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woensdag 4 mei 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #FRANCE #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) France, UCL AL #326 - #ecology, Collective catering: rediscovering the spirit of popular canteens (ca, de, it, fr, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 While many reflections focus on what to produce or consume for a more ecological

food, we often forget to defend collective catering. ---- Many debates onecological food revolve, rightly, around support for peasant production orlimiting the consumption of animal products. It is also often put forward thesolution of slow food, eating well... at home ! ---- However, it is notself-evident to install a solar oven on each balcony and store your long-preparedhomemade preserves there. The energy expended is multiplied by cooking alone orwith a small family. It is estimated that today 2.5 billion people in the worlduse solid fuels (wood, charcoal, coal, plant residues, etc.) and 5 billion fossilfuels (including gas and kerosene) to cooking, mostly on obsolete installations.In addition, the energy consumption for cooking for a single person willrepresent in the life cycle per kilo five to ten times that of portions for fourpeople (cereals, tubers). And that's without taking into account midday work-homejourneys, ventilation or cooling devices, water and soil pollution by oil spillsor individual over-packaging.Beyond this energy and ecological nonsense, giving a clear advantage tocollective catering over individual cooking, other fronts of struggle related tofood should not be forgotten. Even today in France, the preparation of mealsremains mainly the responsibility of women[1], who are also the majority to workin collective kitchens[2]on a part-time basis. Cooking is therefore either a freejob or a poorly considered job reserved for low wages, including 5% of disabledpeople working in ESAT, for the main benefit of three industrial groups, Compass,Elior and Sodexo, which make 70% of sales.A source of combativenessAnother union issue is that of the meal break, whose limited, staggered times andmeal vouchers taken from the social salary have emptied the battlefield of thecompany canteen. It is no longer the place of creation of resistance and meetingof all the sectors of the company that it was. It is not a mystery that one ofthe usual forms of solidarity and support for struggles is the common kitchen,from Food not bombs to the street kitchens of migrants.This common kitchen does not mean uniformity and the end of freedom, quite thecontrary. While the standardization of meals in favor of a Western model[3]isincreased by economic difficulties, alternative catering solutions are often asource of openness and fighting spirit !Faced with patriarchal bourgeois cuisine, standardized capitalist catering, theracist "popular" soup that the far right pretends to condescend to give to itspoor, it is a question of rediscovering on a new scale the spirit of popularcanteens, as was the Marmite of the communard Le Mel and the communard Varlin : acivil food society, a cooperative breeding ground for struggles, unifying,combative, feminist, supportive, ecological.Jo (UCL Vosges)To validate[1]Observatory of inequalities, The sharing of domestic and family tasks is notprogressing, May 2020.[2]Insee.fr[3]Francis Akindès, "Popular catering and food security in Abidjan", Cahiers desSciences Humaines, 1991https://www.unioncommunistelibertaire.org/?Restauration-collective-retrouver-l-esprit-des-cantines-populaires_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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