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woensdag 4 mei 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #BRAZIL #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) #Brazil, #CAB: Long live the domestic workers! (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Every day in Brazil, more than 5.6 million people leave their homes to do

housework in other people's homes or places. The vast majority of these peoplewho perform domestic work do not even have a formal contract or other type ofofficial bond. Of this number, 92% are women, most of them black and peripheral,according to the IBGE. The constitution of the category has class and color,therefore. This is one of the aspects that explain the fact that only recentlydomestic work had some of its rights regulated by legislation, despite being avery old function. The way this work is still seen in the country has roots thatgo back to the period of the slave regime, revealing, to a large extent, theracist and sexist mentality that structures our society until today.Several basic rights included in the Federal Constitution of 88 and alreadyprovided for other workers arrived later for domestic workers. Some of themarrived through Complementary Law 150/2015 (the "PEC for domestic workers", as itbecame known). The law brought basic rights, such as insurance against accidentsat work, compensatory indemnity in cases of involuntary dismissal, additionalovertime of at least 50% over the period that exceeds the daily working day of 8hours and 44 hours per week, daytime, meal and rest breaks, Severance IndemnityFund, additional 25% in cases of travel with the employer's family, prior noticeproportional to the length of service, unemployment insurance, day care allowanceand family salary.Another struggle is for the implementation of ILO Convention No. 189 - DecentWork for Domestic Workers. Brazil was the 25th Member State of the ILO and the14th Member State of the Americas region to ratify the Convention, although ithas a higher number of domestic workers than other countries - according to ILOdata in 2018. moral harassment, sexual harassment, pressure to perform tasks ininsufficient time, physical and psychological exhaustion. The difficulties areintensified by the existence of few unions that organize and defend the category,leaving more than 90% of the workers helpless.The date of April 27 is dedicated to domestic workers, in reference to Zita fromLucca. In general, her canonization as Saint Zita around 1696 is pointed out. Inaddition to the miracles attributed to her, her generosity and solidarity withthe poor were recognized. In addition to the religious dimension, the narrativesthat describe the life of Zita de Lucca show what a life that was verycharacteristic of working-class women and, in particular, this category of workwas like. She worked from the age of 12 in the home of an Italian family for 48years. Zita's story is truly representative of the large number of women who, fordecades and decades, have started domestic work as early as childhood.Before a greater regulation and inspection, these women, in Brazil, livedpractically focused on providing for the employing families, the bosses. Cases ofwomen who lived their entire lives in the home of employing families, in acondition analogous to slavery, are common and, even today, still occur. Asidefrom that, invisibility is another factor that contributes to the difficultiesexperienced by domestic workers. Responsible for managing an entire house,raising children, maintaining a clean and organized space, they facediscrimination, precariousness and devaluation in social spaces.We believe in a new world in which we can collectively build our livingconditions, where domestic work is shared by all those who need it, but whilethis world is still in our hearts and has not become a reality, we defend allbasic rights. for the many female domestic workers who struggle daily to supportthemselves and their families. In this period of misery that we are goingthrough, of hunger, high cost of living and withdrawal of rights from those onthe bottom, we cannot fail to express our solidarity with these women who resista difficult and cruel social scenario. All this misery weighs heavily on thelives of domestic workers, as they work in extreme adverse conditions, with verylow wages and precarious rights guarantees.Thus, on this April 27th, we salute the struggle of domestic workers and expressour wishes that the experiences of union organization be greater and greater forthem, since collective organization is an urgency of the category. We also standside by side, defending all the labor rights already foreseen and advancing inothers. May there be bread and housing, for a dignified life! Until a new worldis built for all of us!Long live the domestic workers!Fight, create, people power!https://www.facebook.com/emilio.crisi/posts/4913681802069819https://cabanarquista.org/2022/04/27/viva-as-trabalhadoras-domesticas/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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