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zondag 18 september 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #SPAIN #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) #Spain, CNT Valladolid calls strike at LAVA (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 In an assembly of workers of the union section of the CNT in the LAVA workplace,

it has been agreed to call an indefinite strike starting on Sunday, September 11,before the MEG company and the Municipal Foundation for Culture of the ValladolidCity Council. ---- We would never want to have come to this, but theunsustainable lack of payment of wages for more than two months, added to thelack of response from the company and the City Council in the face of a guaranteeof maintaining jobs, has caused this necessary decision on the part of theworkers. ---- This work center is not the only one in this situation, since thecompany and the administrations have been prolonging the agony for months,maintaining their contracts with a company that is already known not to pay theworkforce. In addition, the administrations remain uncertain about jobs by notguaranteeing subrogation as it should be done when there is a succession ofcompanies.The business network of the Valladolid City Council maintains its thousands ofworkers in a precarious situation that, in addition to being indecent, isillegal. The City Council uses subcontracting to eliminate the templates that areconflicting, as it did in the Calderón Theater or the Municipal Shelter. From CNTwe have shown that the dismissals that have occurred in these situations havebeen inadmissible and sometimes sanctioned with the nullity of the dismissal. Onthis occasion we find how the administration, in this case the FMC, washes itshands and waits for the liquidation of the company and the dismissal of the workers.Faced with this situation, the workforce has decided to claim their jobstability, their right to receive payment of their owed wages and also pursue theimprovement of their working conditions in a claim ignored by the companies todate, such as that they stop apply the exceptions for special work shifts at thiswork center and respect the 12-hour break between shifts provided for in theWorkers' Statute.The claims are:Guarantee the subrogation of the workforce or its hiring as direct labor personnel.Priority of payment of salaries against the payment of the company's debts.That the 12 hours of rest be applied as reflected in the Workers' Statute.CNT of Valladolidpost navigationhttps://www.cnt.es/noticias/cnt-de-valladolid-convoca-huelga-en-el-lava/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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