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zaterdag 7 mei 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #ITALY #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) Italy, UCADI: Number 158 - April 2022 (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Dying for Kiv / Kiev

For about two months we have been waking up with the latest news from Ukraine dueto two assholes arguing over whether the city should be called Kiev or Kiv. Theyare both associates of oligarchs (read capitalist pigs that exploit theirrespective peoples), bearers... Continue readingPate de foiMacron was re-elected with 58.5% of the votes, thanks to the electoral mechanismsof the Fifth Republic, but he remembers the geese used to make pate de foi, whichto make them fat, are nailed to the ground. The... Read onOnce upon a time ... if there ever wasPremise The clear feeling is that something is changing in the geopoliticalframeworks and that at the same time the institutional forms are adapting tothem. Change is not sudden, as it is in revolutionary times; the bourgeoisie hasbuilt the conditions for... Continue readingWar in Ukraine: the British trackThe chronicles of the war in Ukraine first denied and then gradually admitted thepresence of NATO in the country, which took place bypassing Ukrainian accessionto the treaties; this responds to the alliance's enlargement strategy, which hasgrown to include all countries ... Continue readingZelesky's Ukraine before PutinZelensky's rise began in 2015 when he became the protagonist of the televisionseries Servant of the People, playing the role of the president of Ukraine, ahistory teacher in a high school in his thirties who won the presidentialelections after a ... Read moreInternational ScenariosHowever the war in Ukraine goes, some international scenarios are taking shape.The war that began with the Russian military aggression against Ukraine, inducedby Anglo-American foreign policy, through a constant wear and tear of Ukrainiansociety, through an alliance with a clique of oligarchs ... Continue readingKirril (and Putin) to conquer Africa: for revenge!The war between Russia and Ukraine produces collateral damage in Africa. TheRussian invasion of Ukraine highlighted a close alliance between the RussianOrthodox Church and the state. Their relationships are regulated by the symphonythat distributes the roles of the two... Continue readingWhat's new - For Orban and Vucic, the no to war pays offThe elections in Hungary saw Victor Orban's victory with 55% for the fourth time,disguised as a "man of peace" for the occasion, to exploit the country's fear ofinvolvement in the Ukrainian conflict. Let this be the... Read onhttp://www.ucadi.org/categorie/newsletter/anno-2022/numero-158-aprile-2022_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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