sort of money we're talking about. What does Hugh Grosvenor like to spend this money on? He likes to spend it on parties. These
are the real parasites whose side all nationalists and fascists are on. There's a very good reason they want to distract you from the real
Don't believe the lies and propaganda of the bourgeois establishment media who scapegoat working class people - whether it's refugees,
immigrants, single mums, the unemployed, the disabled or whoever it is.
Message: 5
Preface: ---- The following was published on August 18, 2020 by the "Latin American Anarchist Coordination" ( CALA ). The CALA was newly
founded at the end of 2019 and brings together several organizations of especifist anarchism, an anarchist organizational concept of Latin
American origin related to platformism. ---- We have now translated the text into German in order to make the important information about
the fighting in Bolivia available to people in our language area. ---- When translating, we closely followed the original wording. It should
be noted that the term "people" - as a translation of "pueblo" (in Spanish) or "povo" (in Portuguese) - has a different meaning in Latin
American anarchism than we are used to in German-speaking countries.
Organized Latin American anarchism understands and uses "people" as a collective term for all the oppressed in society, for all who have an
objective interest in overcoming the prevailing conditions and not as a nationalist and racist mechanism of exclusion.
With this note in mind, the text should be read.
You can find the original text of the CALA here . We hope you enjoy reading it!
Long Live the Struggle of the Bolivian People -
Declaration by the Latin American Anarchist Coordination
( CALA )
Once again the Bolivian people show dignity and a determined readiness to fight. After the coup d'état of October 2019 and the establishment
of a brutal dictatorship under Jeannine Añez, popular resistance continues. Roadblocks (a good measure of the level of conflict and
readiness to fight), star marches to La Paz (1), daily demonstrations in various cities, an impressive mobilization in El Alto (2) and the
creation of structures that unite all fighting social organizations , are an expression of the will of this people to overthrow the
These battles didn't just start today. They go back to the gas and water wars (3) that overthrew neoliberal governments, plus the resistance
to the most recent coup, as the then President Evo Morales and the leadership of the MAS(4) decided to resign to "avoid bloodshed". But
blood was shed, the blood of the people, while the reformist politicians gave in to the racist and fascist right, which imposed the Bible on
everyone (5) and trampled the rights of the indigenous peoples and the Wiphala (6). It is a coup from above: it is the bourgeoisie and the
white oligarchy who, accompanied by hate speech against the indigenous peoples, are regaining control of the state. One could say that the
conquistadors or their descendants have returned - but now with the full support of the United States, which among other things has a clear
interest in managing coca plantations for drug trafficking.
In the face of these insults, however, the Bolivian people did not hide, nor did they surrender or betray themselves: they stayed on the
streets, even during the pandemic. And if they try again today to maintain the dictatorship, the fighting people will redouble their efforts
and the oppressed classes as a whole will take to the alleys and streets of the country. And as is evident from all the reports that arrive
from Bolivia, this oppressed people has the certainty and clarity that this dictatorship must be overthrown and that a path of its own must
be chosen.
One requirement is certain that elections be held and that a date be set for them immediately. The election date is set and postponed by the
de facto government at its own discretion, as it is negotiating with the MAS leadership. The MAS leadership can only be expected to
negotiate with the dictatorship. The struggling people express their displeasure that the election date has been postponed even further by
making demands on issues that go far beyond the elections.
We as especifist anarchists are in favor of the political organization of anarchism and the development of a real process of building
people's power. For us, elections only serve the bourgeoisie and its institutions, especially the state. They strengthen the power of one
class over another. And the Bolivian case clearly shows the limits of progressive forces in a government: MAS has not and cannot address a
single source of income for the ruling Bolivian classes. No structural changes took place, so within a few days a coup was carried out with
the full support of the police and the armed forces - two institutions that are the guardians of the civil order.
But in the face of an impending dictatorship, the participation of these institutions in the coup mobilizes people even more. And what
matters is that the people on the streets take their fate into their own hands to defend their class interests and their identities as
indigenous and oppressed peoples. It is time to support the struggle of the Bolivian people and to press for a radicalization of their
demands that goes beyond the occasional call for elections and is aimed at strengthening the self-empowerment and ability of the people to
act with the aim of establishing the people's power build up.
The Bolivian people carried out the revolution of 1952 in armed militias, overthrew countless governments, carried out all kinds of popular
uprisings, and resisted for centuries. This people will overthrow this fascist and racist dictatorship and mark their own path of struggle
and freedom.
Federación Anarquista Urugaya, fAu (Uruguay)
Coordenaçao Anarquista Brasileira, CAB (Brazil)
Federación Anarquista Rosario, FAR (Argentina)
Latin American Anarchist Coordination ( CALA )
(1) Seat of the Bolivian government
(2) Second largest city in the country
(3) In 2000 the International Monetary Fund forced the privatization of the Bolivian water supply, after which prices rose threefold in a
very short time. This led to massive protests and a general strike for months, especially in the Cochabamba region. Martial law was imposed
on this city after massive clashes before the government had to withdraw privatization. In 2003, a protest movement calling for the
indigenous population to participate in the gas income also led to serious clashes. These events, known as the gas war, resulted in the
overthrow of several governments in 2003 and 2005.
(4) "Movimiento al Socialismo" ( MAS ) is a left-wing party in Bolivia. Until the coup in 2019, Evo Morales was the first president of
indigenous origin in Latin America for 14 years. MAS and with it Morales positioned themselves against the neoliberal privatization of state
and municipal companies, the influence of the USA in the country and led a course of increasing government spending in the education and
health care sectors.
(5) Part of the coup against Morales were also religious-racist members of evangelical churches. They want to "put the country back in God's
hands" and symbolically brought the Bible back to the presidential palace. They signaled the "return" of white Christian colonial supremacy
after the end of the fourteen-year term of office of indigenous President Morales.
(6) Wiphala are flags that come from the Aymara culture, a variant of the Qullasuyu Wiphala was named the second national flag of Bolivia
during the Evo Morales presidency. After the 2019 coup, videos circulated of police officers cutting off the Wiphala from their uniforms.
The wiphala was also overtaken at various government buildings. These deeds have an enormous symbolic value: even more than 500 years after
the beginning of colonization, the indigenous people in their own territories do not find recognition by the descendants of the
conquistadores, who literally trample on their cultural heritage.
Once again the Bolivian people show dignity and a determined readiness to fight. After the coup d'état of October 2019 and the establishment
of a brutal dictatorship under Jeannine Añez, popular resistance continues. Roadblocks (a good measure of the level of conflict and
readiness to fight), star marches to La Paz (1), daily demonstrations in various cities, an impressive mobilization in El Alto (2) and the
creation of structures that unite all fighting social organizations , are an expression of the will of this people to overthrow the
These battles didn't just start today. They go back to the gas and water wars (3) that overthrew neoliberal governments, plus the resistance
to the most recent coup, as the then President Evo Morales and the leadership of the MAS(4) decided to resign to "avoid bloodshed". But
blood was shed, the blood of the people, while the reformist politicians gave in to the racist and fascist right, which imposed the Bible on
everyone (5) and trampled the rights of the indigenous peoples and the Wiphala (6). It is a coup from above: it is the bourgeoisie and the
white oligarchy who, accompanied by hate speech against the indigenous peoples, are regaining control of the state. One could say that the
conquistadors or their descendants have returned - but now with the full support of the United States, which among other things has a clear
interest in managing coca plantations for drug trafficking.
In the face of these insults, however, the Bolivian people did not hide, nor did they surrender or betray themselves: they stayed on the
streets, even during the pandemic. And if they try again today to maintain the dictatorship, the fighting people will redouble their efforts
and the oppressed classes as a whole will take to the alleys and streets of the country. And as is evident from all the reports that arrive
from Bolivia, this oppressed people has the certainty and clarity that this dictatorship must be overthrown and that a path of its own must
be chosen.
One requirement is certain that elections be held and that a date be set for them immediately. The election date is set and postponed by the
de facto government at its own discretion, as it is negotiating with the MAS leadership. The MAS leadership can only be expected to
negotiate with the dictatorship. The struggling people express their displeasure that the election date has been postponed even further by
making demands on issues that go far beyond the elections.
We as especifist anarchists are in favor of the political organization of anarchism and the development of a real process of building
people's power. For us, elections only serve the bourgeoisie and its institutions, especially the state. They strengthen the power of one
class over another. And the Bolivian case clearly shows the limits of progressive forces in a government: MAS has not and cannot address a
single source of income for the ruling Bolivian classes. No structural changes took place, so within a few days a coup was carried out with
the full support of the police and the armed forces - two institutions that are the guardians of the civil order.
But in the face of an impending dictatorship, the participation of these institutions in the coup mobilizes people even more. And what
matters is that the people on the streets take their fate into their own hands to defend their class interests and their identities as
indigenous and oppressed peoples. It is time to support the struggle of the Bolivian people and to press for a radicalization of their
demands that goes beyond the occasional call for elections and is aimed at strengthening the self-empowerment and ability of the people to
act with the aim of establishing the people's power build up.
The Bolivian people carried out the revolution of 1952 in armed militias, overthrew countless governments, carried out all kinds of popular
uprisings, and resisted for centuries. This people will overthrow this fascist and racist dictatorship and mark their own path of struggle
and freedom.
Federación Anarquista Urugaya, fAu (Uruguay)
Coordenaçao Anarquista Brasileira, CAB (Brazil)
Federación Anarquista Rosario, FAR (Argentina)
Latin American Anarchist Coordination ( CALA )
(1) Seat of the Bolivian government
(2) Second largest city in the country
(3) In 2000 the International Monetary Fund forced the privatization of the Bolivian water supply, after which prices rose threefold in a
very short time. This led to massive protests and a general strike for months, especially in the Cochabamba region. Martial law was imposed
on this city after massive clashes before the government had to withdraw privatization. In 2003, a protest movement calling for the
indigenous population to participate in the gas income also led to serious clashes. These events, known as the gas war, resulted in the
overthrow of several governments in 2003 and 2005.
(4) "Movimiento al Socialismo" ( MAS ) is a left-wing party in Bolivia. Until the coup in 2019, Evo Morales was the first president of
indigenous origin in Latin America for 14 years. MAS and with it Morales positioned themselves against the neoliberal privatization of state
and municipal companies, the influence of the USA in the country and led a course of increasing government spending in the education and
health care sectors.
(5) Part of the coup against Morales were also religious-racist members of evangelical churches. They want to "put the country back in God's
hands" and symbolically brought the Bible back to the presidential palace. They signaled the "return" of white Christian colonial supremacy
after the end of the fourteen-year term of office of indigenous President Morales.
(6) Wiphala are flags that come from the Aymara culture, a variant of the Qullasuyu Wiphala was named the second national flag of Bolivia
during the Evo Morales presidency. After the 2019 coup, videos circulated of police officers cutting off the Wiphala from their uniforms.
The wiphala was also overtaken at various government buildings. These deeds have an enormous symbolic value: even more than 500 years after
the beginning of colonization, the indigenous people in their own territories do not find recognition by the descendants of the
conquistadores, who literally trample on their cultural heritage.
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