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zondag 18 september 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #BRAZIL #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) #Brazil, CAB:[FARPA-AL]Now they want to talk about fighting hunger (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 From electoral debates to government programs, the fight against hunger, poverty

and misery has been heard repeatedly in the pulpits and platforms of candidatesfor the Government of Alagoas. Mixed between the nitpicking and performances ofthe opponents among themselves, these opponents of the people are unconvincing.---- Data that used to go unnoticed today are conveniently used to demonstratethe harsh reality of a state that, in fact, grows in conditions of hunger,illiteracy, the absolute lack of prospects for work and sustenance. What theypoint out as a solution: tax exemption and business development, or palliativemeasures (urgently necessary but, alone, insufficient) of aid grants. They putthe fight against hunger as propaganda, while ignoring the complexity and howtheir own decisions - within the personal political history of their allies,parties, and coalitions - even ACCENTATED the hunger situation.Where does Paulo Dantas' trajectory show that he intends to fight poverty? Hearrived "at the last minute" taking over the government of Renan Filho (MDB), ofwhich he was deputy, and tried to hurriedly release various measures aimed atelections. However, if your demarcation is the story of the former governor andson of Renan Calheiros, let him also bear the burden: it is not possible toforget how much FECOEP was tied up and used in a dispersed way, leaving those whoneed it most in fact in a helplessness situation - and we are talking about afund that had more than R$ 800 million!Where does the trajectory of Fernando Collor de Mello (PROS) point towardssomeone who really wants to think about those who need it most? He who is theflag bearer of Bolsonarism and anti-people measures, who defaulted on savings andtoday defaults to his company's former workers. He also voted in favor of theso-called "secret budget", which allocates funds to the Budget through therapporteur's amendments. In addition to voting for what would be a new laborreform in order to make life even more difficult for young workers, who could behired without the right to vacation, 13th, FGTS and other labor rights. If themeasure had been approved, it would have made it even more difficult to inspectslave-like labor, increase the working hours of miners, reduce overtime payments,etc.Where did Rodrigo Cunha's (PSDB) trajectory demonstrate legitimate socialinterest, when he voted in favor of the Social Security Reform, the PEC dosPrecatórios that will manage R$ 100 billion of the Precatórios for AuxílioBrasil, in an electoral dynamic that handles the Ceiling of Spending, but not apenny among the richest. In fact, Cunha, who preaches transparency so much, alsovoted in favor of the Secret Budget. From Rui Palmeira, the story comes from here in Maceió and we don't forget thatit was his management who built a cost containment plan that intended to mortifythe retirement of municipal servants and other attacks on the civil service. Itwas he who consummated the extinction of the Vila dos Pescadores de Jaraguá,bringing absurd impacts felt until today by the traditional fishing communitythat today struggles for sustenance, still facing illness, deaths, to benefiteconomic segments with the deepening of the process of segregation, hygiene andracism. environmental.Speaking of housing, we extend to environmental issues, where the silence isbrutal on the part of ALL OF THEM regarding the impacts of criminal miningcommitted by BRASKEM, which today slip much more than in the five neighborhoodsdirectly affected. In the eviction and absurd impunity of a company that, in theend, will WIN with all the destruction caused against the people.Fighting selective hunger? How is this possible? Contributing with everythingthat strengthens the insecurity of life, housing, security, health, education andobviously food of the people? Nothing new and so deserving of the criticism madein the 1920s by Maria Lacerda de Moura: "It is not a question of smearing thecause of the bloody wound of misery, even at the heart of opulence, alongsideidleness that cynically enjoys itself after throw a few nickels at the starving,nickels stolen from the hard work of the exploited of wages. There is only theconcern of throwing a crumb into the gaping mouth of hunger, perhaps to be leftin peace... And having fun at the expense of pain, bitterness, hunger, is toinsult suffering".It is the trap of charity that limits itself to uprooting the dignity of thepeople and demobilizing them, as she adds: "It is when we come to the conclusionthat charity humiliates, depreciates, devirilizes; it defies the one who givesand the one who receives; when we feel that the solution to human problems is notcharity that suffocates all the inner fibers from which, from the gaping faces ofmisery and leftovers, the superfluous; the charity that strangles all the latentenergies of those who stretch out their hands to slavishly receive what is leftof the orgies and exploitation of those who live at the expense of other people'swork; when, by itself, the morality on which the prevailing society feeds decreesthe bankruptcy, that odious morality, of the pious rich and the poor classesreceiving alms, of charitable and exploited exploiters calculatedly guarded bythe armed force, which maintains external passivity. .It is not a matter of just pointing out the history one by one, to discredit theintentionality of the fight against hunger.Here we denounce the hypocrisy of speeches that do not match the practice, whilewe understand that even the best-intentioned with a coherent posture, and whoeven denounce this type of practice, by placing themselves in this place ofcandidacy in Alagoas, dispute a a place that - within the political trick of therepresentative regime - will be able to accomplish little for the good of thepeople, in fact, it will be able to do almost nothing for it alone to "bring thepeople to power". Not within this institutional framework, since the constructionof popular power will not come from the top down.To those who still realized: there was no woman, and even if there were, we stillremember when Lacerda de Moura notes how much "that these claims cannot belimited to charitable action or a simple right to vote that does not come, anyway to resolve the question of human happiness and will be restricted to a verylimited number of women." Her context in keeping with the time was critical ofthe misrepresentations of feminism interpreted through suffragist eyes, but it iswhat she says about the fight against misery that touches us so much.It is necessary to be very, very careful, with the traps posed by the charitabletakeover of the electoral process. It is still worth how much "we owe togovernmental superstition, to sectarian religious superstition, to patrioticsuperstition, to nationalist superstition, to the superstition of materialprogress, to the greed of the few and the servility of the majority - thepredominance of this civilization of two social classes: the of the rich and thepoor. Humanity will find it difficult to understand that social life could unfoldin an environment of solidarity, of mutual assistance, without masters or slaves,without protectors and protégés, without parliamentary representations ingraduated mediocracies".It may cost, Maria, but the day will come.MUTUAL SUPPORT AND SELF-MANAGEMENT: WITHOUT PEACE AND CHOICE FOR THE RICHAnd that is why this conversation is not one of hopelessness. As Malatesta putsit, "we are not simply a negative force, but we want to be and we are an active,operative, effective force in the struggle for emancipation". It is with him thatwe also know how much "the isolated, occasional propaganda, which is often donewith the aim of calming your conscience, or simply to give free rein to yourpassion for discussion, this propaganda is for nothing or next to nothing. It isforgotten, it is lost before its effects can be added to one another and becomefruitful, in view of the conditions of unconsciousness and misery of the massesand, on the other hand, all the forces that are against us. "It's not just hopelessness in voting or criticism of charity: What we understandis just that the path of hope in a better world is not that way. And as manytimes as necessary, we bet that, instead of representation by a State thatdecides from the top down, only in the organization of those below that we canface and enforce our rights and, above all, actually fight hunger by reaching itscauses, taking care of what is emergency on its own, building a future in whichit has no more ground to exist.The rich will not return in peace what they took from us. They won't return it onthe platforms or when they come down from it in their offices. Will not return.The trap of charity that buys votes is well aware of this and therefore needshunger to exist. It is this charity that confronts everything we bet on: anemancipated, libertarian society that takes root while taking care of emergenciesthrough mutual support. It is this mutual help that shows solidarity whilebuilding a new reality shoulder to shoulder. The campaign to combat hunger thatwe invite is, therefore, an opposite and concrete path. It does not involvechoosing candidates, but choosing people, social movements, neighborhoods,schools, unions, to build solutions collectively.Want to know more about our CAMPAIGN?https://cabanarquista.org/2022/09/05/farpa-al-agora-querem-falar-de-combate-a-fome/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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