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vrijdag 13 mei 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #FRANCE #ANARCHISM #WAR #UKRAINE #RUSSIAN #News #Journal #Update - (en) France, UCL AL #326 - Spotlight, Russia-Ukraine: the murderous logic of the imperialist "blocs "(ca, de, it, fr, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Aggressor and invader, it is crucial that Russian imperialism breaks its teeth on

the Ukrainian resistance. And may Putin fall victim to his delusions of grandeur.But that should not prevent us from recalling that there is a genealogy to thiswar, and that the mechanics of inter-imperialist rivalries and capitalistcompetition have largely contributed to generating it. ---- Putin was thereforenot bluffing. To the amazement of the whole world, on February 24, he unleashed adevastating war against Ukraine, the first in Europe since the Kosovo war of1999. Beyond the necessary solidarity with the Ukrainian people who are enduringthe bombardments, the question arises of the origins of the conflict.To sum them up, let's go back to Ukraine in November 2004. In this largelybilingual country, the pro-Russian party won the elections. But the suspicions ofballot stuffing are such - in Donbass, which voted massively for him, theparticipation rate is close to 99% - that the people of kyiv take to the streets.After several weeks of crisis, a new ballot, under international supervision, isorganized and gives victory to the pro-Europeans. We will speak of this episodeas the "Orange revolution", the color displayed in the huge peacefuldemonstrations that reversed the situation.Euromaidan: a street victory with a bitter tasteSix years later, new alternation. The pro-European liberals were disappointed:corruption has not diminished, they have torn among themselves and, above all...Russia has greatly increased the price of gas. The 2010 election brings thepro-Russians back to power. This will lead kyiv to abandon a project ofassociation with the European Union, in favor of a partnership with Russia. Thistriggered, in February 2014, a huge wave of protest: "Euromaidan", named afterMaidan Square in Kiev, occupied by the crowd. The clashes with the police lastseveral days and leave 82 dead and hundreds injured. Under pressure from theEuropean Union, the president resigns and the pro-Russian party collapses.Victory of the street then, but victory with a bitter taste for three reasons.First, it brings back to power very unpopular pro-European liberals ten yearsafter the Orange revolution. Secondly, the extreme right made a very worryingbreakthrough during Euromaidan, marginalizing extreme left, left and even liberalforces in the streets. Third, this time, Moscow does not tolerate kyiv's switchto the EU and goes to war in the pro-Russian regions of Ukraine: in Crimea(annexed in March 2014) and in Donbass (where two protectorates have beencreated, in Donetsk and in Lugansk). The Ukrainian army will try unsuccessfullyto retake Donbass, the fighting with pro-Russian separatists supported by theKremlin resulting in more than 13,000 deaths in six years.Ukrainian soldiers during clashes with pro-Russian separatists over control ofDonetsk airport in 2014Photo: Sergei LoikoPeace agreements, signed in Minsk in 2014-2015, will not be respected by any ofthe parties and the conflict will continue at low intensity. But Putin'simperialism exploded anti-Russian sentiment and led to a policy of"Ukrainization" of the country: the old Soviet statues were torn down, thestreets were renamed, the PC was banned, Ukrainian became the only language ofeducation. . A memorial law also rehabilitates all the separatists of the past...including the pro-Nazi supporters of Stepan Bandera in 1941-1944. The far rightthen seemed stronger than ever, and the Svoboda party even took part in theprovisional government for a few months.The 2019 Cleanup Wave Brings Zelensky to PowerFive years later, the economic and political slump is causing a wave of"clearance". In the 2019 presidential election, pro-Russians and pro-Europeansare swept away, the far right falls to 1.62%, and it is an outsider, actorVolodymyr Zelenski, who wins by 73.22% of the vote in the 2 ndround, on ananti-corruption and appeasement program with Russia. But finally, Zelenskyformalizes Ukraine's candidacy for the EU and NATO. The rest of the story isknown: in the fall of 2021, Vladimir Putin demands that the EU, NATO and kyivpromise that these memberships will never take place. And mass troops at theborders. After four months of talks, Moscow declares war.The whole file on UkraineEditorial: Ukraine, mass graveRussia-Ukraine: The murderous logic of the imperialist "blocks "Ukraine's libertarian movement in turmoilAgainst the war: Iraq 2003-Ukraine 2022: from one invasion to anotherNot against the war: campists with their feet in the carpet (of bombs)Immediate withdrawal of the occupying troops !War is irreconcilable with feminist valuesThe original fault of NATOTo justify itself, the Kremlin speaks of a "defensive war" in the face of NATOexpansion. Even if it is a pretext for its own imperialism, there is indeed anoriginal fault on the part of NATO, which must be underlined: when the WarsawPact was dissolved in 1991, NATO, which had become irrelevant was neverthelessmaintained, giving the impression that the Cold War was continuing. Between 1999and 2004, 10 Eastern European countries that suffered from Soviet imperialismjoined the alliance, jostling to place themselves under the American umbrella.The great powers dispute "zones of influence", carry out transactions whose firstvictims are the small countries and, in each camp, the peoples. Ukrainian soldierin the Donbass, in 2015.Photo: Roman NikolaevRussian aggressionIn 2002, Moscow refounded a military alliance - the CSTO - with five other statesof the former USSR, to "sanctuarize" what remains of the Russian zone ofinfluence. This also happened through military interventions: occupation ofMoldova since 1991; two abominable colonial wars in Chechnya (1994-1996, then1999-2005); protectorate over two regions of Georgia (hence a war in 2008)...In 2007, at the Munich International Security Conference, Putin publiclyclarified his objective: for the Russian state, it is a question of returning toa multipolar world, where there would no longer be "a single master, a singlesovereign". The autocrat sees himself as the restorer of "Great Russia" whoseborders correspond to those of the tsars and the USSR. This nostalgia for"Empire" is ideologically impregnated with a "neo-eurasism"[1]exalting"traditional values" - religion, patriotism, militarism, patriarchy... - in theface of a West described as morally decadent.The imperialist gearThe logic of the "blocks" therefore continues. Admittedly, these blocs are nowall capitalist and of unequal size, with planetary US imperialism and"neighbourhood" Russian imperialism, but the consequences are the same. The greatpowers dispute "zones of influence", "preserves", carry out transactions whosefirst victims are the small countries and, in each camp, the peoples. Today it isthe 3 million refugees from Ukraine, the thousands of dead - Ukrainians andRussians - on the battlefield, the thousands of imprisoned Russian pacifists, theeconomic sanctions that hit the poor first , which have repercussions all overthe world.Since the early 2000s, Ukraine has been a space of inter-imperialist rivalries,where Russia and the European Union have encouraged and funded their supporters.It must be said, even if this should not lead to considering that everything thathappens in Ukraine is "fomented from outside", which would amount to denying theself-activity of Ukrainian political forces. With his war, Putin will undoubtedlyrevive NATO. However, the best peace policy would be the joint dissolution ofthese military alliances, disarmament and respect for the self-determination ofpeoples.Gabriel (UCL Amiens), with the newspaper commissionTo validate[1] "Eurasia, the "clash of civilizations" Russian version", Le Mondediplomatique, May 2014.https://www.unioncommunistelibertaire.org/?Russie-Ukraine-la-logique-meurtriere-des-blocs-imperialistes_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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