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woensdag 4 mei 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #FRANCE #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) France, UCL AL #326 - Politics, universal national service: we don't need the state to get involved! (ca, de, it, fr, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 The soft return of military service and control of youth, the Universal National

Service is the new means of recruitment that the State has found. Between falsepromises and real waste, young people do not need this masquerade to engage insociety. ---- A new experiment with the Universal National Service (SNU) wantedby the Macron government took place this summer. It is part of the objective ofgeneralizing it and making it compulsory by 2026, which would concern 800,000young people. But what is the SNU? ---- It's the return of military service! Adisguised military service, disguised as a "cohesion stay", a "mission of generalinterest" and a "voluntary commitment".Rayane, a young high school trade unionist from Marne who completed his two-weekcohesion stay in the summer of 2021, testifies that the activities wereexclusively related to the army or uniformed services. He deplores littlecohesion during this stay and evokes the primary racism of which he was the victim.Rayane presses particularly on the "cramming" side. The general interest missionis a civic service that does not bear its name and without compensation. Againthe case of the labor code. Young people have to work in associative structures,communities... on positions sometimes equivalent to a real job and with hoursexceeding 35 hours without worry, and this almost without follow-up from the SNUsupervisors.Let's talk about the supervisors of the SNU ; mostly from the teachingprofession, they denounce a lack of training and their remuneration varies fromone region to another. Even better, many of them denounce delays concerning theirremuneration and they evoke a "symbolic compensation".What about the emancipation of young people so much advocated by this governmentin its demagogic propaganda through YouTube videos with all types of influencers?Behind the promises of emancipation, young people have access, during the UNS, tono other vision than that of the army and commitment within state systems.DRThis is not the case, because young people have no other vision than that of thearmy and commitment within state systems during the UNS. Yet young people havedemonstrated in recent years their ability to engage on their own, their abilityto become aware of their interests and their ability to organize collectively todefend them.The six billion euros invested each year in the SNU could allow the creation ofteacher positions, the renovation of many buildings or the purchase of basicequipment.The SNU points out the failures of the school in terms of social diversity andinclusion. These shortcomings are the result of a methodical breakdown of thenational education public service by successive liberal governments.The UNS appears to be the only solution with a program of control and supervisionof young people which only tends to trivialize the army and which in reality onlyoffers an observation internship in the war professions.We do not need the state to engage us. We are already doing it : for theprotection of the planet, the sharing of wealth, the right to study, to havedecent housing but also against racism, sexism and all forms of discrimination.On the contrary, the government is repressing us and trying to sideline ourdemands that bother it by imposing on us a nationalist and depoliticizedcommitment that serves the interests of the ruling class.Let's continue to engage, for a fairer society and against the UNS ! For this,let's invest in the united campaign against the UNS, give impetus to localcollective struggles, mobilize widely via our high school and student unions andbuild convergence with the organizations of parents of pupils, educationpersonnel, youth and sports.Nathan, high school trade unionist at the MNL & the UCL youth commission.https://www.unioncommunistelibertaire.org/?Service-national-universel-nous-n-avons-pas-besoin-de-l-Etat-pour-nous-engager_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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