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zaterdag 7 mei 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #ITALY #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) Italy, FDCA: Il Cantiere anno 2022 n. 8 - In the face of increased poverty and increased social inequality, the deafening silence of the majority trade union organizations CGIL CISL and UIL continues - Cristiano Valente (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machin...

 The meeting between the Draghi government and the CGIL CISL and UIL on 7 April

represents yet another demonstration of the inconclusive current trade unionstrategy. ---- We were easy prophets when we affirmed, with respect to theproclamation of the strike of December 16, 2021, called by the CGIL together withthe UIL alone that "the strike of December 16 ... .... appears late and does notexpress ---- the intention of the ruling groups to start a generalized battle indefense of the working and living conditions of the subordinate classes. " (1)---- We wrote that the proclamation of the strike did not respond to a cleardesire to organize an effective and generalized class battle, but it respondedmore to internal motivations and needs, especially to the CGIL, trying to give ananswer to the countless declarations and willingness to fight for many Chambersof Labor and the countless critical positions taken by categorical directors andUSW of large and medium-sized companies, in particular on the repetition of the"sic et simpliciter" position of the shameful Fornero pension law, once thederogation of quota 102 has ended.We also affirmed that such an attitude was tragically reminiscent of"Resistances, hesitations and certainties that refer to previous tragic butsignificant a consistent and continuous battle followed and the next one in 2014,also waged with the absence of the CISL, against the Jobs Act of the Renzigovernment. Resistance, hesitation and uncertainty that also motivate the lateproclamation of the strike on December 16 "(2)More than four months after that strike, not only has nothing been defined withregard to the social security question, but the economic and social situation,already bent by the pandemic and the economic crisis of 2008, from which theworld capitalist system is not yet not released at all, it has worsened extremelywith the war in progress which has further complicated and worsened the forecaststhat the same government had indicated only a few months ago. As can be seen fromthe very latest and very recent Confindustria studyin fact, assuming that the ongoing war may end in a few months, something thatthe majority of international observers increasingly exclude, and that theuncertainties and tensions on gas and oil prices may reduce and thus return, thetrend of Italian GDP in 2022 will in any case be much less favorable thanpreviously estimated.An increase of + 1.9% would be recorded for this year with a large downwardrevision (2.2 points) compared to the scenario outlined last October, before thenew events, when all forecasters were in agreement. on a + 4.0% and a furtherdecline in the next year 2023 with direct consequences on the employmentstability already in serious decline. (3)As it is now clear to most, even from the cynical government stammer on analleged desire for peace which for Draghi would translate into the need to switchoff the conditioners instead of not sending weapons to the Ukrainian army, alsoand above all the supply energy will contribute to destabilizing our economicsystem and beyond.For Italy, in fact, Russian gas accounts for 38% of consumption. At the beginningof March, the price of gas rose to a peak of 227 euros per mwh, compared to 72 onthe eve of the conflict, 20 January 2021 and 9 February 2020.As well as that of oil soared to 133 dollars per barrel, from 99 before theconflict and 55 as of February 2020.Furthermore, Russia, Ukraine and Belarus both are among the world's leadingsuppliers of basic raw materials for production. Rus both in 2020/21 exported 38million tons of wheat, equal to 14.8% of the world total and is the 7th producerin the world of copper, with a share equal to 3.8% of the total.The price of wheat went up by more than 34% in two weeks and then fell butwithout returning to the pre-war level, that of corn by 10%. Metals, such ascopper, aluminum, nickel, also underwent a further increase in March.These countries also have a high world share of numerous raw materials: coal andother minerals (clay, used in ceramics), metals such as nic kel, platinum,palladium and other semi-finished products in iron and steel, materials which arenecessary for the sectors. electronics and automotive, as well as wheat, corn andseed oil, used in the food industry.This entails, first of all, a shock concentrated in specific productions.Second, since these are inputs upstream of global value chains, used in numerousdownstream productions, the effects of bottlenecks will amplify along the supplychains, up to consumer goods and investment. (4)The latest case of productions that show difficulties linked to the increase ingas and raw materials is Colussi of Petrignano d'Assisi which has currently put300 workers on layoff.Faced with these scenarios, the inconvenience and the desire not to organize ageneralized battle on the part of the movement of workers, continuing to facecrisis situations factory by factory and in individual production sites,effectively becomes co-responsibility with the government. verno, which confirmsas its fundamental mission a great offensive against male and female workers, thenew generations and the weakest and least protected social components of society.The alleged counter-trade union proposals did not go beyond the same governmentalindication which is to tax the alleged extra profits of companies in the energysector with all the burden of technical ambiguity and procedural uncertainty thatthis proposal has, without even being able to claim a clear statement of actualassets.Furthermore, the general secretary of CGIL Landini said he was willing tocontinue the discussion until it became structural even if he could not deny thatthe next meetings will negotiate them, they will be negotiating tables "in whichworkers and retirees" they cannot "exchange what they know, there is nothing moreto exchange". (5)We too believe that there is nothing left to exchange, but then a long-runningbattle would have to be organized for the regaining of the most reduced rightssuch as employment, through a general battle for the reduction of hours and abattle. generalized for substantial and real salary increases.Continuing to calculate wage increases on the basis of the HICP index adjusted byenergy prices, an index defined in the agreement between the parties of 2018, the"pact for the factory", which Confindustria continues to defend not by chance,means authorizing a wage reduction, do not raise them.The same contract for the Railway Activities, one of the most syndicatedcategory, which was recently concluded, provides for average real increases notgreater than 110 euros for a contractual value of 2021/2023.Without opening a reflection here, which this Magazine has dealt with severaltimes, of wage quotas or production bonuses transformed into corporate welfare onwhich it would instead be necessary to put a firm hold on, we no longer claimbenefits but effective wages and at the same time openness. a season of decisivestruggle for the expansion and financing of public health.Finally, a final consideration regarding the consequences for our class and forthe weaker sectors of society of this deafening silence of the trade unionstructures and the unfortunate inconclusiveness of a trade union strategy thatstubbornly does not foresee and does not organize class conflict. .The current coalition government has crossed our pages and which can openunexplored scenarios and far worse than those summarily described, certainly inthe autumn or perhaps even before the summer the phase of political propaganda bythe parties will open for the next elections and certainly what is called "theassault on diligence" by the various political forces will happen and they willtry to introduce exemptions and benefits in the next budget law for the variousfactions and social classes they represent or want to protect.These maneuvers could even determine the fall of the government before itsnatural expiry and in this way, given the time frame for calling new elections,we will find ourselves in 2023 once again without having organized the capacityto fight. and withflexion of our class and above all without a clear and unitary battle generatesthe on which to weave solidarity and laughs to end relations of power favoring us.We cannot continue to remain inert as a class in the face of social and politicalevents, nor do we believe re and perpetuate, what En gels and Marx have defined,with a few and today even more clear seers words, parliamentary cretinism, arepresentative assembly that has the honor to count them among its members, andthat whatever happens outside the walls of this building - wars, revolutions,railroad constructions, colonization of whole new continents, discovery of thegold of California, canals of America central, Russian armies, and everythingelse that can in any way claim to exert an influence on the destinies ofhumanity, counts for nothing in comparison with the incalculable events linked tothe important question, whatever it may be, which in that moment occupies theattention of the honorable their assembly "(6)Today we must join the internationalist battle against this umpteenth war which,in addition to the additional toll of blood already shed, has and will have theimmediate consequence of worsening the conditions of the working masses inUkraine, Russia and Belarus in Italy and Europe.It must also be understood and made to understand that the greater the conflict,the greater the class struggle, the better the conditions of the working masses,the new generations and women and the lower the risks of war between the variousimperialist bourgeoisies.Note:1) the SHIPYARD n ° 4 December 20212) Idem 3) Confindustria.it"Confindustria: the stability of businesses in the coming months is at risk" CSCConfindustria4) Idem5) Collettivo.it "Unsatisfied trade unions: responses from Draghi_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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