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woensdag 4 mei 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #TURKEY #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) #KAF - call against the war and Military attack of the #Turkish state on the northern of #Iraq "#Kurdistan" (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 We stand against the military attacks of the Turkish state and call for the mass

resistance ---- Once more, as with the last thirty years, the Turkish state'smilitary forces with the support of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) andthe political parties that are within the regional government, launched amilitary attack against its opponents and radical social movements in the area.The military attacks have always been through land, also by fighter jets andrecently by drones. ---- In the meantime throughout all this period theresistance of oppressed people and libertarians continued against these militaryattacks by the Turkish government. The resistance took different forms includingpeople's march for peace and against war, protests and attacks against themilitary basis of Turkish forces inside Kurdistan, campaigns of boycottingTurkish goods, blockade of production sites and attacks against Turkish companieswherever they are present.The Turkish state is not only attacking the Iraqi Kurdistan and Rojava, in factits politicaland military power has been extended to the Middles East, North Africa and theNagorno-Karabakh conflict.The Turkish state is doing all these as a second powerful member of NATO before theeyes of the so called "international community" under the justification ofprotecting thehuman rights and the values of Islam. It does that by crossing all the borderswithoutany restrictions and have been supported by the US, UK and the EU.Having saying that, we are not complaining against or blaming the KRG, the Iraqigovernment or the political parties that are in power, because we know that they areunited by their class interests. In our eyes they all are a united enemy classthat supportthe capitalist state in Turkey against working class and exploited people. Inoppositionto them, we call for our unity with the whole exploited people in the region and theworld and ask their support and solidarity.We Kurdish-speaking anarchists have always been and will always remain against alltypes of wars. Our positions and attitudes regarding this were very clear. In themeantime we were supported the will and the struggles of the grassroots movementand the libertarians in Kurdistan, Iraq and Middle East.We have tried, in the line of historical background of the libertarian position,to not takepart in any sides of the wars. We have never surrendered to the ideologies offightingagainst fascists or defending the homeland as excuses for taking part in wars side byside with the national Bourgeoisie or by the side of nationalist parties. We donot makedistinctions between states whether they are small or big, developedindustrialized orunder developed and not industrialized country, imperialist or colonized. We neversupported state's military or its militia as we are against all kinds ofsuperiority, classdomination and authoritarianism. We struggle against all ideologies, like, protecting"our" country, nationalism, religion, dictatorial or democratic country, andNeo-liberal.Therefore, considering our extremely limited forces, our imbalanced social forceagainstthe armies, the armed action's uselessness in this given situation, we haveresisted andwill resist all attempts that try to drag us into military conflicts, intosacrificing ourselvesto the interest of one side and into defending the nation and the state. So, weappealedto our comrades and supporters to continue and develop a non militaristic socialstruggle.For us the anarchist, the issue is not only that we must not be part of any sidesof thewar between states and infighting militias, but it's most importantly aboutmaintainingand developing the social revolutionary front of the oppressed against the capitalistsystem, all armies and militias, against wars and inter bourgeois conflictswhenever thatwill be.In such circumstances, if we cannot fight directly against the war, but we can atleast,direct our actions and prioritize our tasks to develop and reinforce the anarchistmovement through our involvement within the social movements of resistance andstruggles.Our war is the Self organizing of our struggles and of our resistances, it's thesocialrevolution and this cannot be achieved through any other methods like armed struggle,regime changes, parliamentary system and the political parties' power plots. Thehistory and the experience of the past struggles shows us that the socialresistance andthe social revolution rely on the revolutionary conscientiousness that emergesfrom thedaily struggle of oppressed people in the society. We see ourselves as part ofthe sameclass movement and we are taking part in it to achieve our historical dreams.when we are not strong enough to the level of being able to resist the war as anautonomous force, we instead can form an attacking combative resistance against thestate on other social struggles.It's clear that even an armed resistance without having a clear classconscientiousnessbehind it, it will eventually transform to another form of domination over peopleor atleast it will be controlled under the influence of the state for its benefits.The defending of a liberated place or territory although it might not be right,we believewithout any hesitation that defending it by weapons is our duty.In line of the above for the present time we believe the below steps are necessary asimmediate actions:- General strike wherever is possible that can paralyze the movement of economy andmilitary and sabotage the war mechanism .- blockading transportation of oil and gas to Turkey as both are the reasons formany ofthe current wars.- Boycotting all Turkish goods, products and its companies wherever they are.replacingthose goods by supporting and relying on local goods and products and trying toset upcooperatives and communes.- Boycotting the Turkish state media channels and its culture centers whereverthey are.- Boycotting traveling with the Turkish airlines and holidays to Turkey.- Calling on police, solders and Peshamarga to take the mutiny actions and to puttheirweapons down, leaving there barricades and the war fronts.- Encouraging people to protest against the Turkish military bases and itscompanies inKurdistan.- Self-organizing and preparing for any potential situation that may happen in thefuture, whether it is resistance or anything else.- Collecting the basic necessities and providing support to displaced people fromtheirland and support them to flee from this war.- Broadcasting and writing about the crimes that the Turkish military commit,includingkilling innocent people, lifestocks and destroying villages and environment.- Calling for a mass uprising in Kurdistan against the current KRG power as theyare ourdirect class enemy and our exploiters, to support people and take part however andwhatever we can.Kurdish-speaking Anarchist Forum19th April 2022. .www anarkistan net. . /www issuu com anarkistan. . /www twitter com anarkistan. . / .www facebook com sekoy anarkistan. . / / .www facebook com groups Pertuky Anarky[].anarkistan a riseup net_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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