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woensdag 4 mei 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #SPAIN #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) CNT.es:[Spain]This May Day they will listen to us! By A.N.A. (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 The First of May is approaching after a very difficult year for the working

class, in which more and more sectors of the population are having difficultiesreaching the end of the month. The crisis that drags the capitalist system isgetting worse and, as always, we pay the same. In addition to job precariousness,unemployment and difficulties in accessing housing are added to the rise in thecost of living and the continuous cuts. This translates into an increase in thedifficulty for the working class to access much-needed resources such as energyor food, but also health and education.The COVID pandemic caused serious economic and social consequences, but thesecannot be decontextualized from the crisis that was already dragging thecapitalist system. Its constant need to accumulate and consume resources ishaving a tremendous impact on a planet that has been giving alarming signals forsome time.Faced with this serious situation, governments react as they have always done:increasing social control, limiting freedoms for the working class, militarizingsociety, cutting social spending and initiating wars; actions that only benefitthe capitalist elites and whose consequences always suffer the proletariat of thewhole world.May Day is a very important date for the workers' movement, because with theirdignity and with their lives the Chicago martyrs recorded in history the bestvalues that moved the working class. They remind us again today that, in the faceof exploitation, our response is mutual support and collective organization; inthe face of racism, imperialism and war, the only way forward is proletarianinternationalism. In the face of authoritarianism and patriarchy, we will opposeanarcho-syndicalism, feminism and assembly.Regardless of acronyms, the governing sphere, once again, betrays the working class.Where they say 'revogo' means 'retouch', so that it looks like a change, butwithout the workers improving their living conditions, converting it into amaneuver to reinforce the employer's positions. Likewise, the so-called Gag Lawcontinues to repress any protest, and crowds of families continue to be evicted. From now on we will see that yes 40% of indefinite contracts prior to the laborreform lasted less than a year, with the new regulation the average duration ofindefinite contracts will decrease further. The number of layoffs will also grow,and precariousness will be 'made up' by the new discontinuous fixed contracts. Wecontinue to expect domestic workers to be first class workers, as they deserve;either through the promised Convention 189 or including them in the Workers'Statute, where they should always have been. Nor have we forgotten occupationalhealth and accidents at work, which continue to grow and appear in new sectors.And pensions: they keep returning to the mechanisms that make pensionsincreasingly distant and less assured, as banks and companies are rescued, butnot the acquired rights of the working class.In these moments, a transcendental objective for the workers' movement is to makeitself heard, to become class conscious and fight the wave of nationalist,authoritarian, racist and patriarchal movements. Enough of whitewashing by themedia and pacts between political parties. We have to organize ourselvesnecessarily on the margins of state institutions; organized from below, in theneighborhood, at work, in the union, for Social Justice, the division of wealthand the abolition of borders, so that no one is left behind.This is the path chosen by the CNT and, for this reason, this May Day we will betaking to the streets. This May Day they will listen to us!cnt.esanarchist news agency-anahttps://noticiasanarquistas.noblogs.org/post/2022/04/22/espanha-este-primeiro-de-maio-vao-nos-ouvir/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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