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vrijdag 13 mei 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #ITALY #WAR #UKRAINE #RUSSIA #News #Journal #Update - (en) Italy, Anarresinfo: TURIN. MAY FIRST AGAINST THE WAR AND WHO WEAR IT (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 A May Day of war. We have seen this since the early hours of the morning, when

the police lined up in Piazza Vittorio to block access to the march to componentsincompatible with the armed pacifism of the Democratic Party and the trade unionareas close to the government.Only in the middle of the morning the situation was unlocked and the processionstarted. In via Roma, the police took sides again and there were some charges:the beatings and repression against those who oppose the war are not exclusive toPutinian Russia. ---- When the institutional components left the square, thepolice lifted the blockade and everyone arrived in Piazza San Carlo.Previously a group of riders had tried to enter the institutional part of theparade and was pushed back by shoving and beating them.Once again the Turin 1st May square was a divided square. Uniformed by the policebut also shattered internally.The pacifists of Agite con Rifondazione and Sinistra anticapitalista were in thequeue of the institutional march and stopped in via Roma to give solidarity tothe rest of the march blocked by the police. This is a sign that the government'swarmongering policy is also opening cracks on the institutional front.The anti-militarist and anarchist segment, opened by the banner "peace among theoppressed, war against the oppressors" was placed at the rear of the procession,attracting a wide participation.A radical segment that led to the desertion of war, armies, states and theferocity of capitalism in the piazza on May Day.Whether they are called "oligarchs" or "entrepreneurs", those who make themselvesrich with the work of others are always masters. In Italy, as in Ukraine as inRussia.Today, the helmeted pacifists would like us all to be enrolled in the imperialistwar between Russia and Ukraine. We are not there. We do not enlist either withNATO or with Russia. We reject patriotic rhetoric as an element of legitimationof states and their expansionist claims. Antimilitarism, internationalism,revolutionary defeatism have been central to the struggles of the workers'movement since its origins. Exploitation and oppression strike in equal measureat all latitudes, the conflict against "own" masters and against "own" rulers isthe best way to oppose state violence and the ferocity of capitalism everywhere.We stand alongside the people who die under bombs in Ukraine, we stand alongsidethose in Russia who suffer prison and repression for opposing the war.We stand side by side with Ukrainian workers who are required by a new law towork 12 hours, while bosses can also defer wages.We are with those who struggle to make ends meet between starvation wages, billsand high cost of living.We are against the war economy here and everywhere.We are alongside those who, everywhere, desert the war between states, whichcompete for imperial dominion over territories, resources, the lives of women,men and children.We are against war and whoever arms it, starting with the arms giant Leonardo,who does good business with everyone and is about to build the city of aerospacein Turin.We are deserters of every war, partisans against every state.The day ended under the peasants' canopy in Porta Palazzo, where we ended a longday of struggle with vegan dishes and Alby's songs.On May 20, grassroots trade unionism called a strike against the warGeneral strike!Wednesday 3 Mayanti-militarist assembly9 pm Palermo 46 courseHere are some pictures of the anti-militarist clip:www.anarresinfo.orghttps://www.anarresinfo.org/torino-primo-maggio-contro-la-guerra-e-chi-la-arma/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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