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zaterdag 7 mei 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #SPAIN #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) Spain, FAI: May 1, 2022: Against war and the cost of life - War and the business of death (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 After long weeks of military tension, and the beginning of the Russian invasion

in the war that has been going on in Ukraine for several years, a new step wastaken in an endless conflict that, with all certainty, will remain entrenched.Those of us who lose out in armed conflicts are humble and hard-working people.We have to swell armies, we suffer bombing, we suffer humiliation and misery, weare forced to emigrate and face social uprooting, we suffer increased poverty anddisease, and the repression of States if we mobilize against war campaigns.Thousands of soldiers and mercenaries have perished in the conflict, millions ofpeople have been killed or are being displaced, and hundreds of people have beenarrested in Russia for mobilizing against the war. The media in Spain arededicated to whitewashing the neo-Nazis and fascists of the Azov battalion,strengthening NATO's strategy with the most violent and dangerous fascism,ignoring the humiliations, authoritarianism and coercion that they are alsoperpetrating against the civilian population, and strengthening the role of theextreme right, giving it prominence, to the detriment of the Ukrainian population.Meanwhile, governments increase investment in the industry of war and death,benefiting the arms industry to the detriment of investment in social welfare. InSpain, important companies in the sector such as Airbus, Indra, Navantia, SantaBárbara Sistemas, etc., made direct sales in 2019 to the Ministry of Defense andother countries for an amount of 6,654 million euros, as well as 1,664 millioneuros through from third party companies or subcontractors. Spain is the fifthlargest international arms supplier in the world.The increase in military investment and the consequent reduction in socialinvestment lead to the inability of the State to cover the needs of the people.This brings with it the drastic curtailment of rights and freedoms, and theexacerbation of authoritarianism by the coercive machinery of the State (army andpolice), and the exercise of repression and fear.Against wars, the business of death, and the nationalist interests of economicand political powers, we anarchists advocate demilitarization, the abolition ofarmies and repressive bodies. Neither a man nor a weapon for the State!The precariousness and increased cost of life after the pandemicTwo years have passed since the start of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and its disease,COVID-19. The ideology and logic that have prevailed in the management of thecrisis have been those of neoliberalism. There has been an acceleration of thedismantling of public health and other essential services for the benefit of thecommodification of health by private companies. These have benefited, on the onehand, thanks to the increase in their clientele due to the management of theCommunity of Madrid in health matters with the closure of outpatient clinics andspecialty centers, closure of hospital beds, closure of emergency services,increase in waiting lists, precariousness of personnel and reduction ofresources. And, on the other hand, by benefiting from the passivity and inactionof the central government when it comes to expropriating hospitals to put them atthe service of the most vulnerable people.The result of the health crisis and the war has been the increase in the existingsocial gap to the detriment of the working class. Job insecurity and informalwork have increased, workplace accidents have increased, and the price of basicgoods and services has increased. However, for the highest incomes, the crisisaffects them in a very different way. Unlike the workers, in these two years ofpandemic and crisis they have increased their assets by 11%, becoming even richerwhile the poverty of the working class increases.The networks of solidarity and mutual support are the ones that have served as acushion for those of us who suffer the most from this situation. Solidarity,mutual support, association is something intrinsic to human beings, both tosupport the people who need it most, and to defend our interests as workers inthe face of the widening social gap. Only when we are organized can we have ourown political capacity, resist the neoliberal offensive promoted by the bigbusiness elites and the economic powers (managed by the political powers),overcome the fear of repression, social cutbacks, cutbacks in rights andfreedoms, and see the need to confront the State and its hegemony.Against the rise in food and basic servicesFor the self-organization of workers and the breakdown of social peacefor anarchyEarth Grouphttps://federacionanarquistaiberica.wordpress.com/2022/04/29/1-o-de-mayo-de-2022-contra-la-guerra-y-el-encarecimiento-de-la-vida/#more-1282_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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