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zaterdag 7 mei 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #FRANCE #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) France, UCL AL #326 - culture, Read: Bégaudeau, "How to keep busy on an election Sunday" (ca, de, it, fr, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 In this short text at the crossroads of relaxed reflection, nonchalant stroll and

political essay, published by the young publishing house Divergences, FrançoisBégaudeau has fun playing the "non-proselytizing abstentionist". ---- He playswith an alert, colorful, funny style. The book is full of good words, well-feltpunchlines: "democracy does not come about through elections, but betweenelections". ---- If he pretends not to take his subject seriously, it's also thathe's playing us. Bégaudeau likes politics so he doesn't like elections. And it isto a ferocious charge that he indulges all the more ferocious that it is executedwith humor and detachment, precisely pointing out all the limits of thisentertainment that is the election.It first takes the expected paths: the passivity of the voter who is only invitedto take an interest in politics on the date of the elections, but remaining therest of the time a matter managed by those who know. He points out the majorissues that are never debated, the permanence of the order guaranteed by theelection.One of the points that particularly attracts attention is the notion of situationthat he develops in the second part of his book. The act of voting is a solitaryact and out of situation, even though politics is done in groups, and in situation.Here Bégaudeau joins a libertarian tradition which does not reject the vote butthe election. The vote by a show of hands to occupy a place of work or study is avote in situation: "the voters in situation decide on acts that they will notdelegate to anyone".To be a voter and an executor, to regain power, to live as a political subject,all of this cannot come from the election, which is the exact opposite.So how do you keep busy on an election Sunday ? Especially not by rushing to this"right-wing primary" that is the presidential election !David (UCL Grand Paris South)François Bégaudeau, How to take care of an election Sunday , Divergenceseditions, 2022, 122 pages, 14 euros.https://www.unioncommunistelibertaire.org/?Lire-Begaudeau-Comment-s-occuper-un-dimanche-d-election_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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