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woensdag 4 mei 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #ITALY #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) Italy, FDCA: Il Cantiere anno 2022 n. 8 - Let's join together in cohort are we ready to die? (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 On the martyrdom of the Ukrainian people, the clash between imperialisms

redefines their spheres of influence. ---- Libertarian Alternative ---- The warin Ukraine unleashed by Russian aggression confirms that the process ofredefining the areas of influence of the main economic and military powers hasreached maturity, in the context of the imperialist struggle for control of theworld market. ---- This war as such is no more bloody than others that are beingfought in the world and, net of propaganda, it shows the ferocity of all wars,with its load of violence, deportations and mass cri: but broke out in the heartof Europe, just a stone's throw from us, a very dangerous militarist drifttriggered and accelerated by both the Russian aggressor and NATO, which drownedand engulfed the Ukrainian government of Zelensky to consolidate its expansion tothe east .The "aggressor attacker" logic that quickly made its way into European publicopinion does not absolutely correspond to the reality of historical events. Onthe contrary, it is resolved in a real propaganda operation to confuse ideas,instrumental as it is to the balance of power between powers, which see USimperialism press on the borders of Eastern Europe to counteract the Russia'simperialist gamble, militarily strong but economically weak. In fact, a game isbeing played in Ukraine which began several years ago and which has shown itselfto the world with countless other Russian war operations.This war did not arise with the invasion of the Ukrainian territory by theRussian army, and neither with the recognition of the Russian republics ofDonetsk and Lugansk nor with the Russian annexation of Crimea in 2014.Russian imperialism moves its troops against a progressive military encirclementsystematically constructed by NATO in these years in which several countrieswhich for decades were in the political and military orbit of the former USSR,have progressively passed under the unilateral domination by NATO and Washington.In Ukraine, the Zelensky government was supported by NATO and armed by theBritish and Americans in a significant way. Euromai dan, from which the Westernimperialist bloc benefits, has taken Ukraine out of Russia's sphere of influence,has strengthened the Ukrainian far right, into an anti-Russian government willingto join the alliance Atlantic. Today all governments and their media explain tous with tragic evidence and vulgar propaganda that we are at war against Russiaand today Italy, like the rest of Europe, is involved in the conflict, ending upaccepting that strategic repositioning that NATO and the US have long been asking.The information is fully aligned in support of the impledge of war. Ridiculous and extravagant propagandists have taken a stand withtheir newspapers and their televisions in support of the war and the run-up toarms by removing, with aggression and arrogance, what are the causes and reasonsfor this conflict. According to this suffocating and one-sided propaganda, notonly should we distance ourselves from Rus both as an "enemy nation" andmilitarily help the current Ukrainian government, but above all we should buy andproduce weapons like never before and supply ourselves with liquefied gas for torun the businesses and cities of Europe by those same Americans who will somagnanimously sell us their gas, all at the expense of the less affluent workersand social classes of Europe.This first phase of the war already sees a winner: the USA, which slowed down thesupplies of gas and raw materials that arrived in Europe from Russia, thushindering an economic rapprochement between these two realities that was alreadyin place and that would have strengthened European unity, causing enormousproblems for declining US imperialism, especially with respect to its aims in theAsian euro area. Another element that will become clearer in the coming months isthe failure of the EU which, in order to deploy its role as an imperialist power,should be united but is still unable to developsuch a unity. Once again Europe is unable to play an autonomous role in theUkrainian crisis, thus reducing itself to being dragged into a war andsubstantial rearmament revealing all its subordination to US imperialism.In this context, the provision of the constitution of a European army only servesto substitute that economic and political unity that still cannot be achieved andto justify an increase in military spending that is otherwise indigestible, giventhat this increase will take place at the expense of the subordinate classes,their achievements, their rights and their living conditions, not to mention themost urgent problem, the ecological one, which has suddenly disappeared from allEuropean agendas, flanked as it is by the relaunch of civil nuclear power.This war expresses the contexts that were further defined after the fall of theSoviet Union: the imperative conflict for the control of the world market hasincreased enormously also due to the emergence of the various , claim therecognition of their power condition.The European difficulties facilitate the strengthening of US imperialism in viewof the Asian euro clash that will be played out between the USand China.We, anarchist and libertarian communists, struggle with war and militarism; weknow that wars are waged on the skin of male and female workers and thesubordinate classes; we fight against capitalism and imperialism because it isprecisely from the economic and financial system that wars arise and develop.We want to cut military expenses and give resources to schools, health care,pensions; we want our money to be committed for social purposes and not to beundeserved so that some parliament and some generals have the right to decide ourlives.Today the clash is unprecedented, both for the technical development ofarmaments, and we must never forget that the ato mica option is always possible,but also because it redefines the new society in authoritarian terms, in spite ofthose who spoke of the end of history.We are against Russian and US imperialism; we are against the governments of weakimperialist Europe, we do not side with Zelensky and the Ukrainian government, ascomplicit in this war as the Russians and NATO, nor will we cling to the Draghicohort and the parliament of Rome, because that would mean to embrace banches andbarracks would mean accepting that the blood and suffering of the proletariat aresacrificed in the name of their profit. We support desertion and objection, westand by the women and men deprived of their freedom and the right to live inpeace, those who protest at the risk of their lives, those who try to survive.Once again in history the choice is between socialism or beard.Long live the internationalist unity of the world proletariat against theimperialist war._________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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