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vrijdag 16 september 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #BRAZIL #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) #Brazil: MOB - Rio de Janeiro: 200 years - September 7th military parade (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 The 7th of September, traditionally, is marked by the military parade and by

other diverse allegories referring to the "independence" of Brazil, which thisyear completes 200 years. The problem is that the supposed cry on the banks ofthe Ipiranga did not start the formation of an independent country, quite theopposite. Today we find ourselves dependent on the export of commodities to thecountries of the first world, while our population is hungry, lives poorly andgives up half of their lives to work (those who still manage to have a job). ----We know that for 4 years this scenario has worsened in a revolting way, with moreand more people without having to eat or where to live, but this story is alreadyold. Brazil was created and built on the blood of enslaved and decimatedpopulations in favor of resource exploitation. Today, those in charge here arefar from the people. Agribusiness is in charge in this territory, which is notvery pop, and the bourgeoisie.The Brazilian ruling class constantly threatens and attacks indigenousterritories, deforests, murders fighting leaders, exploits the labor force of thepoor population and uses the State to carry out and finance some of the biggestatrocities imaginable, such as the recurrent massacres that have been happeningin the peripheries of Rio de Janeiro.In this context, talking about independence is almost a joke. We are a countrywith a bloodthirsty upper class, a people oppressed on all sides and millions ofmiserable people waiting for an opportunity. Is this how we want to go on, allour lives? Are we still going to accept that the government plays with our lives,threatening us again with a coup d'état?Our answer, as an organized people, is NO! We will occupy the streets again thisSeptember 7th, in another SCREAM OF THE EXCLUDED, to denounce the farce ofindependence and also to make it clear that any coup adventure carried out bythis genocidal government will face resistance from below. They can try tosilence us, but they will have a lot of work.This September 7, join us in Uruguaiana at 9 am and let's go together, togetherand together scream everything that has been stuck in your throat for 522 years.https://www.facebook.com/organizacaodebaserio/photos/a.372677349981716/1181659595750150_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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