Today's Topics:
1. US, WSA, ideas and action: A New Labor Feminism By Melissa
Jameson (
Jameson (
2. France, Union Communiste Libertaire AL #308 - Edito: face
uncovered (de, it, fr, pt)[machine translation]
uncovered (de, it, fr, pt)[machine translation]
3. ait russia: Working performances in Ukraine [machine
translation] (
translation] (
4. Lebanon, kafeh: A study on the classification of the
Lebanese parties and currents [machine translation]
Lebanese parties and currents [machine translation]
5. federacao anarquista gaucha FAG/CAB: Brazil: The grenade in
the pocket of public servants (
Message: 1
I've always been interested in labor feminism in particular, and the wider socialist-feminist tradition. Lately, I've been wanting to
reconnect with our Anarchist Syndicalist roots. ---- The spirit of the older labor feminist movement was mostly reformist. It was focused on
winning gains for women in defense contracts and labor support for the Equal Rights Amendment. This amazing history points the way for us to
go more radical directions. The labor movement is changing in the face of the novel coronavirus, and women in the workforce are under attack
more than ever,but also more than ever in the lead. ---- As we head into the future, I want us to fight to have a new voice within labor,
with a bigger vision of ending the racist patriarchy, the capitalist system, and the state. As part of this I'm looking over three topics,
Feminism, Socialist-Feminism, and Labor Feminism, and how they relate to our struggles.
It's sad that we even have to define this word. Feminism is the movement for human rights of women, within the context ofthe system of
patriarchy, where men dominate public and private space. In the 18th, 19th, and early 20th century, we saw first-wave feminists, who were
champions for women's equal education and right to vote.
In the 1970's, second-wave feminists found patriarchy not just at school or the voting booth, but throughout the whole culture.Every product
of this culture is filtered through a lens of male supremacy.
Later, we saw third wave feminism, which pointed out that second-wave feminism was a mostly white and middle class movement, and tended to
ignore or diminishthe experiences of women of color, working class and LGBT women. In the late 80's and 90's Kimberly Crenshaw introduced
the important development of Black intersectional feminism, which led the way in looking at how many women of color, particularly queer
women of color, are exploited workers.All of these oppressions can overlap in one human person, and in one workplace struggle. Also very
important is transfeminism because the struggle of women of trans experience needs to be recognized and cannot be ignored by our movement's
work. Women of trans experience in the workplace are at especially high risk of discrimination and violence.
Socialist Feminism
In the widest sense, socialist feminism is centered in the lives of working class women, both in the workforce and in the work of
child-raisingand homemaking. The socialist feminist movement,in the big sense of anti-capitalism, includesMarxists, anarchists, and other
radicals. The social feminist movement includes Emma Goldman and Lucy Parsons- leaders of women's struggles among workers, and the Mujeres
Libres, free women of Spain, who had to fight the sexism of their fellow anarchists right in the middle of an anarchist revolution.
This tradition is different from both first and second wave feminists,who saw women's rights as fitting in with capitalism. Socialist
feminists saw the ending of class systems as connected to the feminist struggle. Equal rights under global capitalism are not possible as
long as there is a class system in industry and society. Socialist feminism is for all people, not just those with fancy education and
professional careers. Capitalism co-opts our struggles; it finds ways to sell it all back to us as commodities, and entertains us to ignore
the global picture of women's exploitation at the hands of industry and consumerism.
Labor Feminism
Currently in the US, women are closing the gender gap in union membership, they still do not make uphalf its membership, but are getting
closer.There are many issues that impact the lives of women in the workforce- dealing with harassment, struggling for family leave, etc. As
blue-collar and pink-collar working women, we have our own struggles in class society. We are women under male supremacy and in the
workforce we face the highest consequences in the industrial system.Whether in the service sector, manufacturing, or agriculture related
work, we have our own fight, one that will benefit everyone in the end. While socialist feminism is a very general term, labor feminism is
specifically about fighting for our lives in the workforce. It's aboutworking women in all industries including healthcare, childcare, and
sex-work, where women are paid to serve the needs of patriarchal society, and ultimately, the middle and upper class.
The current pandemic means that we have to reconfigurewho we are as a society, and who we will be when the virus is under control. And in
anarchist syndicalism, we'll also have to reinvent ourselves. This time of crisis is showing us how social oppressions, such as sexism,
racism, and homophobia, exacerbate the dangers we face everyday as essential workers. These social oppressions are at the heart of our
struggles as workers in a sexist system.
I want a workforce feminism that points the way for real freedom over our lives and bodies as working women. We need to learn from the work
of Black intersectional feminists to understand how social oppressions of race, gender, and sexual orientation intersect. Learning from
transfeminism, we need to see how many of us face several oppressions at the same place, the place of industry, on which our families
depend. Anarchist syndicalists who are working women can contribute to this project.We can help change the future. We can fight!
Message: 2
In the United States as in France, the police power, brutal and visible, is contested: this revolt is an undeniable political progress. But
there are also more subtle and more vicious forms of social control, which we must not let our guard down. ---- There are forms of exercise
of power which mutilate the flesh and strike the spirits, and others which suffocate in silence. Since the assassination of George Floyd in
May 2020, thousands of demonstrations have taken place that have brought together anti-racist pacifist activists, others more offensive, or
even these ranks of symbolically armed mothers for defend their children, and on the other hand the contingents of the forces of "order" and
the white supremacist militias which sometimes relay them, as in Portland ; the figures are clearly identified on both sides.
Now, since the power that oppresses is so freely exposed in its exercise, with its face uncovered, it runs the risk of appearing for what it
is, a permanent coup against the law which it usually uses. deposit ; it only took a few weeks for the United States to demand the simple
abolition of the police.
But there are also more silent fonts, attentive to read our faces without revealing theirs. The American firm Clearview has been developing
powerful facial recognition algorithms for years, and it only had to reach out to harvest some 3 billion photos, most of them publicly
accessible on social networks.
Sold to police around the world as well as to companies and high net worth individuals, the software hints at the possibility of painlessly
tightening the mesh of social control.
Police power has many faces, and not all are equally recognizable.
UCL, August 25, 2020
Message: 3
Protests and strikes by port workers and miners once again brought attention to the class struggle in Ukraine. The speeches of the workers
of the port of Reni and the miners of Krivoy Rog are especially resonant. ---- On September 10, several workers from Reni, Odessa Oblast,
went on a hunger strike because they were not paid money to clean oil tanks near the local port. "People have barricaded themselves in a
tank and are demanding wages. It is located on the banks of the Danube River. The height is about 11 meters, the capacity is about 3
thousand tons," one of the Rhenians said, adding that the protesters also threatened to commit self-immolation if they were pulled out. out.
A hunger strike participant has already recorded a special video message, saying that he and 9 other people have been cleaning 2 large
containers at the oil depot from coal tar for more than 2 months. They worked in the most difficult conditions, but in the end the
representative of the Ukrchem company, which was supposed to pay the money earned, refused to do so. The men were given only part of the
money under the pretext that one tank was allegedly not ready to receive diesel fuel. "We have brewed in this tank. We are going on a hunger
strike," said the worker
Protests continue in another, Berdyansk, port, where the state intends to dismiss almost 60% of the workforce. All this is done with the aim
of the subsequent privatization of the enterprise, which can be given into the hands of a private owner, or at least transfer the port to a
long-term concession. From the bankrupt enterprise they throw away the ballast from the "extra" people, at the same time getting rid of
basic social obligations. However, workers have already begun to go to protest rallies, demanding from the Ministry of Infrastructure to
prevent mass layoffs ( )
On August 29, in the Lviv region, miners from the Nadezhda mine refused to rise to the surface, protesting against non-payment of wages
since March. 18 people remained underground, the rest were raised to the surface due to deterioration of health
Large-scale strike demonstrations in Kryvyi Rih have continued since September 3. At the Oktyabrskaya mine in Kryvyi Rih, 29 miners remain
underground. The protest action is complicated by unfavorable conditions in the mine - high levels of humidity and the intensity of the
spread of fungi. On September 7, miners of the Batkivshchyna mine at the Kryvyi Rih Iron Ore Combine (KZhRK) supported their colleagues from
the Oktyabrskaya mine and also began an underground protest. On September 8, in Krivoy Rog, almost 400 miners of the Batkivshchyna,
Gvardeyskaya, Ternovskaya and Oktyabrskaya mines remained underground
On September 7, about 200 miners, family members and other citizens gathered in Krivoy Rog for another rally in support of the strikers (
https: // ... )
Hundreds of Ukrainian miners refuse to rise to the surface, demanding higher wages, better working conditions and the return of preferential
work experience for miners working underground. The owners of the Krivoy Rog iron ore plant, which is jointly managed by the Metinvest group
and the Privat group, stubbornly refuse to fulfill the workers' demands. They refuse to make concessions to the workforce of their
enterprise and are struggling to suppress the strike to avoid unplanned expenses and keep their own surplus profits. According to Kryvyi Rih
trade union activists, representatives of the owners are putting pressure on the families of the striking miners. And most importantly, they
take the rioters to death - in the truest sense of the word. Security guards check the food rations of workers descending underground, so
that they do not take "extra" food with them for the protesting comrades who remain in the slaughter for more than a week. The oligarchs'
tactics are based on an attempt to silence the resonant strike ( )
Meanwhile, as the Kharkiv independent social portal "Assembly" reports, on August 26 in the morning at the local plant "Electrotyazhmash"
the 4th rally was held demanding to pay off the wage arrears. Following the results of the previous rally and meeting with the
administration, it was possible to achieve salaries for June. This time, the informal initiative group again made an appeal in their
Facebook group.
Acting arrived to talk to people. the general director of the plant Viktor Busko, reinstated by the court on August 17. He said that he
would try to fulfill the requirements, but this was not yet certain, because it might not work out. The team listened to the next stories.
The agreements reached were announced in more detail by Anton Tolokov: "Until the end of next week July is extinguished, August is planned
within 10 days from payment for July. The company needs to be loaded. Working capital is needed. , will come and put him on rods, although,
perhaps, more effective methods are needed. "
"Show that we have a stable job, so that we continue to get paid ..."
On the whole, it seems that the situation is stalemate. The ineffectiveness of the leadership and its disregard for the needs of
subordinates are faced with indifference to the restoration of the enterprise on the part of the collective, out of about 3 thousand of
which only about a hundred take part in the protests. Many people sit on 2/3 of the rate, quit or look for part-time jobs on the side. "And
there are not many options. Either believe and wait, if there is money to wait, or leave ... I want to eat every day. Many married couples
used to work, but now only wives are left," the ex-factory worker told the Assembly. there were ministers, and Kucher. They promised a lot,
but no one did. How they are going to hold local elections, xz. Turbo and hydroelectric production is a lot of money, but with a long
production cycle. Working capital and salary came from electric traction production. But now orders are much less. We buy American
locomotives, which means the filling is also theirs. This means that ETM without orders and money. We have lost the Russian market, but they
build locomotives well. There you will no longer find VL-8, which are in full swing in Ukraine since 1956-1965. Of course, our technical
backwardness plays an important role. And the machines are old, and the technologies, and the products also require updating. This requires
huge funds and labor resources. And the specialists scattered. Well, this is the problem of the post-Soviet states. " which are in full
swing in Ukraine and from 1956-1965 year of release. Of course, our technical backwardness plays an important role. And the machines are
old, and the technology, and the products also require updating. This requires huge funds and labor resources. And the specialists
scattered. Well, this is the problem of the post-Soviet states. " which are in full swing in Ukraine and from 1956-1965 year of release. Of
course, our technical backwardness plays an important role. And the machines are old, and the technologies, and the products also require
updating. This requires huge funds and labor resources. And the specialists scattered. Well, this is the problem of the post-Soviet states. "
The monotony of the actions carried out can also contribute to the atmosphere of apathy. Marina Logvinenko, for example, directly states
this: "Well, how did you defend your rights today? Or are you again full of breakfasts and are happy if you have begged for some 20% of your
salary? I wrote here more than once and I repeat: there will be a real protest - I will take part, and I just don't see the point in
supporting this squalor. " Like Vasily Matosov: "You just have to sit down with the whole plant and sit until the money is given, otherwise
they will tell a new tale every day." Another employee comments: "What to do? Go with a pitchfork? Will not help. Change work? Who needs us
under 60 years old? Go to the panel? Conscience does not allow. And there is no time, and I don't want to. I want stability and poise. To
wake up and not think about where to get money.
On Friday, August 28, 25% of the salary for July was paid
They had to pay in full for the month before the end of next week. On Thursday, September 3, First Deputy Director Dmitry Kostyuk entered
shop 006, where he turned the calendar over and gave explanations and promises, retold in a post on Facebook by shop employee Alexei Sapronov:
- The second 25% of the salary for July will be paid until next Wednesday, at the most. the plant is waiting for payment from Turboatom in
the amount of 13 million hryvnias, and the amounts on the accounts are directed to the purchase of materials and components in order to
provide the workshop with further work: "I also walk on the ground, but in order to survive in the future, to work, and to what was it to
pay back wages, now I need to buy materials to load production, this is my decision ";
- electric traction production will receive 100% advance payment for products, the main customers are interested in cooperation with the
plant, between Kostyuk and acting the general director had a long and difficult conversation, "but Busko and I agreed that the plant should
work and be provided with orders, and people - with work and wages";
- regarding the planned next meeting "he said that he cannot forbid us to gather and demand a salary, but these actions have an impact on
the image of the plant in front of customers, and the confidence level under the agreements is violated";
- the resigned specialists will be hired back to work, regardless of whether the person quit at three salaries or one at a time;
- an agreement was reached with "Sinara" to revive the production of EDP-810 and ED-515.
The promised "second 25%" has not yet been reported. And the interest itself is a tricky thing. As noted in the group of the enterprise,
"25% of the salary of the director and 25% of the salary, for example, of a simple sling, is heaven and earth: more than 200,000 and less
than 8,000. Some of this amount will not feed a cat, while others can half department for a month to feed ". So, acting General Director
Viktor Busko received UAH 208,745 in June, despite his dismissal in the middle of the month.
The administration has been repeating since last autumn that the money goes to the purchase of materials and one needs to be patient.
Therefore, already a week before that, proposals were actively crawling through the team to completely stop work. And not within the
framework of legal procedures, because the trade union at the enterprise is de facto incompetent. "These are just scum that are killing the
plant. And there is no one to stop the lawlessness - the power is now only impotent and thieves," a former worker of the plant Anton Tolokov
told the "Assembly". "People already want to stop work, stop shipping. tired and want to eat corny ... "
Igor Reutov also addressed his colleagues on Wednesday, September 2: "It's time to act, I propose on Monday a meeting of all workers, that
is, us, with the blocking of all branches of production for and in the plant, suspension of work until the full payment of wages. we will be
polite on our part, we do not throw words to the wind, we are strong, we need to prepare and hope that the second part of the onlookers will
see and support, we need a strong, morally stable, collective fist. "
Tatyana Karpenko added: "You want to sit stupidly and do nothing, so they will never be given, everyone will speak" to materials ", but not
to the salary. , and explain the situation. Or maybe let them give back the wage arrears to the people and close the plant to hell, and not
enrich themselves at our expense. "
Victoria Volkova came up with another option: "We must go not to the White House, but to Busko's office, and sit there until there is a
result, and also call Kucher, who promised a lot, but is not capable of anything".
Sergei Krutko, who had previously worked at Electrotyazhmash, also made an appeal to mobilize: "The main shops need to stop! Assembly and
procurement workshops! 6, 20, 9, 18 shops! Only by pressure! Only persistently! Only boldly! You can get your salary! And if you hit by the
boss - like, you don't like it, you can quit! Boldly answer - you are not a plant director, and I myself (myself) will decide when I quit! "
However, for all the complexity of the situation, so far nothing has come of the announced plans. "In this fist, not all fingers are
present," Alexander Korostylev comments in the community. "As practice shows, the same ones do this, and the rest work great at the machine
and pretend they don't know anything. and the same ones look out from the windows, nothing changes. "
"Many have realized that this is a useless business. Those meetings do not really solve anything, only beautiful promises are heard, and
everyone could see the result," continues in an interview with the "Assembly." "The path to a legal strike will take at least two months,
and an illegal , again, up to 100 people will gather. Until there is support from the entire team, or at least 75%, the strike is doomed to
failure, with subsequent sanctions from the leadership. "
Alexander Nikolaevich asks about the same: "There is no majority yet, the backbone of people has not yet formed ... A handful of people will
leave, demand, and hundreds and more eyes will look out of the windows and think how it will end ... For those who left ... Not yet will be
the majority, then there is nothing to talk about. Or are there other opinions? "
So far, the situation is at a dead end, from whatever side you look. The forecasts for the near future in the group are also not very
encouraging: "There are orders, just in the light of the latest events related to the outflow of personnel, the volumes that customers want
in applications are simply unrealistic, since there are few qualified specialists left who can fulfill orders , and again, Busko said at the
meeting that September was contracted for the draft, and for October there was a contract on the way, but otherwise we'll wait and see. "
"Never mind, a new Messiah will come and broadcast his program of promises and the timing of debt repayment. Everything is as old as the
world. Another will come to the trough, and until he eats, he will not give to others. Workers will be extreme again. And the union is
silent. The union knows how to lay flowers. , and keep silent at the meetings of the next director with the team. "
As of Wednesday evening, September 9, 22.5% of salary for July was paid. Now people are waiting for Friday - but it looks like this is the
last amount this week (
Message: 4
A study conducted by the Kaffah movement! On the classification of the Lebanese parties and currents and their political position based on
the reconciliation between their ideological thought and their practices on the ground. The position of each party will be explained: ---- -
Hizbullah: There is no doubt that its religious ideology and expansionist authoritarian ideas place it at the extreme right of the
authoritarian, which classifies it as an Islamic fascist party par excellence. ---- The Islamic Group (and its affiliates are Sunni
extremist movements): It is also positioned side by side with Hezbollah because of its similarity to it in its quest to control its
political ideology and religious extremism.
The Progressive Socialist Party: It is true that its ideology and ideology is a secular socialist, but the domination of the Jumblatt family
over it and its Druze sectarian practices makes it an authoritarian, right-wing fief par excellence.
The Baath Party: occupies the center of the moderate authoritarian left, due to its repressive practices wherever it controls.
The youth movement for change: its Marxist ideology places it in the field of the socialist left.
The Syrian Nationalist Party: It is true that it considers itself a leftist, but its ethnic ideology and its similarity to the Nazi-Hitler
ideology make it a fascist party par excellence.
Amal Movement: Its Shiite ideas (relatively moderate) and its hegemony over power for decades put this movement in the middle of the
right-wing authoritarian square.
The Free Patriotic Movement: the authoritarian family domination, whether within the party or in the decision-making centers as a whole,
with its outwardly secular ideology and Christianity in reality, it places it in the authoritarian moderate right.
The Hanshak Party: Yes, its ideology is a socialist left, but its Armenian identity brings it closer to centrism.
The Lebanese Communist Party: It is natural for Marxist-Leninists to be close to socialism in relation to their thought and practices.
The Lebanese Forces: their history, practices, and Christian ideologies place them in the position of the extreme right with loyalty and
deification of their leader, who tends it slightly towards authoritarianism despite its calls for democracy.
The Marada Movement: similarity in thought and practice with the forces, with little openness towards leftist and Arab thought, which makes
it more moderate.
The Arab Democratic Party: Despite its leftist Arab ideology, its loyalty to the Alawite sect puts it to the right.
The People's Movement: Its position on the moderate left, due to its popular positions and alliances.
The Nasserite Popular Organization: The Nasserite thought is leftist in nature and close to socialism with an Arabist flavor.
The Lebanese Democratic Party: its loyalty to the leader, sect, and political inheritance puts it on the far right.
- The Arab Tawhid Party: the practice of this party and the sectarian and regional hegemony over it (like the Democratic Party, but without
inheritance) with its openness to the left, placing it in the position of the moderate right.
- Al-Tashnak: his loyalty to the Armenian community (not the leader), and his openness to all parties, makes him a moderate right-wing.
- Two citizens and two citizens of a country: his secular ideas and his calls for state sovereignty make him in the moderate,
semi-authoritarian left
- The Democratic Youth Union: his leftist ideology and the harmony of his faith with the Communist Party with a democratic whiff puts him in
the authoritarian little left.
The Lebanese Phalanges: family and religious domination over him places him on the far right, with a liberal twist due to his democratic
ideas and practices.
The Azm Movement: its regional foundation and somewhat capitalist ideas place it on the liberal moderate right
Ramgavar: His Armenian identity and liberal ideas make him a right-handed center.
The Popular Observatory for Fighting Corruption: Its anti-authority practices and the leftist whim of most of its members place it in the
liberal moderate left.
The Democratic Left: its liberal leftist ideas and its reverence for democracy and freedom of expression make it a liberation trend.
Free Patriots: His liberal ideas and family loyalty determine his position.
The National Dialogue Party: Its capitalist leadership makes it a moderate right-wing capitalist party.
The National Bloc: His family loyalty to his liberal ideas and openness to the left place him in the liberal center right.
You stink: It is true that they reject ideology, but their practices on the ground make them centrists leaning toward the liberal left.
The Socialist Forum: Its Left Trotskyist ideas and practices place it in the field of the liberation left.
The Future Movement: It is a capitalist par excellence with a Sunni sectarian domination over it.
Sabaa Party: also a capitalist, but its secularism brings it closer to right-wing moderation.
The Green Party: Its ideas, attitudes, and practices make it a liberal, centrist, slightly to the left.
Lahqiqi: His structure and ideas place him in the moderate liberal left.
The Kifah Movement!: Its anarchist ideology (libertarian anarchism) and its practice place it at the extreme left of the libertarian anarchist.
In conclusion, the Lebanese popular weight and the majority of party support lies on the right and the majority of it is on the
authoritarian right, which makes the Lebanese people in themselves the defender of the oligarchy, the dominant feudal system.
No real change will happen before this people gives up their absolute loyalty and blind defense of the leaders who make up the ruling system.
Message: 5
Date: Thu, 17 Sep 2020 08:38:45 +0300
To: en <>
Subject: (en) federacao anarquista gaucha FAG/CAB: Brazil: The grenade
in the pocket of public servants
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252"; Format="flowed"
The attack on workers is always a constant among those who occupy state governance. Regardless of the government at the
time, deepening the exploitation of workers as a whole and scrapping the public service that collaborates with the minimally dignified life
of the people in favor of profit and the bourgeoisie is the sad reality. The Administrative Reform proposal presented by the government of
Jair Bolsonaro is the newest and hardest blow to public service workers. -- The project is an abyss of evil. Among the main points are: --
FREEZE OF PUBLIC COMPETITIONS -- The public tender was the strategy used by the people in struggle to remove the job hangers from the hands
of politicians. The selection through the contest is a minimum guarantee that the civil servant would no longer be a plaything in the hands
of the powerful. If today we see long lines at service stations, slowness in resolving cases, overcrowding in schools and hospitals, this is
due to the lack of labor to serve the people. The holding of new tenders provides better functioning of the services, especially the
essential ones. We need more contests!
In the same logic of guarantee, stability was achieved so that persecutions at work were curbed. Not only that! To guarantee stability is to
guarantee the possibility of well-trained workers given their permanence in the service. It is the guarantee of being able to defend the
conquered rights and to fight to conquer so many others that we still lack. It is the possibility of planning life and not living on a
Furthermore, it is a big lie that bad servants cannot be fired. Disciplinary Administrative Proceedings or Administrative Inquiries can be
initiated in the event of suspected misconduct. In the past 5 years, more than 4000 have been exonerated. We demand stability for all
workers, inside and outside the public service!
We don't give up working or being valued for it. To have a salary increase for the time of dedicated service and for the deepening of
knowledge is fair and stimulating. It's respect and recognition!
At the same time that he seeks, by the measures above, to make the life of public service workers more precarious, Bolsonaro is chasing and
protecting the wealthiest. Without any shame, it announces and wants to transform into law the possibility of treating the richest and the
poorest within the public service by different rules. It cuts rights for the poorest but guarantees for the true privileged of the high
echelon of the State. The high caste of the judiciary and the armed forces will maintain all their privileges In the end they miss the big
house and the slave quarters!
The possibility of extinction of organs by decree, gives almost dictatorial powers to the president of the republic, who may extinguish
ministries, foundations and autarchies without congressional authorization.
The Brazilian Anarchist Coordination denies the State, but respects, encourages and participates in the workers' conquests. The existing
rights in the Federal Constitution are not benefits given by any government, nor are they privileged by either. They are the fruits of the
struggle of public service workers. They are the result of the struggles of the poor people for access to health, education, and justice to
guarantee a DIGNA LIFE!
The grenade put in the pocket of the civil servants will explode in the lap of the government.
To precarious the public service is to attack all the people.
No to Administrative Reform!
Get out Bolsonaro and Mourão and Guedes!
For the GENERAL STRIKE! For a Strong People!
For the Social Revolution!
the pocket of public servants (
Message: 1
I've always been interested in labor feminism in particular, and the wider socialist-feminist tradition. Lately, I've been wanting to
reconnect with our Anarchist Syndicalist roots. ---- The spirit of the older labor feminist movement was mostly reformist. It was focused on
winning gains for women in defense contracts and labor support for the Equal Rights Amendment. This amazing history points the way for us to
go more radical directions. The labor movement is changing in the face of the novel coronavirus, and women in the workforce are under attack
more than ever,but also more than ever in the lead. ---- As we head into the future, I want us to fight to have a new voice within labor,
with a bigger vision of ending the racist patriarchy, the capitalist system, and the state. As part of this I'm looking over three topics,
Feminism, Socialist-Feminism, and Labor Feminism, and how they relate to our struggles.
It's sad that we even have to define this word. Feminism is the movement for human rights of women, within the context ofthe system of
patriarchy, where men dominate public and private space. In the 18th, 19th, and early 20th century, we saw first-wave feminists, who were
champions for women's equal education and right to vote.
In the 1970's, second-wave feminists found patriarchy not just at school or the voting booth, but throughout the whole culture.Every product
of this culture is filtered through a lens of male supremacy.
Later, we saw third wave feminism, which pointed out that second-wave feminism was a mostly white and middle class movement, and tended to
ignore or diminishthe experiences of women of color, working class and LGBT women. In the late 80's and 90's Kimberly Crenshaw introduced
the important development of Black intersectional feminism, which led the way in looking at how many women of color, particularly queer
women of color, are exploited workers.All of these oppressions can overlap in one human person, and in one workplace struggle. Also very
important is transfeminism because the struggle of women of trans experience needs to be recognized and cannot be ignored by our movement's
work. Women of trans experience in the workplace are at especially high risk of discrimination and violence.
Socialist Feminism
In the widest sense, socialist feminism is centered in the lives of working class women, both in the workforce and in the work of
child-raisingand homemaking. The socialist feminist movement,in the big sense of anti-capitalism, includesMarxists, anarchists, and other
radicals. The social feminist movement includes Emma Goldman and Lucy Parsons- leaders of women's struggles among workers, and the Mujeres
Libres, free women of Spain, who had to fight the sexism of their fellow anarchists right in the middle of an anarchist revolution.
This tradition is different from both first and second wave feminists,who saw women's rights as fitting in with capitalism. Socialist
feminists saw the ending of class systems as connected to the feminist struggle. Equal rights under global capitalism are not possible as
long as there is a class system in industry and society. Socialist feminism is for all people, not just those with fancy education and
professional careers. Capitalism co-opts our struggles; it finds ways to sell it all back to us as commodities, and entertains us to ignore
the global picture of women's exploitation at the hands of industry and consumerism.
Labor Feminism
Currently in the US, women are closing the gender gap in union membership, they still do not make uphalf its membership, but are getting
closer.There are many issues that impact the lives of women in the workforce- dealing with harassment, struggling for family leave, etc. As
blue-collar and pink-collar working women, we have our own struggles in class society. We are women under male supremacy and in the
workforce we face the highest consequences in the industrial system.Whether in the service sector, manufacturing, or agriculture related
work, we have our own fight, one that will benefit everyone in the end. While socialist feminism is a very general term, labor feminism is
specifically about fighting for our lives in the workforce. It's aboutworking women in all industries including healthcare, childcare, and
sex-work, where women are paid to serve the needs of patriarchal society, and ultimately, the middle and upper class.
The current pandemic means that we have to reconfigurewho we are as a society, and who we will be when the virus is under control. And in
anarchist syndicalism, we'll also have to reinvent ourselves. This time of crisis is showing us how social oppressions, such as sexism,
racism, and homophobia, exacerbate the dangers we face everyday as essential workers. These social oppressions are at the heart of our
struggles as workers in a sexist system.
I want a workforce feminism that points the way for real freedom over our lives and bodies as working women. We need to learn from the work
of Black intersectional feminists to understand how social oppressions of race, gender, and sexual orientation intersect. Learning from
transfeminism, we need to see how many of us face several oppressions at the same place, the place of industry, on which our families
depend. Anarchist syndicalists who are working women can contribute to this project.We can help change the future. We can fight!
Message: 2
In the United States as in France, the police power, brutal and visible, is contested: this revolt is an undeniable political progress. But
there are also more subtle and more vicious forms of social control, which we must not let our guard down. ---- There are forms of exercise
of power which mutilate the flesh and strike the spirits, and others which suffocate in silence. Since the assassination of George Floyd in
May 2020, thousands of demonstrations have taken place that have brought together anti-racist pacifist activists, others more offensive, or
even these ranks of symbolically armed mothers for defend their children, and on the other hand the contingents of the forces of "order" and
the white supremacist militias which sometimes relay them, as in Portland ; the figures are clearly identified on both sides.
Now, since the power that oppresses is so freely exposed in its exercise, with its face uncovered, it runs the risk of appearing for what it
is, a permanent coup against the law which it usually uses. deposit ; it only took a few weeks for the United States to demand the simple
abolition of the police.
But there are also more silent fonts, attentive to read our faces without revealing theirs. The American firm Clearview has been developing
powerful facial recognition algorithms for years, and it only had to reach out to harvest some 3 billion photos, most of them publicly
accessible on social networks.
Sold to police around the world as well as to companies and high net worth individuals, the software hints at the possibility of painlessly
tightening the mesh of social control.
Police power has many faces, and not all are equally recognizable.
UCL, August 25, 2020
Message: 3
Protests and strikes by port workers and miners once again brought attention to the class struggle in Ukraine. The speeches of the workers
of the port of Reni and the miners of Krivoy Rog are especially resonant. ---- On September 10, several workers from Reni, Odessa Oblast,
went on a hunger strike because they were not paid money to clean oil tanks near the local port. "People have barricaded themselves in a
tank and are demanding wages. It is located on the banks of the Danube River. The height is about 11 meters, the capacity is about 3
thousand tons," one of the Rhenians said, adding that the protesters also threatened to commit self-immolation if they were pulled out. out.
A hunger strike participant has already recorded a special video message, saying that he and 9 other people have been cleaning 2 large
containers at the oil depot from coal tar for more than 2 months. They worked in the most difficult conditions, but in the end the
representative of the Ukrchem company, which was supposed to pay the money earned, refused to do so. The men were given only part of the
money under the pretext that one tank was allegedly not ready to receive diesel fuel. "We have brewed in this tank. We are going on a hunger
strike," said the worker
Protests continue in another, Berdyansk, port, where the state intends to dismiss almost 60% of the workforce. All this is done with the aim
of the subsequent privatization of the enterprise, which can be given into the hands of a private owner, or at least transfer the port to a
long-term concession. From the bankrupt enterprise they throw away the ballast from the "extra" people, at the same time getting rid of
basic social obligations. However, workers have already begun to go to protest rallies, demanding from the Ministry of Infrastructure to
prevent mass layoffs ( )
On August 29, in the Lviv region, miners from the Nadezhda mine refused to rise to the surface, protesting against non-payment of wages
since March. 18 people remained underground, the rest were raised to the surface due to deterioration of health
Large-scale strike demonstrations in Kryvyi Rih have continued since September 3. At the Oktyabrskaya mine in Kryvyi Rih, 29 miners remain
underground. The protest action is complicated by unfavorable conditions in the mine - high levels of humidity and the intensity of the
spread of fungi. On September 7, miners of the Batkivshchyna mine at the Kryvyi Rih Iron Ore Combine (KZhRK) supported their colleagues from
the Oktyabrskaya mine and also began an underground protest. On September 8, in Krivoy Rog, almost 400 miners of the Batkivshchyna,
Gvardeyskaya, Ternovskaya and Oktyabrskaya mines remained underground
On September 7, about 200 miners, family members and other citizens gathered in Krivoy Rog for another rally in support of the strikers (
https: // ... )
Hundreds of Ukrainian miners refuse to rise to the surface, demanding higher wages, better working conditions and the return of preferential
work experience for miners working underground. The owners of the Krivoy Rog iron ore plant, which is jointly managed by the Metinvest group
and the Privat group, stubbornly refuse to fulfill the workers' demands. They refuse to make concessions to the workforce of their
enterprise and are struggling to suppress the strike to avoid unplanned expenses and keep their own surplus profits. According to Kryvyi Rih
trade union activists, representatives of the owners are putting pressure on the families of the striking miners. And most importantly, they
take the rioters to death - in the truest sense of the word. Security guards check the food rations of workers descending underground, so
that they do not take "extra" food with them for the protesting comrades who remain in the slaughter for more than a week. The oligarchs'
tactics are based on an attempt to silence the resonant strike ( )
Meanwhile, as the Kharkiv independent social portal "Assembly" reports, on August 26 in the morning at the local plant "Electrotyazhmash"
the 4th rally was held demanding to pay off the wage arrears. Following the results of the previous rally and meeting with the
administration, it was possible to achieve salaries for June. This time, the informal initiative group again made an appeal in their
Facebook group.
Acting arrived to talk to people. the general director of the plant Viktor Busko, reinstated by the court on August 17. He said that he
would try to fulfill the requirements, but this was not yet certain, because it might not work out. The team listened to the next stories.
The agreements reached were announced in more detail by Anton Tolokov: "Until the end of next week July is extinguished, August is planned
within 10 days from payment for July. The company needs to be loaded. Working capital is needed. , will come and put him on rods, although,
perhaps, more effective methods are needed. "
"Show that we have a stable job, so that we continue to get paid ..."
On the whole, it seems that the situation is stalemate. The ineffectiveness of the leadership and its disregard for the needs of
subordinates are faced with indifference to the restoration of the enterprise on the part of the collective, out of about 3 thousand of
which only about a hundred take part in the protests. Many people sit on 2/3 of the rate, quit or look for part-time jobs on the side. "And
there are not many options. Either believe and wait, if there is money to wait, or leave ... I want to eat every day. Many married couples
used to work, but now only wives are left," the ex-factory worker told the Assembly. there were ministers, and Kucher. They promised a lot,
but no one did. How they are going to hold local elections, xz. Turbo and hydroelectric production is a lot of money, but with a long
production cycle. Working capital and salary came from electric traction production. But now orders are much less. We buy American
locomotives, which means the filling is also theirs. This means that ETM without orders and money. We have lost the Russian market, but they
build locomotives well. There you will no longer find VL-8, which are in full swing in Ukraine since 1956-1965. Of course, our technical
backwardness plays an important role. And the machines are old, and the technologies, and the products also require updating. This requires
huge funds and labor resources. And the specialists scattered. Well, this is the problem of the post-Soviet states. " which are in full
swing in Ukraine and from 1956-1965 year of release. Of course, our technical backwardness plays an important role. And the machines are
old, and the technology, and the products also require updating. This requires huge funds and labor resources. And the specialists
scattered. Well, this is the problem of the post-Soviet states. " which are in full swing in Ukraine and from 1956-1965 year of release. Of
course, our technical backwardness plays an important role. And the machines are old, and the technologies, and the products also require
updating. This requires huge funds and labor resources. And the specialists scattered. Well, this is the problem of the post-Soviet states. "
The monotony of the actions carried out can also contribute to the atmosphere of apathy. Marina Logvinenko, for example, directly states
this: "Well, how did you defend your rights today? Or are you again full of breakfasts and are happy if you have begged for some 20% of your
salary? I wrote here more than once and I repeat: there will be a real protest - I will take part, and I just don't see the point in
supporting this squalor. " Like Vasily Matosov: "You just have to sit down with the whole plant and sit until the money is given, otherwise
they will tell a new tale every day." Another employee comments: "What to do? Go with a pitchfork? Will not help. Change work? Who needs us
under 60 years old? Go to the panel? Conscience does not allow. And there is no time, and I don't want to. I want stability and poise. To
wake up and not think about where to get money.
On Friday, August 28, 25% of the salary for July was paid
They had to pay in full for the month before the end of next week. On Thursday, September 3, First Deputy Director Dmitry Kostyuk entered
shop 006, where he turned the calendar over and gave explanations and promises, retold in a post on Facebook by shop employee Alexei Sapronov:
- The second 25% of the salary for July will be paid until next Wednesday, at the most. the plant is waiting for payment from Turboatom in
the amount of 13 million hryvnias, and the amounts on the accounts are directed to the purchase of materials and components in order to
provide the workshop with further work: "I also walk on the ground, but in order to survive in the future, to work, and to what was it to
pay back wages, now I need to buy materials to load production, this is my decision ";
- electric traction production will receive 100% advance payment for products, the main customers are interested in cooperation with the
plant, between Kostyuk and acting the general director had a long and difficult conversation, "but Busko and I agreed that the plant should
work and be provided with orders, and people - with work and wages";
- regarding the planned next meeting "he said that he cannot forbid us to gather and demand a salary, but these actions have an impact on
the image of the plant in front of customers, and the confidence level under the agreements is violated";
- the resigned specialists will be hired back to work, regardless of whether the person quit at three salaries or one at a time;
- an agreement was reached with "Sinara" to revive the production of EDP-810 and ED-515.
The promised "second 25%" has not yet been reported. And the interest itself is a tricky thing. As noted in the group of the enterprise,
"25% of the salary of the director and 25% of the salary, for example, of a simple sling, is heaven and earth: more than 200,000 and less
than 8,000. Some of this amount will not feed a cat, while others can half department for a month to feed ". So, acting General Director
Viktor Busko received UAH 208,745 in June, despite his dismissal in the middle of the month.
The administration has been repeating since last autumn that the money goes to the purchase of materials and one needs to be patient.
Therefore, already a week before that, proposals were actively crawling through the team to completely stop work. And not within the
framework of legal procedures, because the trade union at the enterprise is de facto incompetent. "These are just scum that are killing the
plant. And there is no one to stop the lawlessness - the power is now only impotent and thieves," a former worker of the plant Anton Tolokov
told the "Assembly". "People already want to stop work, stop shipping. tired and want to eat corny ... "
Igor Reutov also addressed his colleagues on Wednesday, September 2: "It's time to act, I propose on Monday a meeting of all workers, that
is, us, with the blocking of all branches of production for and in the plant, suspension of work until the full payment of wages. we will be
polite on our part, we do not throw words to the wind, we are strong, we need to prepare and hope that the second part of the onlookers will
see and support, we need a strong, morally stable, collective fist. "
Tatyana Karpenko added: "You want to sit stupidly and do nothing, so they will never be given, everyone will speak" to materials ", but not
to the salary. , and explain the situation. Or maybe let them give back the wage arrears to the people and close the plant to hell, and not
enrich themselves at our expense. "
Victoria Volkova came up with another option: "We must go not to the White House, but to Busko's office, and sit there until there is a
result, and also call Kucher, who promised a lot, but is not capable of anything".
Sergei Krutko, who had previously worked at Electrotyazhmash, also made an appeal to mobilize: "The main shops need to stop! Assembly and
procurement workshops! 6, 20, 9, 18 shops! Only by pressure! Only persistently! Only boldly! You can get your salary! And if you hit by the
boss - like, you don't like it, you can quit! Boldly answer - you are not a plant director, and I myself (myself) will decide when I quit! "
However, for all the complexity of the situation, so far nothing has come of the announced plans. "In this fist, not all fingers are
present," Alexander Korostylev comments in the community. "As practice shows, the same ones do this, and the rest work great at the machine
and pretend they don't know anything. and the same ones look out from the windows, nothing changes. "
"Many have realized that this is a useless business. Those meetings do not really solve anything, only beautiful promises are heard, and
everyone could see the result," continues in an interview with the "Assembly." "The path to a legal strike will take at least two months,
and an illegal , again, up to 100 people will gather. Until there is support from the entire team, or at least 75%, the strike is doomed to
failure, with subsequent sanctions from the leadership. "
Alexander Nikolaevich asks about the same: "There is no majority yet, the backbone of people has not yet formed ... A handful of people will
leave, demand, and hundreds and more eyes will look out of the windows and think how it will end ... For those who left ... Not yet will be
the majority, then there is nothing to talk about. Or are there other opinions? "
So far, the situation is at a dead end, from whatever side you look. The forecasts for the near future in the group are also not very
encouraging: "There are orders, just in the light of the latest events related to the outflow of personnel, the volumes that customers want
in applications are simply unrealistic, since there are few qualified specialists left who can fulfill orders , and again, Busko said at the
meeting that September was contracted for the draft, and for October there was a contract on the way, but otherwise we'll wait and see. "
"Never mind, a new Messiah will come and broadcast his program of promises and the timing of debt repayment. Everything is as old as the
world. Another will come to the trough, and until he eats, he will not give to others. Workers will be extreme again. And the union is
silent. The union knows how to lay flowers. , and keep silent at the meetings of the next director with the team. "
As of Wednesday evening, September 9, 22.5% of salary for July was paid. Now people are waiting for Friday - but it looks like this is the
last amount this week (
Message: 4
A study conducted by the Kaffah movement! On the classification of the Lebanese parties and currents and their political position based on
the reconciliation between their ideological thought and their practices on the ground. The position of each party will be explained: ---- -
Hizbullah: There is no doubt that its religious ideology and expansionist authoritarian ideas place it at the extreme right of the
authoritarian, which classifies it as an Islamic fascist party par excellence. ---- The Islamic Group (and its affiliates are Sunni
extremist movements): It is also positioned side by side with Hezbollah because of its similarity to it in its quest to control its
political ideology and religious extremism.
The Progressive Socialist Party: It is true that its ideology and ideology is a secular socialist, but the domination of the Jumblatt family
over it and its Druze sectarian practices makes it an authoritarian, right-wing fief par excellence.
The Baath Party: occupies the center of the moderate authoritarian left, due to its repressive practices wherever it controls.
The youth movement for change: its Marxist ideology places it in the field of the socialist left.
The Syrian Nationalist Party: It is true that it considers itself a leftist, but its ethnic ideology and its similarity to the Nazi-Hitler
ideology make it a fascist party par excellence.
Amal Movement: Its Shiite ideas (relatively moderate) and its hegemony over power for decades put this movement in the middle of the
right-wing authoritarian square.
The Free Patriotic Movement: the authoritarian family domination, whether within the party or in the decision-making centers as a whole,
with its outwardly secular ideology and Christianity in reality, it places it in the authoritarian moderate right.
The Hanshak Party: Yes, its ideology is a socialist left, but its Armenian identity brings it closer to centrism.
The Lebanese Communist Party: It is natural for Marxist-Leninists to be close to socialism in relation to their thought and practices.
The Lebanese Forces: their history, practices, and Christian ideologies place them in the position of the extreme right with loyalty and
deification of their leader, who tends it slightly towards authoritarianism despite its calls for democracy.
The Marada Movement: similarity in thought and practice with the forces, with little openness towards leftist and Arab thought, which makes
it more moderate.
The Arab Democratic Party: Despite its leftist Arab ideology, its loyalty to the Alawite sect puts it to the right.
The People's Movement: Its position on the moderate left, due to its popular positions and alliances.
The Nasserite Popular Organization: The Nasserite thought is leftist in nature and close to socialism with an Arabist flavor.
The Lebanese Democratic Party: its loyalty to the leader, sect, and political inheritance puts it on the far right.
- The Arab Tawhid Party: the practice of this party and the sectarian and regional hegemony over it (like the Democratic Party, but without
inheritance) with its openness to the left, placing it in the position of the moderate right.
- Al-Tashnak: his loyalty to the Armenian community (not the leader), and his openness to all parties, makes him a moderate right-wing.
- Two citizens and two citizens of a country: his secular ideas and his calls for state sovereignty make him in the moderate,
semi-authoritarian left
- The Democratic Youth Union: his leftist ideology and the harmony of his faith with the Communist Party with a democratic whiff puts him in
the authoritarian little left.
The Lebanese Phalanges: family and religious domination over him places him on the far right, with a liberal twist due to his democratic
ideas and practices.
The Azm Movement: its regional foundation and somewhat capitalist ideas place it on the liberal moderate right
Ramgavar: His Armenian identity and liberal ideas make him a right-handed center.
The Popular Observatory for Fighting Corruption: Its anti-authority practices and the leftist whim of most of its members place it in the
liberal moderate left.
The Democratic Left: its liberal leftist ideas and its reverence for democracy and freedom of expression make it a liberation trend.
Free Patriots: His liberal ideas and family loyalty determine his position.
The National Dialogue Party: Its capitalist leadership makes it a moderate right-wing capitalist party.
The National Bloc: His family loyalty to his liberal ideas and openness to the left place him in the liberal center right.
You stink: It is true that they reject ideology, but their practices on the ground make them centrists leaning toward the liberal left.
The Socialist Forum: Its Left Trotskyist ideas and practices place it in the field of the liberation left.
The Future Movement: It is a capitalist par excellence with a Sunni sectarian domination over it.
Sabaa Party: also a capitalist, but its secularism brings it closer to right-wing moderation.
The Green Party: Its ideas, attitudes, and practices make it a liberal, centrist, slightly to the left.
Lahqiqi: His structure and ideas place him in the moderate liberal left.
The Kifah Movement!: Its anarchist ideology (libertarian anarchism) and its practice place it at the extreme left of the libertarian anarchist.
In conclusion, the Lebanese popular weight and the majority of party support lies on the right and the majority of it is on the
authoritarian right, which makes the Lebanese people in themselves the defender of the oligarchy, the dominant feudal system.
No real change will happen before this people gives up their absolute loyalty and blind defense of the leaders who make up the ruling system.
Message: 5
Date: Thu, 17 Sep 2020 08:38:45 +0300
To: en <>
Subject: (en) federacao anarquista gaucha FAG/CAB: Brazil: The grenade
in the pocket of public servants
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252"; Format="flowed"
The attack on workers is always a constant among those who occupy state governance. Regardless of the government at the
time, deepening the exploitation of workers as a whole and scrapping the public service that collaborates with the minimally dignified life
of the people in favor of profit and the bourgeoisie is the sad reality. The Administrative Reform proposal presented by the government of
Jair Bolsonaro is the newest and hardest blow to public service workers. -- The project is an abyss of evil. Among the main points are: --
FREEZE OF PUBLIC COMPETITIONS -- The public tender was the strategy used by the people in struggle to remove the job hangers from the hands
of politicians. The selection through the contest is a minimum guarantee that the civil servant would no longer be a plaything in the hands
of the powerful. If today we see long lines at service stations, slowness in resolving cases, overcrowding in schools and hospitals, this is
due to the lack of labor to serve the people. The holding of new tenders provides better functioning of the services, especially the
essential ones. We need more contests!
In the same logic of guarantee, stability was achieved so that persecutions at work were curbed. Not only that! To guarantee stability is to
guarantee the possibility of well-trained workers given their permanence in the service. It is the guarantee of being able to defend the
conquered rights and to fight to conquer so many others that we still lack. It is the possibility of planning life and not living on a
Furthermore, it is a big lie that bad servants cannot be fired. Disciplinary Administrative Proceedings or Administrative Inquiries can be
initiated in the event of suspected misconduct. In the past 5 years, more than 4000 have been exonerated. We demand stability for all
workers, inside and outside the public service!
We don't give up working or being valued for it. To have a salary increase for the time of dedicated service and for the deepening of
knowledge is fair and stimulating. It's respect and recognition!
At the same time that he seeks, by the measures above, to make the life of public service workers more precarious, Bolsonaro is chasing and
protecting the wealthiest. Without any shame, it announces and wants to transform into law the possibility of treating the richest and the
poorest within the public service by different rules. It cuts rights for the poorest but guarantees for the true privileged of the high
echelon of the State. The high caste of the judiciary and the armed forces will maintain all their privileges In the end they miss the big
house and the slave quarters!
The possibility of extinction of organs by decree, gives almost dictatorial powers to the president of the republic, who may extinguish
ministries, foundations and autarchies without congressional authorization.
The Brazilian Anarchist Coordination denies the State, but respects, encourages and participates in the workers' conquests. The existing
rights in the Federal Constitution are not benefits given by any government, nor are they privileged by either. They are the fruits of the
struggle of public service workers. They are the result of the struggles of the poor people for access to health, education, and justice to
guarantee a DIGNA LIFE!
The grenade put in the pocket of the civil servants will explode in the lap of the government.
To precarious the public service is to attack all the people.
No to Administrative Reform!
Get out Bolsonaro and Mourão and Guedes!
For the GENERAL STRIKE! For a Strong People!
For the Social Revolution!
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