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vrijdag 16 september 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #SPAIN #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) #Spain, CNT #431: Capitalism invades #Ukraine (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 In times of war, propaganda is very simple: the enemy is very bad, he wants to

invade and kill us all, there are no other factors behind it. The pandemic hasaccustomed us to this type of propaganda and it seems that it has permeated thatupper middle class that chews, swallows and digests the institutional messagethat the bourgeois media repeat like parrots. ---- The reality is that warsarise, either because of artificially created nationalisms, or because of theconquest of resources and trade routes. And in the case of Russia and Ukraine,two nations united by historical and ethnic ties, both factors exist. ----Ukraine has been pampered for years by its neighbors, both to the west by theEuropean Union at the behest of its American master, and to the east by Russia. From the west they were offered the European dream, the same one that theSpanish State has been living since the mid-1980s and that we already know onlymeans little coverage for the most disadvantaged and more wealth for those ofalways. From the east, Russia promised the resources and security of a greatnuclear-armed nation. A third option as a neutral nation seems obvious, but thegreat economic war that has been waged between the two great powers, the UnitedStates and China, is intensifying by leaps and bounds, and the future planet thatwill be divided in two will not admit neutrality, at least in the countries thathave been unlucky enough to be right in the middle. What is becoming increasinglyclear is the side that Russia has chosen.Wars arise, either because of artificially created nationalisms, or because ofthe conquest of resources and trade routesIn this situation, Ukraine first decided at the beginning of 2014 to break tieswith Europe and enter the Russian orbit with the then president ViktorYanukovych, in a decision with the whiff of a bought politician. The American, inhis role as champion of the free world, does not sit idly by and organizes one ofhis well-known spontaneous popular revolutions, the so-called Euromaidan, thistime led by armed Nazis to the point of being able to stand up to the repressiveforces state, and even using snipers who shoot protesters and police withoutdistinction to hasten the fall of Yanukovych, with a whiff of the CIAincreasingly demonstrated.The first thing the new government decided was to eliminate minority languages,including Russian, and to ban communist parties. The Russians, for their part,have intervened militarily in the Crimea region and have controlled itsgovernment ever since. This region, mostly Russian-speaking, is a peninsula southof Ukraine where Russia has a naval base of great military importance as itprovides an outlet to the Black Sea and therefore to the Mediterranean. For itspart, in the east, in the regions of Lugansk and Donetsk, the so-called Donbas,there is a reaction to Euromaidan in which pro-Russian militias declare thePeople's Republic of Donbas, to which the Ukrainian government responds,unleashing a war that It has been extended since then despite the attempts at atruce in the Minsk Agreements. These government troops include a large part ofbattalions of openly Nazi ideology, which in the Western media we will hear withthe euphemism of ultranationalists.Earlier this year, the United States announces that it has detected Russian troopmovements near Ukraine and events break loose. Despite the fact that Russiantroops are carrying out maneuvers already planned and announced for six months,the violations of the Minsk agreements multiply and on February 21, in asurprising operation, Donetsk and Lugansk declare their independence and Russiadecides to invade Ukraine. The basic argument includes the denazification of thecountry and its neutrality with respect to NATO and the EU. But although on March15 President Zelensky acknowledges that they will never join NATO, Russiacontinues its attacks.The EU, in an unprecedented decision, opens its doors to Ukrainian refugees, incontrast to what happens with Africans or Syrians.The EU, in an unprecedented decision, opens its doors to Ukrainian refugees, incontrast to what happens with Africans or Syrians. The media machinery starts up,recalling stale misgivings against the Russian enemy, worthy of a cold war spynovel. The propaganda of fear is encouraged, there is talk of a third world war,it is highlighted that areas near NATO territory or nuclear power plants arebeing bombed.Meanwhile, in Poland -side of the good guys-, the journalist Pablo González, withSpanish nationality but born in Russia, is accused of espionage and arrestedwithout the possibility of speaking even with his lawyers.  It would seem that ithas not been chance that has led to the rise of fascism throughout Europe inrecent years and that it will be so useful in these years of cold war 2.0 thatlie ahead. This is the case in Poland, where the president and prime ministerbelong to the far-right Law and Justice party. As on the side of the bad guys,Amnesty International has denounced in its 2020 report undermining theindependence of the judiciary, restrictions on the rights of the LGTBI group,access to abortion and those of demonstration, assembly and expression.In the world of economics, speculators rub their hands. As embargo measures areput in place against Russia, Wall Street snaps up cheap Russian corporate debt.The US Federal Reserve begins a policy of increasing interest rates. Inflationhas been triggered for some time by an accommodating economic policy, that is,getting involved in producing fictitious money as if there were no tomorrow topromote a full occupation of the productive factors. It's time to tighten yourbelt once again and the fault clearly lies with the bad guys. Stock markets havehad time to cover their positions and wait for the end of the war to buy againand for the value to rise. The war drags on but nothing happens, the more itdestroys, the more it will have to rebuild later.Major gas pipelines through Ukraine, linking West Siberian gas fields withWestern European countries. / RianovostiDifficult times are ahead for the planet, with the two great powers China and theUnited States looking down on the pieces of a great chessboard. Europe is makingit increasingly difficult for the Asian giant to be its demand market, but itwill take time to become independent precisely because of its great dependence.Globalization has gone wrong for us. So China looks for new markets and looks toAfrica, on the way to becoming its second world. And there we do have to be rightin the middle, so Spain pampers its Moroccan neighbor by giving it a wide berthin its conflict with the Saharawi people, but at the same time angering itsAlgerian neighbor, its main gas supplier.The only way out of this bleak future is to change all the paradigms. Forget theutopian dream of the welfare state and get out of this capitalist maelstrom thatwill lead us nowhere. Unfortunately, the citizen protests have led to a conciseNo to war, when they could have gone further in their analysis and given theimportance that other factors have in the background of this situation. In thefirst place, open the debate on the manufacture of weapons, which create jobs inone area so that people die in others. Think about what it really means for theSpanish State to be the seventh largest arms exporter in the world. Secondly, themembership and even the existence of NATO, an organization that lost its reasonfor being thirty years ago but continues to leave a trail of wars and coups -Western euphemism democratization - throughout the world. Thirdly, the economicsystem that perpetuates a few at the top of the world at the expense of theoverexploitation of natural resources, the misery of many and the creation ofgeopolitical contexts that can have no other end than a war. And finally, forgetthe borders, the races, the separation of the human race for reasons unworthy ofthe 21st century, the supposed cultural and social superiority of the West, thehatred for what is far away. We are all the same. We're all human beings.https://www.cnt.es/noticias/el-capitalismo-invade-ucrania/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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