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zaterdag 7 mei 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #FRANCE #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) France, UCL - Macron Report #5: International (ca, de, it, fr, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 War, under Macron, continued to be a business and an imperialist instrument for

the French state. A look back at 5 years of economic, repressive and murderousimperialism. ---- The war and the sale of arms abroad ---- The war, under themandate of Macron, continued to be a business and an imperialist instrument forthe French state. From a European point of view, Macron still fantasizes about aEuropean army which would either be under the control of the United States,becoming a sort of continental branch of NATO, or would overshadow NATO andcreate international tension. The re-establishment of a form of military service(the "SNU") should be linked to this context.France remains one of the largest arms producer and seller in the world and hassold to dictatorships around the world, including Russia and Saudi Arabia. Macrondid not slow down this transmission, on the contrary, the burst orders continued.These tools propagate the dead on every side of every war, and selling them ispure cynicism.Imperialism under Macron in Africa and the coloniesThe end of the CFA franc recorded by Macron should not deceive us. France'sstranglehold on African businesses did not end under his rule. The popular riotsin Senegal and its slogan "France, get out!" testify to this influence. Theformer settler continues to appropriate all the wealth to leave the crumbs to theexploited on the spot.In Mali, under cover of the war against terrorism, the intervention of the FrenchState is only justified by the preservation of its interests. While the civilianpopulations suffer the murders and rapes of the French soldiers, themobilizations demanding the departure of the army have multiplied for years.Far from a desire to break with Françafrique, the state maintains its more thansymbolic presence in the four corners of the continent. Whether through the saleof weapons and intervention with the criminal and dictatorial regime of Al Sissiin Egypt, by appearing at the funeral of dictator Idriss Déby in Chad or duringspeeches addressed to the inhabitants es of the African continent (whoseculmination was the Africa-France summit in Montpellier) with a crass andcolonial paternalism, the State reaffirms its heritage and its colonialstranglehold and still refuses any reparation.French imperialism also provoked a major repression in the Dom-TomUnder Macron, the revolts were very violently suppressed in the colonies. Inparticular with a police shooting death in Mayotte in 2020. As always, thecolonies are the target of state violence greater than that of the metropolis.And the continuity of these colonial policies did nothing to ease the tensions.In New Caledonia, we observed a continuity in the influence of France on thisterritoryThe management of the referendum on independence was deliberately botched,forcing it to be held in the midst of a health crisis. Pro-independenceorganizations launched a widely followed appeal for abstention, which did notprevent the state from acknowledging New Caledonia's dependency.The Libertarian Communist Union, international commission, April 29, 2022.See also our press release of April 24, 2022: Macron's re-election: taking backcontrol of our lives, our five-year assessments on anti-fascism, anti-patriarchy,anti-racism, and ecology, and tomorrow our assessment on youth .https://www.unioncommunistelibertaire.org/?Bilan-Macron-5-International_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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