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zaterdag 7 mei 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #GERMANY #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) Germany, direkte aktion: IK CONDEMNS CURRENT ATTACKS BY TURKEY AND ITS ALLIES IN IRAQ AND SYRIA - Statement by the International Committee of FAU. (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

While Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is posing as a mediator in Russia'swar against Ukraine and EU and NATO countries are rightly shocked by the warcrimes, the dictatorial measures in Russia and the terror against the Ukrainianpopulation, a renewed war of aggression remains of the NATO state Turkey wentalmost unnoticed and uncommented. ---- The International Committee of FreeWorkers' Union condemns this renewed aggression and calls on all internationalistworkers and trade unionists to protest and take countermeasures. ---- Since April17, the Turkish military has again been attacking villages and towns in northernIraq and north-eastern Syria with air forces, drones, artillery and infantry. Theattacks are aimed at the communal self-government and self-defence structures.The city of Kobanê, which has become world-famous for its fight against Daesh(also known as "Islamic State", IS), has been affected in recent days. Inaddition to regular Turkish troops, Turkey also repeatedly works with Islamistgroups, some of which had previously fought for Daesh.[1]During past offensives,these "partners" of the NATO army published videos in which Kurdish fighters inSyria were raped, murdered and their bodies mutilated. Turkey justifies theoperations with a defense against dangers that would emanate from the socialistorganization PKK and its allies in north-east Syria. In 2021, however, even thescientific service of the Federal Government doubted this risk situation, despitemultiple economic and military ties between the Federal Republic of Germany andTurkey.[2]According to the assessments of many observers, it is likely to be muchmore about eliminating political competition, access to raw materials anddistracting Turkey from enormous domestic and economic problems through expansionism.In addition to Kurdish militias in northern Iraq and the autonomousself-government in north-east Syria, self-defence units of the Ezidis in northernIraq are currently also affected. These are not only under pressure from Turkey,but also from the allied government of the autonomous region of Kurdistan and theIraqi central government. The religious and ethnic minority of the Yezidis haverepeatedly been victims of massacres and genocides by Iraqis, Kurds and Daesh.After mass kidnappings, rapes and mass murders by Daesh, the PKK and the armedforces of north-east Syria had built up these independent Yezidi forces to helppeople help themselves.[3]The Ezidis are still threatened by unequal treatmentand above all by the presence of Daesh and its terrorist attacks.[4]During these military operations, the domestic political struggle of the Turkishgovernment against any opposition continues unabated. On April 25, activist OsmanKavala was sentenced to life imprisonment.[5]However, Kavala is not an isolatedcase: to the knowledge of the German government, tens of thousands of people arein prison in Turkey for political reasons and are often victims of torture andmurder there.[6]Irrespective of this, Germany dramatically intensified thedeportation of political refugees to Turkey in 2021[7], and the volume of Germanarms exports increased for the third time in a row in 2021, with Turkey onceagain remaining one of the main recipients.[8th]As the IK of the FAU, we therefore call for the following: Take part indemonstrations against the war, get informed[9], denounce the double standards inthe assessment of human rights violations and wars of aggression, sabotage thesupport of the authoritarian Erdogan regime by the Federal Republic! Help build aworking class movement that goes beyond national borders!Among other things, we would like to point out a central demonstration on April30th in Düsseldorf.FAU members who want to work on this topic should contact the InternationalCommittee.https://direkteaktion.org/ik-verurteilt-aktuelle-angriffe-der-tuerkei-und-ihrer-verbuendeten-in-irak-und-syrien/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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