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woensdag 4 mei 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #FRANCE #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) France, UCL - Macron report #3: Anti-racism (ca, de, it, fr, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Emmanuel Macron's first five-year term was an opportunity to observe,

unsurprisingly, a continuation of the racist policies of the French state. Worse,on many occasions, the president has given pledges to the right and the far rightthrough various laws and declarations. ---- A series of liberticidal,Islamophobic and anti-migrant laws ---- From the start of his mandate, Macron hadthe SILT (Internal Security and Terrorism) law adopted, bringing a large part ofthe measures into common law the state of emergency: possibility of searchwithout judicial requisition, administrative closure of places of worship, etc.The majority of these measures target racialized people, and in particular Muslimpeople or people perceived as such. Macron declares at this time that it will bethe "first and last" law on terrorism; we know today that it was only the firstof a long series[1].In 2018, after a first law facilitating the placement in a detention center for"Dublinized" asylum seekers[2], the government adopted the "Asylum andimmigration" law, which tightened all the laws and procedures for exiled persons:facilitated border renewals, doubling of the maximum duration of detention, butalso limitation of the right to soil in Mayotte, etc. These laws announce thetreatment that the government will henceforth reserve for exiled people:administrative brakes, police harassment, crime of solidarity for people comingto their aid. The tents destroyed with a knife by the police in Calais and Parisin particular remain the symbol of these xenophobic policies.Pledges given to the far rightIn 2019, Macron finds it useful to quote Maurras, anti-Semitic author and formerleader of Action Française, taking up his concept of "real country", to defendbefore his deputies the beginnings of what will become the "separatism" law. Thisdeeply racist law primarily targets people who are Muslim or perceived as such,designating them as an "enemy within". Closing a long series of liberticidal laws(SILT law, Global Security, Intelligence law, etc.) its effects will be rapid:dissolution of the Collective against Islamophobia in France and severalanti-racist associations, administrative closures of hundreds of cultural orreligious places these last two years.Freedom of speech in the executiveThe government's Islamophobia will not be limited to this legislative framework,and will continue in particular in the mouths of ministers Darmanin, Vidal andBlanquer, taking up the notion of "Islamo-leftism", and castigating "indigenous,racialist and decolonial" ideologies, even "wokism". Directed at first sighttowards the academic freedoms of academics, these media releases have above allsought to attack political anti-racism by taking up the vocabulary and ideas ofthe far right.This assessment is far from being exhaustive, and we could add individual outingssuch as the president's sentence on the kwassa-kwassa[3], his tribute to theanti-Semitic collaborator Pétain, the denial of police violence by Darmanin, oreven the refusal to recognize the responsibility of the State in the massacre ofOctober 17, 1961. We can add to this the demand for the dissolution of aneducation union following an anti-racist course.This long list reminds us of one thing: Emmanuel Macron's second five-year termwill be, like the first, that of a deeply racist president and government nothesitating to flirt with the far right, and implementing discriminatory andxenophobic policies against which we will have to organize ourselves and continueto fight!The Libertarian Communist Union, anti-racism commission, April 27, 2022.See also our press release of April 24, 2022: Re-election of Macron: taking backcontrol of our lives, our assessments of the quinquennium on anti-fascism andanti-patriarchy, and tomorrow our assessment on ecology.https://www.unioncommunistelibertaire.org/?Bilan-Macron-3-Antiracisme_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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