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zaterdag 7 mei 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #ITALY #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) Italy, anarres info: ANARRES OF APRIL 22. CLASTRES (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]


BARRIER BETWEEN POLICE VIOLENCE AND GENTRIFICATION. 5 PER THOUSAND TO THE POLICE... ---- Our Friday trip to Anarres, the planet of concrete utopias. ---- From 11to 13 on 105,250 of the free Blackout frequencies. Also in streaming ---- Listenand broadcast the podcast: ---- Use the up / down arrow keys to increase ordecrease the volume. ---- Live, insights, ideas, proposals, appointments: ----The anarchists in the Resistance in Turin. Ilio and the others Ilio Baroni, aTuscan worker who emigrated to Turin in the 1920s, was commander of the VII Sapdelle Ferriere brigade. ---- The Sap, Patriotic Action Teams sabotagedproduction, secretly circulated anti-fascist leaflets and prepared for theinsurrection. Ilio, nom de guerre "il Moro", is the protagonist of guerrilla actions.On April 25 in Turin the city is paralyzed by the general strike, theinsurrection breaks out, the city soon becomes a battlefield.Barons and his parents attack the Dora station and earn a success. A request forhelp arrives from Grandi Motori. Il Moro does not hesitate to help his companionsin the midst of a furious battle, and falls under fire. It is April 26th.Ilio Baroni will not be able to see the moment for which he has fought hard allhis life ...But fascism did not die on April 25, 1945 ...Between exploitation, precarious and dangerous jobs, deaths at sea, racist laws,military on the streets, war, democracy increasingly resembles fascism.We talked about it with Tobia Imperato, author of a book on anarchists in theResistance in TurinPierre Clastres, an anthropologist against the stateSociety against the State is the title of one of the most famous texts by theFrench anthropologist Pierre Clastres. Edited in 1974, this text maintains greatrelevance.Primitive societies, Clastres tells us, are by no means societies without a state- as a dangerously evolutionary classical anthropology states - but societyagainst the state. The "savage" thought shows us the permanent effort put inplace to prevent power from turning into domination, prestige from turning intoauthority and the word of the powerless leader from turning into command.We talked about it with Stefano Boni, anthropologist and professor at theUniversity of Modena and ReggioBarrier of Milan. Between gentrification and police violenceThe front of the internal war in the heart of the Turin suburbs5 per thousand to police, carabinieri, financial police and guardsThe latest gimmick of the Draghi government is to inject additional resources forthe forces of law and order, modifying the law that allows it to be allocated toassociations.A sign of the intensification of support for control and repression structures ina political and social context of war.We talked about it with Robertino BarbieriAppointments:Sunday May 1st9 amLet's desert the war!Anti-militarist segment in the procession from Piazza Vittorio* No to war and whoever arms it!* No to military expenses! We want homes, schools, hospitals, transport for everyone* Against the war on the poor and the militarization of the suburbs* No to the city of aerospace! Shut down and reconvert the arms factories!* No to Born in Turin* Stop sending weapons to Ukraine, withdrawal of all military missions abroad* Solidarity and welcome to refugees from all wars* Against all homelands for a world without bordersAfter the processionlunch benefit anti-war struggle at the peasants' roof in Porta Palazzofor reservations: antimilitarista.to@gmail.com#disertiamolaguerraSaturday 7 May in PisaprocessionRemembering and fighting in 2022 as in 1972 against fascism and the war50 years after the death of Franco Serantini, killed by the police during ananti-fascist processionAppointment at 3 pm in Piazza XX Settembre.Sunday 8 May in LivornoAntimilitarist Assembly10 am at the former Occupied Barracks, via Adriana 16Friday 20 Maygeneral strike against warContacts:Turin Anarchist FederationCorso Palermo 46Meetings - open to interested parties - every Wednesday from 9pmContacts: fai_torino@autistici.org - @ senzafrontiere.to /Wild C.A.T. Turin Anarcho-Feminist Collectiveaperiodic meetings @ Wild.C.A.T.anarcofemSubscribe to our newsletter by sending a message to the FB page or an emailwrite to: anarres@inventati.orghttps://www.anarresinfo.org/anarres-del-22-aprile-clastres-la-societa-contro-lo-stato-anarchici-nella-resistenza-a-torino-barriera-di-milano-tra-violenza-poliziesca-e-gentrification-il-5-per-mille-alla-polizia/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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