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woensdag 4 mei 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #BRAZIL #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) Brazil, cab: Anarchist Opinion - May Day: Fight against the exploitation of the working class! (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Since 1886, the First of May reminds workers worldwide that, without social

struggle, we will have no rights. Without organizing ourselves, from distributingpamphlets to showing our strength in the streets, we have no chance of gettingout of this place of misery, suffering and exploitation for the profit of therich and the rulers. ---- Today it is wide open that for those above we aredisposable, and there is no longer the concern of guaranteeing us some dignity toproduce the profit of the bosses. The result is "flexible" forms, with informaljobs, underemployment, unstable work contracts and cruel pressure on a mass ofunemployed people waiting for any opportunity offered to then be able to pay theprice of the most basic foods.According to the International Labor Organization, Latin America was the regionin the world that closed the most jobs during the pandemic, not to mention thereduction in hours worked (along with the reduction in wages). The pandemic wasnot only revealing in showing inequality in access to health, safety andwell-being, but also in how in catastrophic moments the ruling classes findopportunities to profit even if it means putting the lives of entire sectors ofthe population at risk. The Bolsonaro government is precisely the necessary toolfor the elites in this period, embracing genocide without mincing words andallowing the looting of everything that is public by the private nationalinitiative, which wants easy profits, and foreign, with its puppets like PauloGuedes.Those at the top took advantage of the calamity of sanitary and public healthconditions to enrich specific sectors, to the detriment of living conditions thatreached the limit between those from below and those below, especially when wetake into account racial and gender issues. It was the women who suffered themost from the overload and concentration of family care; and black women facedfurther decline in mental and physical health, and lack of access to basic services.However, we will not see the class struggle or the overcoming of capitalism asthe objective of the great unions on this 1st of May, but only festivemobilizations in public spaces where union bureaucracies negotiate with thepolice as this will separate them from the workers and workers.In addition to form, this year's content will feature major acts aimed only atthe electoral calendar, especially with the aim of consolidating the broad frontaround the Lula/Alckmin ticket. This occurs after a great meeting of the unioncentrals' summits that once again puts the line of political parties that actwithin this system above any immediate demand of the people. This same politicalline that did everything to cool the acts against Bolsonaro in order to keep himdestroying our rights, for who knows how to lose the election. As anarchists, wehave always argued that submission to the calendar of bourgeois elections weakenspopular struggles, and is destined only for the logic of the "lesser evil".Despite this sabotage by the large centrals, it cannot be said that resistance isnot taking place in the struggles concerning work. Even with all the attacks wehave suffered, we have new experiences emerging inside and outside unions,because we know that we are the majority, we lack organization to exert ourstrength. As it has been in recent years, the task of anarchists is to rescue theorigins of the 1st of May and point to the importance of direct workers' action,class independence and the path towards the destruction of the capitalist system.Throughout the Brazilian territory we will be present in unified acts anddemonstrations with class organizations, but also outside the centers, where welive organizing soirees, meetings, fairs and social activities together with oursraising the following flags:* Our alliance is with the people to fight the wage squeeze, unemployment and theincrease in working hours.* The fight against hunger is urgent, and yet we also need to fight its cause,which is the exploitation imposed by the ruling classes.* May we be intransigent against the dismantling of public services and put ourfoot in the defense of the social rights conquered by the working class.* It is necessary to maintain the debate and denounce even more the consequencesof the Labor and Social Security Reform, in addition to defending the removal ofthe Spending Ceiling.Brazilian Anarchist CoordinationMay 1, 2022https://cabanarquista.org/2022/04/29/oa-primeiro-de-maio-lutar-contra-a-exploracao-da-classe-trabalhadora/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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