UCL's first mixed federal coordination was held in March. About fifty women and
gender minorities delegated by their local groups met to decide on theorientations of their organization. A look back at a pioneering initiative. ----The UCL manifesto affirms that to fight against patriarchy, the implementation ofpractices of welcoming, egalitarian and emancipatory struggles is essential.However, despite numerous tools to encourage everyone to speak and mandate them(priority in speaking turns, single-sex groups, etc.), speaking time remainsoverwhelmingly occupied by men. ---- Few mandates are given to women and genderminorities whose presence in federal or even local authorities is too rare. TheUCL therefore voted to hold a federal coordination (CF) without a cisgender man.This is the first time that a mixed organization of our social camp organizes anational decision-making body in non-mixed.Every minute of intervention is training timeBuilding more equality, FC has created the conditions for true self-managementand direct democracy where everyone can represent themselves and others, ratherthan systematically delegating their say to men. Many have assumed mandates forthe first time, seizing all the political debates that run through theorganization, beyond anti-patriarchal themes.Contrary to the stereotypical gender distribution of specialties, everyone hasexperienced their ability to represent their comrades on all subjects. These twodays also simply began to make up for the considerable backlog of speaking timeaccumulated since the creation of UCL. This catch-up is infinitely precious sinceeach minute of intervention is in itself a time spent training and assertingone's own legitimacy to speak. Thus, the organization's women and genderminorities are now better equipped to participate fully during federal times.The experience calls for renewal. For all the reasons previously mentioned, tocontinue to strengthen the links between all the women and gender minorities inthe organization and to break the isolation sometimes felt in very masculinelocal groups, and, who knows, so that - to be new uses of debate better rid ofthe reflexes induced by our patriarchal habits.The holding of a single-sex CF is in addition to the tools that UCL is equippingitself with to carry out the anti-patriarchal struggle within it. Whether throughthe implementation of a single-sex procedure in the event of sexual assault,shared with our social camp[1], or through this new initiative: for theprotection of women activists as for direct democracy, the UCL is feminist.Louise (UCL Montreuil)https://www.unioncommunistelibertaire.org/?Coordination-federale-non-mixte-de-l-UCL-Prendre-la-parole-et-ne-plus-la-lacherSPREAD THE INFORMATION
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