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woensdag 4 mei 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #ITALY #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) Italy, CUBFERROVIE - New Cub Rail release: NO WAR, against imperialism, against militarism. Issue 70 is out! (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 In this issue of Cub Rail

2 The brand sticker4 Editorial It is not the only possible world5 Mysterious objects. The abstractions of the deep railroad. Penelope's Web - TheInsider Fighters7 Crhonicub Italy9 Crhonicub World10 Another CCNL wallowing in mediocrity11 CCNL renewal AF 2022. A new bin for railway workers12 No Wars! Being antimilitarists today to have a future tomorrow15 Our mourning. Michele Michelino16 The results of the questionnaire for mobile personnel on CCNL renewal (by CMC)18 From the lifts Florence: it was your fault, so what do you want now? CMC,announcement of the end of the strike. Sassari, by Bruno21 The repechage of the conductor and other things23 Another attack on the role of the conductor24 Our mourning25 Ode to those who do not hear: Red shadows26 Insert Notes of railway work from America29 Appeal for the underwriting of legal fees30 HOW THE CASE LAW CHANGES AFTER THE GROUNDS FOR CASSATION ON VIAREGGIOInterview with the lawyer Gabriele Dalle Luche34 Maastricht treatment: thirty years of anesthesia36 Retirements41 Farewell to Valerio Evangelisti42 Music column Louder than music44 Books Rubric Henry Chinaski book section45 Historical. Bonomi and the 1921 railway strike in Rome against the fascists47 Historical. One hundred years ago, the killing of Emilio Corazza in Milan48 Historical. The autocrat of Caltanissetta49 The cube51 Our flag in the world52 Hobo, by L. R. LivingstonCUB RAIL WOBBLYSUBSCRIPTION 2022 (5 issues and the special) amount: 12 eurosCub members: 5 eurosSolidarity Fund members: 5 eurosPDF: 6 eurosCub and Cashier members: FREEPOSTEPAY: 5333 1711 4731 8188 in the name of Alessandro PellegattaOR, IF YOU PREFER:BANK TRANSFER IBAN: IT93J3608105138260372960384 Beneficiary: Alessandro PellegattaReason: CubRail subscription Once you have made the payment, send us an emailwith your name and addresshttp://cubferrovie.altervista.org/nuova-uscita-cub-rail-no-war-contro-limperialismo-contro-il-militarismo-e-uscito-il-numero-70/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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