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zaterdag 7 mei 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #ITALY #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update- (en) Italy, FDCA: Il Cantiere anno 2022 n. 8 - The ecological transition is canceled by the war - Ignazio Leone (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 The far-sighted strategy of the government of the "best" provides for the

identification of other gas suppliers, the maximization of the derisory localproduction, new drilling in the Adriatic Sea, the possibility of using coal. ----In our previous article (1) we denounced the ecological transition policiescarried out by the European Union, which reached their lowest point with thedocument on taxonomy adopted by the European Commission. ---- In this document,two energy sources were classified as sustainable, such as nuclear energy andnatural gas, on whose sustainability we can lay various layers of pitiful veils.But this ecological transition strategy, which sees the use of natural gas as oneof its pillars, seems to have found an obstacle not so much in mass mobilization,and in the awareness of the unavoidable replacement of an unsustainable politicaland socio-economic model with another. based on a completely different paradigm,in which the search for environmental sustainability is married with the aim ofresponding to the needs of all human beings, not aimed at exclusivelyguaranteeing profits for a few, but from something even more monstrous andirrational for any human being, yet frequently used by the ruling classes tosettle geopolitical disputes and impose new economic balances: war. Specifically,the one that took shape in the Ukrainian plains, invaded by the army of theRussian Federation.The criminal military action launched by the Russian army in Ukraine, withoutprejudice to the non-negligible responsibilities of the Western governments andNATO, immediately activated a process, still far from materializing, ofdetachment from Russian gas supplies, of Italy is one of the main consumers,given that these supplies account for about 40% of national gas consumption.The Draghian strategy to replace the large share of Russian gas is entirelycentered, at least in the short term, on fossil fuels, definitely marking afurther step back from the objectives of decarbonisation: the long-term strategyof the government of the "best" foresees in fact, in the first instance, theidentification of other gas suppliers and the maximization of our derisoryproduction, with the possibility of eventually resorting to coal!Just in these days, some top representatives of the Italian government, includingPrime Minister Draghi, together with ENI CEO Claudio De Scalzi, went to Algeriato agree on the doubling of the gas supply of the North African country to Italy.  Di Maio himself informs us, on the pages of the Confindu stria newspaper, (2)that he had already started this tour in search of gas for a month and a half,touching some countries that have nothing to envy to Putin's Russia in terms ofcontempt for civil and political rights: Qatar and Azerbaijan.Another candidate to replace Russian gas, with even more dramatic implicationsfor the climate, is US-branded liquefied natural gas (LNG) (which speaks volumesabout what lies behind the Ukrainian conflict): it is natural gas. which iscooled to about 160 ° C to be transported by suitably refrigerated ships andreturned to the gaseous state inside the regasifiers, once it reaches the port ofdestination.Obviously, this whole series of complex operations involves a greater energyconsumption compared to distribution through pipelines, which according to someestimates reported (3) would lead to LNG having a climate-changing impact closeto that of coal.What's more, the United States is able to dispose of large quantities ofexportable gas thanks to fracking, a technique for extracting hydrocarbonsthrough the fracturing of certain types of rocks, called schistose, induced bythe high pressure injection of a mixture of water and chemical products: asalready known, this is a highly contested technique from an environmental pointof view, in particular due to the risks of contamination of deep aquifers and thepotential seismic effects.At the end of this disheartening picture, it is needless to say that invariablyabounds, in all the main means of communication, of those who enthusiasticallysupport the return to nuclear power.It is truly astounding that there is not even a timid attempt to use thisdramatic contingency of the war in Ukraine to detach itself definitively andquickly not from Russian gas, but from fossil fuels, moreover at a time when theIntergovernment mental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), in its report at the endof February, announces "the grimest warning" (4) in relation to the effects ofglobal warming.According to this report, the current trends in greenhouse gas emissions wouldput global temperatures to exceed the 1.5 ° C increase compared to pre-industriallevels, considered as a safety threshold, leading to the melting of ice sheetsand ice sheets. glaciers and a consequent series of dramatic ripple effects,including numerous fires and the thawing of perma frost, with further release ofgreenhouse gases.Ultimately it would trigger a sort of vicious circle with devastating consequences.Yet even these gloomy prospects do not seem to give the necessary change to theenergy policies of governments, which is why we will never tire of repeating thatin addition to the emancipation of male and female workers, the salvation of theplanet will also be the work of workers. trici themselves.Note:1) the SHIPYARD n 6 March 2022 "Of greenwashing and taxonomy. A new ecologicalimperialism is expected2)https://www.ilsole24ore.com/art/cr isienergeticadraghimissioneadalgerisubstitireterzogasrusso AElb05QB3) https://valori.it/gasnaturale liquefattocontrotransizione ecological /4) https://www.theguardian.com/envir onment / 2022 / feb / 28 / ipccissuesbleakestwarningyetimpacts climatebreakdown_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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