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zaterdag 7 mei 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #BULGARY #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) #Bulgary, FACB: The consequences of the war for the workers (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 The war in Ukraine changed the political situation on the continent and the

economic situation in the world. War destroys. It destroys buildings, it destroysillusions, it destroys people. While war undoubtedly affects everyone, it doesnot affect everyone in the same way. Some will even benefit from this war -political dividends for properly positioned politicians, economic dividends forthe oligarchs on the side of "peace and justice", whether we are talking abouttheir Russian or Ukrainian interpretation, as well as the bearers of universalinterpretation of war - the arms dealers. But those who will surely lose, nomatter which country they choose or in which they inadvertently end up, are theworkers. ---- At the local level - the workers are the main object ofmobilization - the able-bodied population between 18 and 60, which, like it ornot, is called to pay the human price of war.Workers also make up the majority of refugees. Unlike the so-called migrantcrisis during the war in Syria (which was primarily media hysteria fanned byright-wing politicians), today we are facing a large-scale refugee situationcapable of displacing the social strata of the continent. Today, more than 5million refugees have already left Ukraine, and more than 6 million are internalrefugees. A huge mass of people, many of whom will find themselves in the systemof temporary employment contracts in countries such as Germany, enriching largeemployers such as Volkswagen. Millions of workers will continue to pay the pricefor the war in the form of cheap, unregulated labor in the face of forcedmigration. Employers will take advantage of the situation to squeeze cheap laborout of refugees and suppress everyone's wages. Nationalist politicians will blamemigrants themselves for the wage suppression, push for restrictions on theirlabor rights, which will lead to even lower wages for migrants, which will puteven more pressure on everyone's wages, closing the self-supporting is a circleof demagoguery, exploitation and cynicism.Against the background of this escalation of social conflict in Europe, we arealso facing unprecedented calls for universal militarization of the continent.Three days after the start of the war, on February 27, 2022, German ChancellorScholz announced that the German army would have a special budget of 100 billion.Between 2015 and 2021, NATO's budget rose dramatically from 895 billion (2015) to1,174 billion (2021). These are not just figures showing NATO's readiness todefend against Russia. These are billions that will not go to hospitals, trainsand railways. They will not go for schools, renewable energy and social programs.Universal militarization means a sharp acceleration of the neoliberaldisintegration of the welfare state and leads to an immediate decline in thestandard of living of all. This is a direct blow to the social wage of theworker, who will have to pay more and receive less social services.Of course, workers should not and most likely will not be just passive victims inthe course of events. In the chaos of war lies the strength of the workers'strike. Workers can resist both the economic consequences of the war and the waritself. We have already seen the port workers from the autonomous USB union inItaly who refused to load weapons for the war. In Bulgaria, on the other hand, wesaw the outbreak of a large-scale unorganized strike in the industrial zone ofPlovdiv, which hinted at the intensification of resistance among workers againstthe effects of inflation. We are yet to see more and more such actions. With thecontinuation of the war and the deepening of its consequences - economic,political and social, we are entering a period of intensification andradicalization of social struggles, in which we need to position ourselves.FACB  https://www.anarchy.bg/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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